Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Many Believe Orbs to be Angels"

The above picture illustrates a pole blocking one edge of the orb behind it. Many believe these orbs to be angels.

Some of them look like "mandalas" to me - One person who has studied them say they are "departed ancestors coming back to visit in spirit form"
"Perhaps as our heightened awareness of our oneness increases we are able to see the translucence of their spirit. I like to think so anyway." Rev. Ruth (see her email below)

Ron, these orbs are amazing beyond words! I've never seen so many in a picture before. How could One ever again entertain the possibility of being alone?? Can't happen! See you tonight. Dance on...... J.)
And here is a email from Rev. Ruth Looper of Pendleton Unity Church of Practical Christianity:

My brother and I have observed many family pictures to have "orbs" in them especially at family gatherings.

My Mother passed away in Dec of 2008 and orbs were very noticeable in the pictures at the in-house hospice facility and in the family gathering room at the mortuary. There have been others since that time at holiday time especially one's with the children in them - orbs nearby as they unwrapped their presents.

Since we began observing them and sharing information with friends and they with us, there are more and more orb appearances.

There is an orb movie release that I would like to obtain and show at the church.

Perhaps as our heightened awareness of our oneness increases we are able to see the translucence of their spirit. I like to think so anyway.

Interesting isn't it?

Love & Blessings,


(What a magnificent orb on our own Angel on Earth - Susan)

I do believe this a form that spirits take I got the spirit in the photograph above in different forms as a apparition and orb . Comment by Theresa F. Koch

Thanks, Ron, for such a great story. I love to hear about the orbs. A fairly large orb of light actually came into my bedroom (very visible!) in Columbia in the late 1990's. The same (at least by description) orb visited a friend of mine during the same period. She and her husband own a plantation there where they did civil war reinactments. She showed me several pictures where there were translucent figures among and above the participants.