Blessing must arise from within your own mind. It is not something that comes from outside. When the positive qualities of your mind increase and the negativities decrease, that is what blessing means. The Tibetan word for blessing … means transforming into magnificent potential. Therefore, blessing refers to the development of virtuous qualities you did not previously have and the improvement of those good qualities you have already developed. ― Dalai Lama XIV
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Illusion of Seperateness - Stardust is our origin
We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness. Thich Nhat Hanh
We are all made up of the same stardust! ron
Never ever lose your sense of wonder
At twilight just before sunrise, I was walking on the docks, when I hear this drone, that sounded like a busy beehive. I looked up from where the sound was coming from and saw this eight arm flying machine with flashing blue and red lights on alternate arms. Since it was above me, coming toward me, I thought it was a UFO or something. Then as it got closer, I saw it was about the circular size of a 50 gal. drum (a little bigger). And has it landed near me, I saw it had a camera on it. Then I met the 2 young men who were in charge of it. One was operating Artemis, the Octocopter, with the precision of a pilot, as there was not that much room on the docks. And the other was operating the camera with a computer! I questioned them, out of curiosity, for awhile and was amazed at the people who walked by without a second glance! The one dog who was being walked demonstrated more curiosity than her owner.
I think that cynicism - being jaded is a killer! Troubled kids I have worked with had lost their childhood sense of wonder! Don't do it! Be full of wonder (wonderfull), aliveness and gratitude!
I think that cynicism - being jaded is a killer! Troubled kids I have worked with had lost their childhood sense of wonder! Don't do it! Be full of wonder (wonderfull), aliveness and gratitude!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Source of Power
As I relax my body, consciously and definitely - which I am able to do by mentally relaxing (meditating) and dropping all strain-I feel flowing through me a vital energy, a dynamic force, a great surge of living Power. I feel immersed in and saturated by a vital Essence of Perfection, which brings me into turn with life. (Ernest Holmes - paraphrased - I added "meditation" - my truth)
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Allow Love to Express Through You
Dr. Dean Banks & Ra Divakar Thanks!
The mind deceives while the spirit reveals the truth. When the mind alters reality to serve its own selfish purposes, it is NOT allowing the guidance from the Spirit of God to express love through you. It's as simple as that! ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Thanx to Jeeni Zucchini for inspiring this post!
Thanx to Jeeni Zucchini for inspiring this post!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Overcome Anxiety
The Miracle of Gratitude
The miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your
perception to such
an extent that
it changes the world you see.
I experienced a little miracle today - woke up to nice dry cool Northly wind - a high pressure system that blew the windy rainy tropical storm away. We have had really wet windy conditions all week, and it was still that way yesterday AM when I was helping a friend move his boat. Then, the wet cloudy miserable conditions were in effect with one difference - the wind was blowing from the North. I told my boat buddy, that I hoped the high pressure would come in, and overnight the nice miracle happened, although Northern Florida is still being blasted by the tropical storm.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Talk Joy
Focus on the JOY in your Life ♥

