Blessing must arise from within your own mind. It is not something that comes from outside. When the positive qualities of your mind increase and the negativities decrease, that is what blessing means. The Tibetan word for blessing … means transforming into magnificent potential. Therefore, blessing refers to the development of virtuous qualities you did not previously have and the improvement of those good qualities you have already developed. ― Dalai Lama XIV
Monday, November 30, 2015
Yea, all military dogs guaranteed a ride home and retirement on U. S. soil
Angels Watching over us

Doreen Virtue
I'm praying for your health, happiness, and support. May you feel the strength and protection of God and your guardian angels, and have faith that you are safe and supported. http://bit.ly/MiraclesOfArchangelMichael
Place of Undying compassion
...this place
of undying compassion
rocks my inner hurts and stinging anger
soothes me so I can greet this world more freely
my acceptance of my fumbles
my willingness to see beyond the broken
is nourished in this small yet vast place
I hope you too have a place of softness deep within
May today find you tending to it sweetly.
of undying compassion
rocks my inner hurts and stinging anger
soothes me so I can greet this world more freely
my acceptance of my fumbles
my willingness to see beyond the broken
is nourished in this small yet vast place
I hope you too have a place of softness deep within
May today find you tending to it sweetly.

Soul Beckons
I keep a place of softness
deep down
this place holds me
in times of struggle
welcomes in the ways of this life that rattle me...
helps me see a bigger picture somehow
this place
of undying compassion
rocks my inner hurts and stinging anger
soothes me so I can greet this world more freely
my acceptance of my fumbles
my willingness to see beyond the broken
is nourished in this small yet vast place
I hope you too have a place of softness deep within
May today find you tending to it sweetly.
heart emoticon
Tracy Soul Beckons
deep down
this place holds me
in times of struggle
welcomes in the ways of this life that rattle me...
helps me see a bigger picture somehow
this place
of undying compassion
rocks my inner hurts and stinging anger
soothes me so I can greet this world more freely
my acceptance of my fumbles
my willingness to see beyond the broken
is nourished in this small yet vast place
I hope you too have a place of softness deep within
May today find you tending to it sweetly.
heart emoticon
Tracy Soul Beckons
artist ~ John Bauer
Access your Own POWER

MaryRose Winkler with Umesh Dutta Sharma and 49 others.
Pure truth! There is NOTHING to be saved / rescued from, except the illusion that you need to be saved / rescued
* People don't need to be saved or rescued. People need knowledge of THEIR OWN POWER & HOW TO ACCESS IT.*
* People don't need to be saved or rescued. People need knowledge of THEIR OWN POWER & HOW TO ACCESS IT.*
The More You Sense the Rareness and Value of Your Life
The more you sense the rareness and value of your own life, the more you realize that how you use it, how you manifest it, is all your responsibility. We face such a big task, so naturally we sit down for a while.
The Best Way We can Benefit others
The earth seems to be beseeching us to connect with joy and discover our innermost essence. This is the best way that we can benefit others.
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Times are difficult globally; awakening is no longer a luxury or an ideal. It’s becoming critical. We don’t need to add more depression, more discouragement, or more anger to what’s already here. It’s becoming essential that we learn how to relate sanely with difficult times. The earth seems to be beseeching us to connect with joy and discover our innermost essence. This is the best way that we can benefit others. -Pema Chodron |
Good Morning, good week - in joy, ron
Open your heart to tune into the love of the angels shining down upon you.
heart emoticon
heart emoticon
Bursting out laughing...lmao
Do you ever just burst out laughing, Ron, when you suddenly remember that I'm always with you, right by your side, marshalling the troops, summoning legions, moving mountains, and constantly planning for the best of times?
Cool, most sages do.
The Universe
Cool, most sages do.
The Universe
Saturday, November 28, 2015
War is Monstrous
“War and the large military establishments ...exist solely to kill human beings. We should think carefully about the reality of war. Most of us ... feel that war is acceptable ...we have been brainwashed. War is neither glamorous nor attractive. It is monstrous. Its very nature is one of tragedy and suffering.”
The truth about why we stay sad

