Monday, November 16, 2015

Day 15 - Belief Embraces All Differences

Ron Alexander ·
I am very sad you brought the "ego" back into your teachings. The "ego" is an innocent part of our wholeness. It is dualistic to blame things on our ego. It is just like fundamentalist Christians blaming everything on the "devil". Unconditional Love includes all of us including the "ego" and bringing our "shadows" to light. The "shadow" in this case would be the "inner judge" that differentiates us from other people. Our personality/ego is made up of many shadows, and our True Self will bring them to light! My Reality is my True Self which is whole and in Oneness with All!
Until you accept your ego, you are not whole. True you need to watch it like an inner child, as can cause trouble if unbalanced causing egotism, egotistical action, egoism, however it needs to be part of our unconditional love just as a child that needs boundaries.
My Reality is my True Self which is whole and in Oneness with All!
And yes our "inner child" embraces security however innocently. We are taught schisms, divisions. No child is born a racist. However, to feel safe the child needs loving boundaries.
Day 15 – Belief Embraces All Differences
Today’s meditation is about finding the common purpose and vision in humanity’s beliefs. This is how we can overcome the divisiveness of conflicting and hostile beliefs. Instead of remaining stuck in an “us versus them” mentality, we replace that with the belief that all humanity is one spiritual family. On the level of our spiritual identity, we are all equal.
When we know the truth of our shared humanity from our innermost Being, then our connection to the human family becomes a source of joy, love, and peace.
Sarvatva Namah
I open my awareness to wholeness.

Our centering thought for today is:
I rejoice in the human family.

"Faith is universal. Our specific methods for understanding it are arbitrary." 
— Dan Brown

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