William Mcelveen I was just fixing to post this to my wall and share it with you. It's a great saying and way of life. Let's do it!! Live in enjoyment!!
Ron Alexander I am sure Ra will agree!
Chris Crawford · Friends with William Mcelveen
Now this I can agree on with you Cousin Billy,LOL!!!
Ra Divakar Alright! Cuz and of course I agree Ron Alexander & thanks for joyful intentions William Mcelveen!
Ron Alexander lets create a Joy Circle!!
And bring your guitar William Mcelveen!
Ra Divakar I will joy in!
Ron Alexander lol "joy in" - sounds like a good name for group! Joy In or JOY IN?????
Life Sings Through me In Radiant Ecstasy
I have read Ernest Holmes on Stillness and joyful noise:
"Something within me remains immoveable and says 'Be still and know that I am God.'
I know that this Presence that manifests in my heart and mind is God expressing within that garment of form. As I feel this Presence more and more I hear the Song of Joy deep within me. Always when I hear the Song of Life pouring through my consciousness. I have only to listen, for it is always there...closer to me than breathing...I have nothing to fear. I feel this lovin embrace around me, and I know that it is not only a Song of Joy, but a Song of Love and Protection.
Life sings through me in radiant ecstasy."
Be still
& listen
for the
Song of
Joy from
Be still, and know that I am God.
I mean that literally.
Be still.
That is how you will know that I am God, and that I am always with you. That is how you will know that you are One with Me. That is how you will meet the Creator inside of you.
If you have come to know Me, to trust Me, to love Me, and to embrace Me – if you have taken the steps to having a friendship with God - then you will never doubt that I am with you always, and all ways.
Friendship with God by Neale Donald Walsch
"Something within me remains immoveable and says 'Be still and know that I am God.'
I know that this Presence that manifests in my heart and mind is God expressing within that garment of form. As I feel this Presence more and more I hear the Song of Joy deep within me. Always when I hear the Song of Life pouring through my consciousness. I have only to listen, for it is always there...closer to me than breathing...I have nothing to fear. I feel this lovin embrace around me, and I know that it is not only a Song of Joy, but a Song of Love and Protection.
Life sings through me in radiant ecstasy."
Be still
& listen
for the
Song of
Joy from
Be still, and know that I am God.
I mean that literally.
Be still.
That is how you will know that I am God, and that I am always with you. That is how you will know that you are One with Me. That is how you will meet the Creator inside of you.
If you have come to know Me, to trust Me, to love Me, and to embrace Me – if you have taken the steps to having a friendship with God - then you will never doubt that I am with you always, and all ways.
Friendship with God by Neale Donald Walsch
Even our Bodies are Holy
The world is holy. We are holy. All life is holy. Daily prayers are
delivered on the lips of breaking waves, the whisperings of grasses, the
shimmering of leaves.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Stood up to Hitler!
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (German pronunciation: [ˈdiːtʁɪç ˈboːnhœfɐ]; 4 February 1906 – 9 April 1945) was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian, anti-Nazi resistant, and founding member of the Confessing Church. Bonhoeffer became known for his resistance against the Nazi dictatorship strongly opposing Hitler's euthanasia programs and the genocide against the Jews.[1] He was also involved in plans by members of the Abwehr (the German Military Intelligence Office) to assassinate Adolf Hitler. He was arrested in April 1943 by the Gestapo and executed by hanging in April 1945, 23 days before the Nazis' surrender. In his role as a theologian, his view of Christianity's role in the secular world has become very influential.[2]-
How much should the Spiritual Leaders be involved in political activity? In opposing wars? In opposing extreme idealogy? There is a new autobiography of this courageous man - I think many of us need to read it! And stand up to the fascists policies now coming up from the extreme right!
Quiet Desperation or Joyful Noise?
Most men (people) lead lives of quiet desperation.
Be still, and the world is bound to turn herself inside out to entertain you. Everywhere you look, joyful noise is clanging to drown out quiet desperation.
Be still, and the world is bound to turn herself inside out to entertain you. Everywhere you look, joyful noise is clanging to drown out quiet desperation.
Barbara Kingsolver (gratefulness.org)
I have read Ernest Holmes on Stillness and joyful noise: "Something within me remains immoveable and says 'Be still and know that I am God.'
I know that this Presence that manifests in my heart and mind is God expressing within that garment of form. As I feel this Presence more and more I hear the Song of Joy deep within me. Always when I hear the Song of Life pouring through my consciousness. I have only to listen, for it is always there...closer to me than breathing...I have nothing to fear. I feel this lovin embrace around me, and I know that it is not only a Song of Joy, but a Song of Love and Protection.
Life sings through me in radiant ecstasy.
Ron: Be still and hear yourself breath & meditate!
Ra Divakar Huh! "Be still and hear a joyful noise" - I guess that is more subtle noises like that of water lapping, wind blowing, your breathe and the whisper of a lover?
I have read Ernest Holmes on Stillness and joyful noise: "Something within me remains immoveable and says 'Be still and know that I am God.'
I know that this Presence that manifests in my heart and mind is God expressing within that garment of form. As I feel this Presence more and more I hear the Song of Joy deep within me. Always when I hear the Song of Life pouring through my consciousness. I have only to listen, for it is always there...closer to me than breathing...I have nothing to fear. I feel this lovin embrace around me, and I know that it is not only a Song of Joy, but a Song of Love and Protection.
Life sings through me in radiant ecstasy.
Ron: Be still and hear yourself breath & meditate!
"The very concept of stillness is an illusion based on the illusion of time. In other words stillness is not exactly a real possibility. That is why when you sit in quiet meditation you discover that the world is not so still as it seems; that things are constantly in motion even though they seem still by degrees." The Twelve" (in "The Cause of Time")
Sunday, June 24, 2012
The Cause of Time
Your vibration and the evolution of it is indeed the cause of what you call time. In our perspective there is only now, and your sum vibrational content now, always evolving and changing. Always in the moment of growth. The very concept of stillness is an illusion based on the illusion of time. In other words stillness is not exactly a real possibility. That is why when you sit in quiet meditation you discover that the world is not so still as it seems; that things are constantly in motion even though they seem still by degrees.
The degree of separation that you have from the present moment is the only possible way you can be assured of the existence of anything. That is, if you cannot separate yourself out from it, you cannot be aware of its separate existence. And of course that separation is itself an illusion when qualified with the totality of your True Being.
When you are the One-Being—All That IS—then you are unaware of things like separateness and motion and time. It is only your sense of separation that allows these things (and the people, places and things of your world) to exist for you. Independently of All That IS you have no separate existence.
The stoppage of time is the re-union with Oneness. Seeking it in meditation is a bit like looking for the glasses stuck on your forehead though. The simple act of looking for something that is somehow lost implies the very separation from it, and therefore prevents your realizing that you already are it.
Thus you have already arrived at the place where time is no longer. Time does not exist in the present moment, nor do any of the separate things; only now and the Fullness of Being. You are not evolving…you are choosing—sorting through the toy chest in a way, looking for that which will please you. You are already All-That-IS.
As you are, we see you.
Noy back from Rumi Land yet?
Wonder how our Angel of Joy Noy Traba-g is doing in Rumi Land - did you twirl to another dimension, my dear? (Noy's Journey to Konya - older post)
Don't Tell Your Problems

William Mcelveen I wouldn't fall into the don't care category. I'm glad he has his problems to overcome. How else would he grow? What's the purpose for being here if we don't have problems to solve with the answer. Love.

