Monday, December 2, 2013

Refuse to buy what Many Corporations are trying to sell us

How do you plan to reduce, reuse and recycle during the holidays?
Ra Divakar: Many Corporations seem to forget that in their greedy power hungry ways, they depend on "we, the people" who are their customers.

 Jeeni Zucchini: So our task is to enlighten others to the powers that we possess as consumers... asking them to give up their unsustainable lifestyles. 
Richard Kent Matthews Too bad people have been duped into thinking we all will go jobless without the Giants. And that's what they want us to believe. It's a grand lie.
    Ra Divakar Right on Richard Kent Matthews, thanks for sharing this with me Jeeni Zucchini & Ron!

    Jeeni Zucchini ...and take responsibility in our personal lives. Its many tiny little drops that cause floods. Ppl think their little contribution doesn't matter. but when billions of ppl all think that way... it's koyaanisqatsi. lighten our eco-footprints, simplify, and take responsibility for the little things... all billion something of us. that is our power... believing that our little bit matters.Jeeni Zucchini We've been conditioned to think because small things seem relatively insignificant, they are unimportant. That is the spark of crime against humanity. The more subtle we become, the more we appreciate all of life... but subtlety is not taught in school. Competition is. We are not taught that soft and vulnerable is strong; rather that hard and fast is the measure of strength

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