Thursday, October 22, 2015

Is "discipline" bad?

All that we call "discipline" or "self-discipline" or "will power" is the egoic, mortal mind trying to take control over and pre-empt what actually could be a natural inner process--an easy flow. This process would happen quite effortlessly, if only we would be still and allow it to begin within us and then flow out from us. This process of Love being us, flowing from us, is all the control we need. Discipline is a construct of the mindset of good vs. evil. Love, like a little child, transcends it.

Divakar I never liked the word "discipline" having a Marine Vet. for a Father, however, when I looked at the root word "disciple" , I saw it in a different way.Possibly "egoic mortal mind" is the construct (concept) of good vs. evil? Peace! I love most of your posts here, and am not trying to be divisive - dialogue instead! dear Unity!

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