William Mcelveen Actually there are no problems, only solutions. I wrote a song about it before somebody shot me dead/alive. John Lennon.
Ron Alexander Awesome responses, William Mcelveen!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Don't Believe Everything you Think

Sound like my weekly Libran horoscope: Here is my nomination for one of the world's Ten Biggest problems: Our refusal to control the pictures and thoughts that pop into our minds. For example, I can personally testify that when a fearful image worms its way into the space behind my eyes. I sometimes let it stimulate a surge of negative emotions rather than just banish it or just question whether it is true. I am calling this to your attention, Libra, because in the weeks ahead you'll have more power than usual to modulate your stream of consciousness. Have you ever seen the 'bumper sticker that says "Don't believe everything you think." Make that your mantra.
Rob Brezney
Rob Brezney
Sailing with Fellow Vets
Veterans on Deck - Charleston, S. C. I had the honor of sailing with these great fellow vets in a therapeutic programs for vets. with PTSD. It was an awesomely beautiful day of sailing and fellowship!
The mission of Veterans on Deck is to help establish functional and rewarding lives in Veterans, while recognizing the unique and often life changing experiences service in the Armed Forces brings. Specifically, to build on each Veteran’s existing military training by using the maritime setting to enhance vocational, familial, and interpersonal functioning.
This will be accomplished through a three pronged approach involving maritime job skills training obtained through internships with local boatyards and marinas, team-building and problem solving experiences obtained through offshore sailing efforts with other Veteran crewmembers, and integrated empirically-based treatments for those mental health needs most frequently encountered by Veterans.
This multifaceted approach will provide specific and marketable maritime skills to Veterans in a context that also addresses the frequently co-occurring psychological wounds borne by service members, while at the same time providing a forum for these new vocational and interpersonal skills to be used and refined.
Our objective is to offer programs that are not just therapeutic, but also address the deeper vocational and social recalibration needs of returning Veterans.
The mission of Veterans on Deck is to help establish functional and rewarding lives in Veterans, while recognizing the unique and often life changing experiences service in the Armed Forces brings. Specifically, to build on each Veteran’s existing military training by using the maritime setting to enhance vocational, familial, and interpersonal functioning.

This will be accomplished through a three pronged approach involving maritime job skills training obtained through internships with local boatyards and marinas, team-building and problem solving experiences obtained through offshore sailing efforts with other Veteran crewmembers, and integrated empirically-based treatments for those mental health needs most frequently encountered by Veterans.
This multifaceted approach will provide specific and marketable maritime skills to Veterans in a context that also addresses the frequently co-occurring psychological wounds borne by service members, while at the same time providing a forum for these new vocational and interpersonal skills to be used and refined.

Friday, June 22, 2012
A New Open Look at Confidence
Confidence, like art, never comes from having all the answers; it
comes from being open to all the questions.
Earl Gray Stevens(gratefulness.org)
Oprah is open to all the questions!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Happy Summer Solstice
Peaceful Julie: ☮ Peace ☮
♥˜”*°•. ˜”*°•♥•°*”˜ .•°*”˜”*°•.
⋱ ⋮ ⋰ . ˜..Friends are like..˜ ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯---- Rays of sun light.----⋯ ◯ ⋯-
ღ ⋮ ღ ⋱✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿⋰ ⋮ ღ ⋱
♥˜”*°•. ˜”*°•♥•°*”˜ .•°*”˜”*°•.
⋱ ⋮ ⋰ . ˜..Friends are like..˜ ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯---- Rays of sun light.----⋯ ◯ ⋯-
ღ ⋮ ღ ⋱✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿⋰ ⋮ ღ ⋱
God Made You Just Way You Are - Beautiful
God made you just the way you are - and you are beautiful. Share this image to pass it on. ♥

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God's handwriting - a wayside sacrament. Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower, and thank God for it as a cup of blessing.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Pray without Ceasing
Make your meditation a continuous state of mind. A great worship is
going on all the time, so nothing should be neglected or excluded from your
constant meditative awareness.
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Great Swan by Lex Hixon(greatfulness.org)
Great Swan by Lex Hixon(greatfulness.org)
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Follow the Crowd?
One reason I need my space with room for spontaniety! Thanks Alan Peterson

Anatoly Petrenko You just knew it my friend! Thank you for connecting with this luminous thought!
Being alone and free from distractions is rare for most of us and that is the place where no other being can enter. It is exclusive repository of our true happiness!
Being alone and free from distractions is rare for most of us and that is the place where no other being can enter. It is exclusive repository of our true happiness!
The Wright brothers flew right through the smoke screen of
Charles Kettering
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