Why is it that some of us bounce back from rough times, and others of us get sucked under? The spiritual teacher and author of the new book, The Future of God, shows us how to help ourselves and the people we care about.
Happiness has never been a simple matter. What makes us happy as children is much simpler than what makes us happy as adults—and grown-up happiness tends to be bittersweet. You may find someone you deeply love, yet there are always compromises in the relationship, along with arguments, disappointments and tough obstacles for both people. In polls, around 80 percent of Americans say that they are happy; but no one has ever discovered what exactly makes someone happy. My idea of happiness might make you miserable, and vice versa.
Let's cut to the most basic questions. Can you be happy every minute of the day? No. Does romantic love guarantee happiness? Does having a baby? No to both questions. Is happiness hard work? Most people find it so. Compared to a person's dream of perfect happiness, these are discouraging answers. But I think the situation contains possibilities and rewards that most of us never suspect. Achieving perfect happiness is possible. It simply requires a major sacrifice: You must give up your assumptions about what will make you happy.
The world's wisdom traditions, from the Indian Vedas to Buddhism and Christianity, have examined human happiness and unhappiness in depth. The points these traditions make do not fit into our Westernized, capitalistic culture and are not what you'd expect:
1) Pleasure isn't the same as happiness, and getting more pleasure isn't what will make you happy.
2) Unhappiness is rooted in not knowing who you really are.
3) Relying on another person's love to make you happy means that they also have the power to take your happiness away. Even the prospect of this is enough to make happiness feel insecure.
4) Eternal happiness isn't a matter of finding your way to paradise, but of contacting the bliss that's a fundamental aspect of pure consciousness. To capture such bliss personally requires some lifestyle adaptations.
Let's expand on the last point, since the promise of happiness as an inner state—one that nobody can take away from you—depends on what you're willing to do to realize it.
1) Live close to nature's rhythms and cycles, especially with regard to getting good sleep and going out into natural beauty on a regular basis.
2) Reduce external stressors, making a serious effort to live and work in a positive environment.
3) Make time every day to relax. Make time every day to play.
4) Let your brain experience the quiet inner state that is the gateway to higher consciousness. Meditation takes you on the inward path, but there are similar traditions and techniques of prayer, contemplation, self-reflection and Hatha Yoga.
5) Limit the toxicity of alcohol, tobacco and adulterated food. Favor a natural, organic diet whenever possible. Drink pure water; breathe pure air.
6) Dedicate your primary relationship to mutual happiness. Work together so that your partner's happiness feels as fulfilling as your own.
7) Avoid the daily temptations of negativity, such as gossip, dwelling on bad news, venting our anger and impatience and blaming others.
8) Take responsibility for your own happiness.
9) Aim at the highest kind of happiness, which is spiritual and devoid of ego.
10) Enjoy the lifelong project of building a self, because it is the prospect of a fulfilled self that brings satisfaction even in the face of resistance, obstacles and setbacks.
Despite the disappointments you've already experienced, happiness is achievable beyond anything you've imagined. The secret is to realize that happiness isn't a mood, it's the most natural way to feel, something we all knew as children. Life becomes more complex as we grow up, but that fact doesn't take away our birthright. It just means that we must apply our awareness, getting past the obstacles that hide the underlying happiness that is always there, waiting to be awakened.
Deepak Chopra is the author of The Ultimate Happiness Prescription, and the upcoming book The Future of God. Join him on Oprah's The Life You Want Weekend tour this fall.
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/Why-We-Stay-Sad-Deepak-Chopra-Advice#ixzz3spUUQLiC
Let's cut to the most basic questions. Can you be happy every minute of the day? No. Does romantic love guarantee happiness? Does having a baby? No to both questions. Is happiness hard work? Most people find it so. Compared to a person's dream of perfect happiness, these are discouraging answers. But I think the situation contains possibilities and rewards that most of us never suspect. Achieving perfect happiness is possible. It simply requires a major sacrifice: You must give up your assumptions about what will make you happy.
The world's wisdom traditions, from the Indian Vedas to Buddhism and Christianity, have examined human happiness and unhappiness in depth. The points these traditions make do not fit into our Westernized, capitalistic culture and are not what you'd expect:
1) Pleasure isn't the same as happiness, and getting more pleasure isn't what will make you happy.
2) Unhappiness is rooted in not knowing who you really are.
3) Relying on another person's love to make you happy means that they also have the power to take your happiness away. Even the prospect of this is enough to make happiness feel insecure.
4) Eternal happiness isn't a matter of finding your way to paradise, but of contacting the bliss that's a fundamental aspect of pure consciousness. To capture such bliss personally requires some lifestyle adaptations.
Let's expand on the last point, since the promise of happiness as an inner state—one that nobody can take away from you—depends on what you're willing to do to realize it.
1) Live close to nature's rhythms and cycles, especially with regard to getting good sleep and going out into natural beauty on a regular basis.
2) Reduce external stressors, making a serious effort to live and work in a positive environment.
3) Make time every day to relax. Make time every day to play.
4) Let your brain experience the quiet inner state that is the gateway to higher consciousness. Meditation takes you on the inward path, but there are similar traditions and techniques of prayer, contemplation, self-reflection and Hatha Yoga.
5) Limit the toxicity of alcohol, tobacco and adulterated food. Favor a natural, organic diet whenever possible. Drink pure water; breathe pure air.
6) Dedicate your primary relationship to mutual happiness. Work together so that your partner's happiness feels as fulfilling as your own.
7) Avoid the daily temptations of negativity, such as gossip, dwelling on bad news, venting our anger and impatience and blaming others.
8) Take responsibility for your own happiness.
9) Aim at the highest kind of happiness, which is spiritual and devoid of ego.
10) Enjoy the lifelong project of building a self, because it is the prospect of a fulfilled self that brings satisfaction even in the face of resistance, obstacles and setbacks.
Despite the disappointments you've already experienced, happiness is achievable beyond anything you've imagined. The secret is to realize that happiness isn't a mood, it's the most natural way to feel, something we all knew as children. Life becomes more complex as we grow up, but that fact doesn't take away our birthright. It just means that we must apply our awareness, getting past the obstacles that hide the underlying happiness that is always there, waiting to be awakened.
Deepak Chopra is the author of The Ultimate Happiness Prescription, and the upcoming book The Future of God. Join him on Oprah's The Life You Want Weekend tour this fall.
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/Why-We-Stay-Sad-Deepak-Chopra-Advice#ixzz3spUUQLiC
You Cannot help the world from a place of biased perception.

