Thursday, October 22, 2015

MLK, Jr words just as relevant today - time to speak up and take action!

Dear Ron,

In April,1963 Martin Luther King, Jr. penned a letter from his jail cell in Birmingham, Alabama.  He was the

leader of the civil rights movement and was upset.  He was clear that many understood the pain,
suffering and injustice of people of color being badly mistreated yet most people were silent.  Here is an
excerpt from the letter he hand wrote:

Over 50 years have passed and now we are in the midst of another crisis, a crisis based on spiritual illiteracy. 

In today’s worldview there is an impression the universe is not an interconnected, living system and that life
can be exploited.  We’ve lost our sense of service to life itself.  

Pope Francis, in his encyclical, urgently appealed for dialogue concerning migrants, the poor, nature and

the Earth and described these challenges as essentially spiritual problems.  Ken Wilber calls our
crisis a "flatland."Neale Donald Walsch calls it a "separation pathology."  Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee
said, "sadly we remain cut off, isolated from the spiritual dimension of life itself."

This is where you and I come in.  Martin Luther King, Jr's call to action is as relevant today as it was in

But, will we resist the temptation to be silent and instead join with others in calling for
a global s
ociety where we live as One?
Iyanla Vanzant, Desmond Tutu, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Marianne Williamson, Gray Zukav,
Wilber, Jean Houston, Ervin Laszlo, Neale Donald Walsch, Nassim Haramein, Dean Radin,
Virtue, Patricia Cota-Robles, Andrew Harvey, James O’Dea and Matt Kahn are only a few
of the leaders devoting themselves to this cause.  They are volunteering their time so we collectively
have a voice, so we can
stand up and be counted, so we create a culture that is life enhancing, life supporting and life sustaining. 
It is time for a turning point!   Are you in?

Please check out the program: It is complimentary and if you
miss any part of it you can listen-in at no charge for 48 hours.

Fortunately, we can be optimistic because an awakening, a shift has already begun.  Leaders all over

the world are calling for an awakened humanity and are tirelessly supporting life affirming initiatives. 
Will you be one?  Will you get involved and add your voice to others?

I encourage you to reserve your spot now for this important event:
Please also invite your friends.

See you there!


Steve Farrell
Worldwide Coordinating Director
Humanity’s Team

P.S. If you are called to invest financially

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