Blessing must arise from within your own mind. It is not something that comes from outside. When the positive qualities of your mind increase and the negativities decrease, that is what blessing means. The Tibetan word for blessing … means transforming into magnificent potential. Therefore, blessing refers to the development of virtuous qualities you did not previously have and the improvement of those good qualities you have already developed. ― Dalai Lama XIV
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Energy of Consciousness

~ Nisargadatta
photo: star forming -- courtesy of Hubble
A Bodhisattva Speaks

A PATH OF THE HEART by Jack Kornfield - this is best book on becoming a Bodhisattva like The Dalai Lama above! I am going to study and meditate with Jack Kornfield starting this weekend.
Going to study and meditate with Jack Kornfield is the big leap I posted about below. I am a fortunate man. I did meditate with Jack in Berkeley, California in 1984 not long after he returned after becoming a monk in Thailand!
Ivan Frimmel: Although I heard only a bit - but only some high prizes - about Jack Kornfield here in South Africa, I never read any of his book/s, or heard any of his talk/s. I don't think he ever came to visit SA, otherwise I would have probably gone to see him (unless I was traveling somewhere... I also think you are very blessed to have such a wonderful time with such a renown and experienced Vipassana teacher - a student of Ajahn Chah and Joseph Goldstein... I presume the studying is residential, and mostly in the USA - for how long? Lucky you, indeed! My best wishes!!
Take the Big Step if Necessary
Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Simple Blessings!
Here is a simple thing you can do to feel happier, look younger, and raise your frequency – all within a minute! Smile…do it now and notice how you feel and look in the mirror! – Selacia

The Power to Give and Receive Blessings
It is Inner Child Week - Be Kind and Gentle
Bent Kim Lundberg Oh yes my divine friend <3 an="" aria-hidden="true" aware="" better="" child="" class="emoticon_text" font="" i="" inner="" innocent="" its="" let="" made="" nbsp="" old.="" out="" so="" them="" two="" was="" we="" week="" when="" year=""><3 aria-hidden="true" class="emoticon_text" font="" i="" love="" nbsp="" you=""><3>
Ron Alexander Yes, I try to keep aware of my inner child all the time, sometime it can rebel and try to run away or do something naughty, but little Ronnie always needs my love and care. Many unfortunately call this precious little Being our "ego" and demonize the most vulnerable part of ourselves!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Learn how to relax and let go...
Have to share this as it goes along with my theory "most people lead lives of quiet desperation." (Thoreau) thanks Yanni Maniates!
“Learn how to relax and let go emotionally, and let God/Goddess and your Guides lead you into the fullness and fulfillment of your life. When you have something that is hard to let go of, ask God/Goddess to take away that old baggage—to si...mply take it away—and to replace it with clarity. Just hand it over; it’s not your problem anymore!” —Yanni Maniates, Metaphysical Teacher & Author of:
Peace & Blessings, Yanni
Peace & Blessings, Yanni

Monday, January 28, 2013
Accept Dualities in Your Own Life
You can not come to unity/oneness consciousness until you first accept the dualities within your self. Self observation and inner reflection will help you reunite your house of soul divisions so you can transform your SELF into the crystalline light filled temple you were meant to fully reside in. ~Sabrina
Countless dualities: dark and light, joy and sadness, love and hatred, peace and war, good and bad, humor and gloom, on and on - the key is to accept and embrace each one in the present and allow it to pass, as all are temporary EXCEPT ---
My belief is that there is One Constant! That One goes by many names Love is my favorite. Also, God, Source, Divine, Spirit, I AM, Great Mystery (another fav.), Peace, Joy, Clarity, Christ, etc. Your favorite name for God? Many others I know...? And to fully experience God As LOVE, one must be fully present!

You can not come to unity/oneness consciousness until you first accept the dualities within your self. Self observation and inner reflection will help you reunite your house of soul divisions so you can transform your SELF into the crystalline light filled temple you were meant to fully reside in. ~Sabrina
Countless dualities: dark and light, joy and sadness, love and hatred, peace and war, good and bad, humor and gloom, on and on - the key is to accept and embrace each one in the present and allow it to pass, as all are temporary EXCEPT ---
My belief is that there is One Constant! That One goes by many names Love is my favorite. Also, God, Source, Divine, Spirit, I AM, Great Mystery (another fav.), Peace, Joy, Clarity, Christ, etc. Your favorite name for God? Many others I know...? And to fully experience God As LOVE, one must be fully present!
Ron Alexander thanks Effie Aghili, to me also though complex - LOVE is the ONE CONSTANT in our lives! As my fav. name for God is LOVE! And still to fully experience LOVE, One must be fully Present!
Effie Aghili Good morning dear Ron, I so agree with your beautiful words and love..The secret to our true happiness is to be present in love in the now... Merci for being love dear Ron...Hugs...<3 span="">
Language of the Heart
Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
(thanks sharing flying words from the heart Love Never Fails Effie Aghili)

Dive Deeply Into the Miracle of Life
Dive deeply into the miracle of life and let the tips of your wings be burnt by the flame, let your feet be lacerated by the thorns, let your heart be stirred by human emotion, and let your soul be lifted beyond the earth.
Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
Call of the Dervish(gratefulness.org)
Call of the Dervish(gratefulness.org)
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein
― Albert Einstein
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Learn to Love Basically Simple Infinitely Complex

