Monday, December 9, 2013

More on Choice/Control/Change

Beata Maria Yes, let's take as much control AS WE CAN is my original comment. I have no need to defend my comment; I can say that the only time I felt 'confused' was during my younger years when I allowed others to control my life. I believe that the serenity Prayer contains much truth, as does the quotation above!

    Ra Divakar LIKE: I choose to listen to my inner voice not the random opinion of others.
    Ron Alexander make changes, not excuses; to be motivated, not manipulated; to be useful, not used; to excel, not compete; I chose self-esteem, not self pity....
  • Ra Divakar Like:... to live by choice, not by chance..." or take the road in between?
  • Beata Maria Ra, ' listen to my inner voice' - I can truly relate as I too listen to my own advice. I have always attributed this ability to my own introversion. I know many people, who seek advice ( & sympathy) from many before they decide which way to go- simply because they're extroverted. I think Ron & you like to extract & gather information & wisdom from reading, am I wrong?
    However, in your last comment you mention ' road in between'.
    I do believe that the boarder between intro/extroversion is much smaller than in our younger years, do you agree?
  • Beata Maria Thank you, Captain Ron! I do love the quote above!

    Ra Divakar Thanks Beata Maria, I do appreciate the Middle Way - "Both are true" - Choice and Chance - both have credence - one can live with balance and less stress like that in my opinion!

    Beata Maria Yes, Ron, you also take control when needed. I remember your struggle over your dad's property & the fact that you 'let go' of it. Not sure if at the end you decided to take the road of 'least resistance' , but now you are happy you moved and are contented in your new home. I'm thinking of the lyrics of 'The Gambler' - ..' know when to hold her, know when to fold her...' do you know the song, Ron?

    I think you'd be happy where-ever you'd find yourself, Ron.

    Ron Alexander Aw, thanks Beata Maria, yes I have just returned from the House and found it so peaceful and full of clean light energy. I am so glad I let it go. The main fear I had was that the lawyer was going to sell it to pay himself and a defense lawyer. I picked up a few practical things I missed and on return here, I got a call that my nephew was moving in this evening. That was a joyous call, as that means it stays in the family, and I don't have to be responsible for its expensive upkeep anymore! God is Good!

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