Friday, November 13, 2015

Day 12 – Healing Self-Judgment - I JOYFULLY ACCEPT MYSELF

Day 12 – Healing Self-Judgment
In today’s meditation, we look at how to heal self-judgment. Self-judgment is the compromised belief that gives rise to feelings of guilt, shame, self-criticism, and self-recrimination. Self-judgment happens when one part of our divided self judges another part of us. Instead of our self functioning as an integrated whole, it fights and resists itself.
This leaves us feeling divided, depleted, and unhappy – the opposite of our core belief “I am fulfilled.” To heal this self-judgment, we can return to the wholeness of our true self. And in the midst of activity, we can also heal it by asking ourselves what we really want. In that answer, we move away from self-blame and toward the inner fulfillment we truly desire.

Our centering thought for today is:
I joyfully accept myself.

"Man is what he believes."  — Anton Chekhov

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