Blessing must arise from within your own mind. It is not something that comes from outside. When the positive qualities of your mind increase and the negativities decrease, that is what blessing means. The Tibetan word for blessing … means transforming into magnificent potential. Therefore, blessing refers to the development of virtuous qualities you did not previously have and the improvement of those good qualities you have already developed. ― Dalai Lama XIV
Monday, April 30, 2018
Rajneesh Purim in Antelope, Wild Wild Country
Ron Alexander Have you studied Osho's teachings, especially to his Western Students?
Ron Alexander If you get netflix watch Wild, Wild Country about his Ashram in Oregon.
Thankas Inn DharamshalaThankas Inn and 17 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for The Symphony Of Life. Ron Alexander i have read many of his books, i very much like it. started watching the movie but i didnt resonate with it. It was not made in the same spiritual energy.
Ron Alexander I loved his original books, and almost became a disciple until I met some of them over here. He attempted to make sexuality and capitalism sacred. It did not work, as many of his followers perverted his ideas. And I agree with Tantric Sexuality, but our country is not ready for sacred sex, and I don't think capitalism can be made sacred.
Ron Alexander Many in Rajneesh Oregon came to Northern California, when it folded, where I lived. Some became respected movement/dance teachers. The tantric sexual teachers that I got to know, were mostly perverted in their teaching unfortunately.
Just by sitting quietly and observing how rapidly, and in many ways illogically, my thoughts and emotions came and went, I began to recognize in a direct way that they weren't nearly as solid or real as they appeared to be

"Gradually I began to recognize how feeble and transitory the thoughts and emotions that had troubled me for years actually were, and how fixating on small problems had turned them into big ones. Just by sitting quietly and observing how rapidly, and in many ways illogically, my thoughts and emotions came and went, I began to recognize in a direct way that they weren't nearly as solid or real as they appeared to be. And once I began to let go of my belief in the story they seemed to tell, I began to see the 'author' behind them - the infinitely vast, infinitely open awareness that is the nature of mind.
Any attempt to capture the direct experience of the nature of mind in words is impossible. The best that can be said is that the experience is immeasurably peaceful, and, once stabilized through repeated experience, virtually unshakeable. It's an experience of absolute well-being that radiates through all physical, emotional, and mental states - even those that might be ordinarily labelled as unpleasant. This sense of well-being, regardless of the fluctuation of outer and inner experiences, is one of the clearest ways to understand what Is truly meant by 'happiness'."
Observe the mind, don't ..
Jan Shi
Amanda Yorke Great image: the dragonfly that hovers on the surface of the water as the meditator's attention hovers lightly on the surface of the conscious mind.
Is it "conquering our ego"" or ...
Ron Alexander As for"conquering their ego", poor demonized "ego", no part of me is junk. The "ego" is a necessary as long as we have a body. Those masters who have claimed to have lost their egos, require a lot of servants to help take care of their physical needs. Even then, I have been in Ashrams with Masters like that, and they would get angry at their servants.Manage
Thankas Inn DharamshalaThankas Inn and 17 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for The Symphony Of Life.
❤️ here conquering means controlling the disturbing emotions.
An old manager from a Vipassana center, having reached a very high level, passed away. 3 people were needed to replace him in doing the work he did...
🌈 i wish one day you will meet one of those masters, they are very kind, loving and most generous
An old manager from a Vipassana center, having reached a very high level, passed away. 3 people were needed to replace him in doing the work he did...

Ron Alexander Thanks, so why not write that "controlling the disturbing emotions". And Buddha said it is about controlling our thoughts which creates our emotions.Manage
Thankas Inn Dharamshala Ron Alexander the Buddha also said “understanding and realising interdependent origination is the only way to completely uproot the disturbing emotions”. The Buddha was always teaching according to the understanding and capacity of the people present in that moment, the 3 turnings of the wheel of dharma were needed dor this. During those he gave different teachings for different mind capacities
Ron Alexander Is not "interdependent origination" really simply our thoughts? And is not "ego" the "new thought" satan?Manage
Thankas Inn Dharamshala Ron Alexander thoughts are the result of interdependent origination.
Ego is not all bad. We need a workable ego in order to reach liberation, not a destructive ego.
I.ex. I want to reach liberation for the well being of all sentient beings. In the aspiration stage there is still ego (identification with phenomena) but it is helping is towards liberation.
ManageEgo is not all bad. We need a workable ego in order to reach liberation, not a destructive ego.
I.ex. I want to reach liberation for the well being of all sentient beings. In the aspiration stage there is still ego (identification with phenomena) but it is helping is towards liberation.
Ron Alexander Above is what Meher Baba thought, we need an ego until we don't ...however, I have been to his International Center many times, and he is one Master who got crankier the older he got and was supposedly "egoless." I really respect his teachings though, and really get alot out of his Center, as his SPIRIT is still evident, even with his body gone for years.
Thankas Inn Dharamshala Ron Alexander this is why we have to examine a master for years before taking him/her as a teacher.
For us, minds with obscurations, it is very difficult to find out why a master is angry.
A true master sees the obscurations in our minds and teaches us accordingly and will hold nothing back to help us, even if it is manifesting anger. If that is what the students need in that moment then that is what he will manifest
For us, minds with obscurations, it is very difficult to find out why a master is angry.
A true master sees the obscurations in our minds and teaches us accordingly and will hold nothing back to help us, even if it is manifesting anger. If that is what the students need in that moment then that is what he will manifest
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