Friday, November 13, 2015

Thoughtful Dialogue on ACIM

I believe that each persons perception is their own personal truth while they travel this land Ron... so I honor your perception of the COURSE as you see it,

I received different messages, as they apply to me in my experience, education and the path I'm walking in life... and my body is only a channel for my spirit to work through, that is all, it is only a temple that my spirit resides in while I am present, in this moment and I have a choice as to how to bring that spirit into fruititon... that is my reality smile emoticon Ron Alexander

I also see the COURSE as teaching how to NOT be dualistic, to work with body mind & spirit in flow, the same as Abraham Hicks teaches and so many others, this is the gap in time where miracles happen and when I live my truth, body mind and soul I manifest all over the place, which is most of the time these days because I am not in conflict with body mind and spirit...

ACIM TEXT page 25, 26 & 27 and there it also cover CAUSE / EFFECT (I have the first version of the COURSE, it may be on a different page in newer additions grin emoticon XO///x

Ron Alexander Thanks for your thoughtful answer dear MaryRose. My teacher in ACIM was Dr. Bill Thetford, who asked Helen, his assistant in psych. dept. at Columbia U.: "Why can't we all get along?" She started channeling the Course, and he insisted on recording it. Helen, as an atheist, she did not like what she was hearing. However, Dr. Thetford made sure it got all put down on paper, as he was looking for "salvation." He ended up being an awesome role-model for ACIM, as he lived "LOVE IS THE ESSENCE OF MY BEING." As he sat on the edge of our group in Tiburon, when we argued about how ACIM dismissed the body and demonized the ego, he would tell us to "tear out those pages." Why, because THEY ARE JUST CONCEPTS! Now in Attitudinal Healing, we used a bunch of those "concepts" as stepping stone PRINCIPLES to the TRUTH, however we left out the dualistic ones about our body and our ego. And ACIM eventually leaves them all out, however not after a long and rocky road of having us think there is something wrong with having a body and an ego. By the way, as far as anyone knows, Helen died a very angry woman, as when she visited in Tiburon, she treated one of our teachers Aeesha Clottey as a lower class person - a maid as detailed in Aeesha's book BEYOND FEAR. Dr. Thetford died saying he 'had never felt such freedom before." Peace, LOVE IS THE ESSENCE OF OUR BEING, and that is the TRUTH, LOVE FOREVER, Ron
(God is LOVE!)

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