Monday, June 1, 2015

Buddha Taught this..."Consciousness Creates Reality"

“Consciousness creates reality,” a statement that has gained a lot of attention across various alternative media outlets around the world. Make no mistake, consciousness...
Terry Orr Gautama Buddha was the greatest scientist in the history of the world. It's good to see modern science coming to the same conclusions he did 2500 years ago.
Ron Alexander thanks Terry Orr: Nancy Likes Jones: I, too, had a beautiful realization this morn as I was walking my granddog in the freshness of a new day...mine was concerning paths of least resistance. . I now realize that MY path of least resistance will begin WHERE I AM right now. I don't HAVE to make any huge changes; I can allow them to unfold in Spirit's perfect timing....

Ron Alexander Wonderful Nancy Likes Jones, Byron Katy has a book called LOVING WHAT IS, and this is what the Buddha taught also, thanks for sharing. By the way, Terry Orr, the Buddhists loved Byron The Work of Byron Katie, when I was out there when she first started.

Terry Orr That is an important realization you had Ron. Just be with the present and let each moment take its natural course. As long as we fight with ourselves against our unfolding nature, our progress will be blocked.

Ron Alexander Well, it looks like Nancy Like Jones had it, and I am still learning it with Beginners Mind!


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