Bentinho Massaro
"You cannot help the world from a place of biased perception. In order to truly tap into a higher state of love and service, you need to be able to let go of yo...ur own opinion and see the full range of points of view available in any given scenario. When you can see from many different points of view and understand them all, you have attained a higher level of unbiased perception and a finer balance of Love and Wisdom, from which your service can be pure and true." ~ Bentinho Massaro
May Sun shines on our Hearts
As the Sun shines upon my heart, so may my heart shine upon others!
The Upanishads(Gratefulness.org)
How much each one of them loves YOU!

I had a dream last night, Ron, that I was you. Doing all of your favorite things, with all of your favorite people, in all of your favorite places. I also dreamed that I was all of your favorite people. Do you have any idea of how much each one of them loves you? I didn't think so, The Universe |
Whoever believes in the good in people, draws forth the good in people.
So Welcome...
Wow, was that you, Ron?!
I was just playing around with some time-space elements, inventing and stuff, when I thought I heard a familiar voice say, "Holy @#$%, Universe! Thank you so much for this day and every second of it! Exactly as it is, exactly as I am..."
Almost dropped my chocolate into my peanut butter.
You're welcome, Ron, you are so welcome - The Universe
I was just playing around with some time-space elements, inventing and stuff, when I thought I heard a familiar voice say, "Holy @#$%, Universe! Thank you so much for this day and every second of it! Exactly as it is, exactly as I am..."
Almost dropped my chocolate into my peanut butter.
You're welcome, Ron, you are so welcome - The Universe
Bursting With Delight
Gratitude makes us feel bursting with delight, just to remember the gifts we have received. Thus we are doubly blessed when we receive something: for the gift itself and later, in recall, for the miracle of having been given it.
M.J. Ryan(gratefulness.org)
Happy Sailing Thanksgiving Memories

Jeannie Mitchell shared a memory from November 26, 2013.
smile emoticon comes from our hearts; a genuine feeling of love & inner happiness expressed without words towards another (sometimes to our selves ) just loved this photo of my friend & his fellow 'Vets and wanted to share it with love heart emoticon 2 heart emoticon Happy Thanksgiving dear heart emoticon Ron Alexander heart emoticon to you and your love ones xx
A Smiling Happy Thanksgiving from Veterans on Deck
I will never understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.
Blessed Mother Teresa(gratefulness....org)
I will never understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.
Blessed Mother Teresa(gratefulness....org)
I went sailing last Friday for the first time in a while because of my moving. One vet who has complained about my liberal views (behind my back) told me that he was glad to see me back because of my "smiling a lot"! By the way, when I was told about his "complaint" against me, I responded - "well bless his heart, after all he is a veteran of Viet Nam and Iraq!" The Vet. who told me is an even angrier right wing, appeared dumfounded at my defenselessness.
I am grateful for the vet who complimented me on my smiling has produced a Thanksgiving sail and potluck on Wed.
See MoreI am grateful for the vet who complimented me on my smiling has produced a Thanksgiving sail and potluck on Wed.
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