Tuesday, November 3, 2015

5 yr. old post - DIVINE TIMING FOR KELLY!

Thanks, Ron Alexander and FB for this flash back from 2010.
I can't explain how needed and appropriate the timing of this, today, was for me.
Gods presence and intelligence are always amazing.
Sending out love to all!
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5 Years Ago Today
Ron Alexander added a new photo to Kelly Faith's timeline — with Kelly Faith.
IL-o-v-e-y-o-u.. . Today is "Love You Day" send 2 everyone u love (andme) whetherit's real love or friend love . . . Ur spoiled if u get 5back xoxoxoxo◄smile► ... 2 hours ago Ron Alexander: Thanks Garna, Love never fails, it always (all ways) prevails!
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Kelly Faith So, FB has some timing issues- with its dates?
Just realized this is from October 19th, 2010
Not sure why it showed up in my news feed as.....5 years ago today.

Clearly, today is not Oct. 19th.

But, then again, another example of Gods timing.
Today was the day
I needed to see it!
April Lang
April Lang Wow that was a long time ago. Kids have grown A Lot!!!!
Ron Alexander Ah,. truly the Isle of LIGHT! Thanks for reposting Angel of Light with you Children of LIGHT!

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