Sharing learn to Love for Love Never Fails thanks Effie Aghili

Ron Alexander thanks Effie Aghili, to me also though complex - LOVE is the ONE CONSTANT in our lives! As my fav. name for God is LOVE! And still to fully experience LOVE, One must be fully Present!
Effie Aghili Good morning dear Ron, I so agree with your beautiful words and love..The secret to our true happiness is to be present in love in the now... Merci for being love dear Ron...Hugs...<3 span="">
How gentle can you be with others? with yourself?
You cannot be too gentle, too kind. Shun even to appear harsh in your treatment of each other. Joy, radiant joy, streams from the face of one who gives and kindles joy in the heart of one who receives.
St. Seraphim of Sarov(gratefulness.com)
You cannot be too gentle with yourself either. Ron
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4: 2

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4: 2
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Healing Joining at Full Moon Drumming Circle

I was not feeling well, but forced myself to go out and meditate in the sunshine at the beach and then to drive down to full moon drumming circle. Glad I did as both are very healing, especially the feeling of oneness I feel while drumming! Ho!
Great fire there tonight!

Simple Secret to Happiness + Key to Simplicity

The key to simplicity for me is mindfulness
through meditation (and I always mix prayer
with meditation possibly as a
repetitive mantr
Ra Divakar: Thanks for sharing MIriam StJohn, I find it like a lot of things - basically simple when clear and calm yet difficult when stressfully stormy! And that is when I need inspiration and meditation and prayer!
Ron Alexander: I agree with you Brother! Good analogy with sailing - beautiful and easily simple when calm winds yet difficult with high winds - stormy and stressful. That is when one needs to do what is necessary to have a calm clear mind!
Ron Alexander Meditation/prayer is what I am mainly "doing" these days, as I find it necessary for my healing William Mcelveen!
Ra Divakar Wow, Ron - surprised you are taking William Mcelveen's comment personally - re -read Don Miguel's work!
Ra Divakar Reminder: * Be impeccable with your word
* Don’t take anything personally
* Don’t make assumptions
* Always do your best
* Be skeptical, but learn to listen
"When we make the choice to practice the Toltec agreements, we begin to let go of the conditions by which we deem ourselves unworthy of our own love."
* Don’t take anything personally
* Don’t make assumptions
* Always do your best
* Be skeptical, but learn to listen
"When we make the choice to practice the Toltec agreements, we begin to let go of the conditions by which we deem ourselves unworthy of our own love."
William Mcelveen Only you can do what you do, that's why your doing what your doing. Snoop Dog. Love what you do and be happy. I said that.
William Mcelveen Yah Ra, Thanks for helping me keep Ron in check. That ego can be ruthless if not reigned in. Especially love Don's first two. Don't take it personal making an assumption/ASS....out of.....U......and....ME. Gotta love a sensative yogi. It's Kumbha Mela time. Everything is out in the open. Put some paint where it ain't!!
Ra Divakar William Mcelveen - Ron, Christi L Spivey - here is the Christian Scripture: thanks to
SelMir Hrnčić
SelMir Hrnčić
Ron Alexander OK - William Mcelveen & Ra, I can take a hint (hit on the side of the head is more like it) - need to have the Don's steps tattoed on back of one hand and Scripture tattoed on the other! PLEASE FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU!
And need to get out in the sun and meditate, as I have also the gift of SAD (seasonal affective disorder) along with my lung "problem" gift - every breath is a miracle!
True Destiny/Joyful Dreams

"Follow the JOY of your heart, and you will know exactly what is best for you, for when your heart says YEEAAHHH its your soul saying "this is me". Trust your feelings. If your thoughts doesn't make you feel good, change your mind. You are here to play LIFE in happiness and JOY, as that is how your soul that manifests you feel, so follow your JOY to align with your true self, and be in the flow"~Bent Kim Lundberg
Friday, January 25, 2013
WOW = Words of Wisdom Inspiration with Images
WOW inspiration from Gaia speaks: : There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~ Albert Einstein

More WOW: Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
Rachel Carson(gratefulness.org)
And More WOW!

More WOW: Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
Rachel Carson(gratefulness.org)
And More WOW!
![PLEASE VISIT THIS PAGE... LIKE...TAG & SHARE....UNCONDITIONALLY ♥ @[155657497908853:274:Love never fails] <3](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/s480x480/424479_202596683214934_2078667279_n.png)
Monkey Mind, Great Mystery, Mindfulness
"words reduce reality to something the human mind can understand, which isn't all that much."
"words can cast an almost hypnotic spell on you. You easily lose yourself in them , become hypnotized into implicitly believing that when you've attached a word to a thing, you know what it is. The fact is, you don't know what it is. You've only covered up the mystery with a label." -Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth
Or -
Ron Alexander: Need to read this AM - my super busy "monkey" mind drove me out of my bed. However I was inspired by Will Melies' - post - Live as if nothing is a miracle or live as if everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein! And will meditate for mindfulness!
"words can cast an almost hypnotic spell on you. You easily lose yourself in them , become hypnotized into implicitly believing that when you've attached a word to a thing, you know what it is. The fact is, you don't know what it is. You've only covered up the mystery with a label." -Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth
Or -
Ron Alexander: Need to read this AM - my super busy "monkey" mind drove me out of my bed. However I was inspired by Will Melies' - post - Live as if nothing is a miracle or live as if everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein! And will meditate for mindfulness!
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