Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Give yourself completely to these painful places...

LIKE:..releasing your tears
touching what holds you
for if you can give yourself freely
in these painful places
you too shall become the rain.
Thanks Soul Beckons (Tracy), Will Melies and Nik, the artist
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Soul Beckons
the rain has become me
the sky breathes me now
I can fall upon the earth
over and over
cascading tears ...
are swept upon
the hidden crevices
you can find me in the glimmer
of the gems upon the leaves
yet do not get distracted by the sadness
become the ache instead
fall upon the earth
meet me upon the moistened soil
releasing your tears
touching what holds you
for if you can give yourself freely
in these painful places
you too shall become the rain
heart emoticon
peace on your path dear souls,
Tracy Soul Beckons
Artist ~ Nik Helbig

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