Blessing must arise from within your own mind. It is not something that comes from outside. When the positive qualities of your mind increase and the negativities decrease, that is what blessing means. The Tibetan word for blessing … means transforming into magnificent potential. Therefore, blessing refers to the development of virtuous qualities you did not previously have and the improvement of those good qualities you have already developed. ― Dalai Lama XIV
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Boldness Has Genius In It
WORD FOR THE DAY Wednesday, Apr. 29
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Keep it Simple SWEETHEART
Dear Violette, I do appreciate your correction on Choosing to be a love finder rather than a fault finder. I decided to use that as my mantra for awhile starting just after I read your correction. And it has really helped with my neighbors, my prayer/meditation group and now it will be taken to bed with me tonight keeping me Praying without ceasing.When I first read it from your blog last week, I was going to use it, however I got those other "love peace" emails and my thoughts became complex. It is so helpful, to K.I.S.S. - "keep it simple sweetheart."And this quote from ACIM has been helpful lately: It is sure that those who hold grievances will suffer guilt, as it certain that those who forgive will find peace. W,119 no mistake, Ron
Yesterday I added and changed a few things on my profile page. "Condemn and you are made a prisoner. Forgive and you are freed" #2 in Lesson 198. What follows is "Such is the law that rules perception." However I left it without that because I felt it was very powerful and succinct standing alone. For my not too agile memory as you say K.I.S.S. helps me keep it together.Sweet Jesus I am so grateful for the course and AH. I would have taken my own life back in the "80s without it. When after living a life of victimhood, I read "You are not a victim of the world you see," everything changed for me and it was the trail of breadcrumbs that lead me out of the forest.I am also grateful to Jerry for picking salient points from the course that one could live by. Another simple formula that works if you learn to apply it when you begin drowning in the creation of your own chaos and illusions....Ron as much as possible, especially during these times, I work on sitting in the audience being an observer of the drama. WE will come out the other side victorius, bless us all. Violette
Yesterday I added and changed a few things on my profile page. "Condemn and you are made a prisoner. Forgive and you are freed" #2 in Lesson 198. What follows is "Such is the law that rules perception." However I left it without that because I felt it was very powerful and succinct standing alone. For my not too agile memory as you say K.I.S.S. helps me keep it together.Sweet Jesus I am so grateful for the course and AH. I would have taken my own life back in the "80s without it. When after living a life of victimhood, I read "You are not a victim of the world you see," everything changed for me and it was the trail of breadcrumbs that lead me out of the forest.I am also grateful to Jerry for picking salient points from the course that one could live by. Another simple formula that works if you learn to apply it when you begin drowning in the creation of your own chaos and illusions....Ron as much as possible, especially during these times, I work on sitting in the audience being an observer of the drama. WE will come out the other side victorius, bless us all. Violette
Monday, April 27, 2009
Be a Love Finder Rather Than a Fault Finder
Forgive the correction of a simple error Ron. The principle, "We can be love finders rather than fault finders." is the correct phrase from the 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing.
Thank you, as it can be a whole way of life.It is so easy to be in the ego, righteous and arrogantly criticizing and judging those who see, do or think differently from ourselves. I am profoundly grateful for when I become aware of doing this and change my attitude. It is what contributes to peace of mind.Please overlook when I get a little goofy here - we all need to laugh and not take ourselves too seriously. Sometimes it's just my way of expressing my love for all you magnificent beings.
Correction Taken with gratitude, Dear Violette, I agree and thank you for doing it.When I use "we can be love finders rather than fault finders" , I do have a complete change of attitude, especially starting right here in my neighborhood.I do appreciate you bringing the principles back to me. They are much more profound to me than 20 years ago, when I was working at the Center for Attitudinal Healing. You are Love Finder, Ron
Yesterday I added and changed a few things on my profile page. "Condemn and you are made a prisoner. Forgive and you are freed" #2 in Lesson 198. What follows is "Such is the law that rules perception." However I left it without that because I felt it was very powerful and succinct standing alone. For my not too agile memory as you say K.I.S.S. helps me keep it together.Sweet Jesus I am so grateful for the course and AH. I would have taken my own life back in the "80s without it. When after living a life of victimhood, I read "You are not a victim of the world you see," everything changed for me and it was the trail of breadcrumbs that lead me out of the forest.I am also grateful to Jerry for picking salient points from the course that one could live by. Another simple formula that works if you learn to apply it when you begin drowning in the creation of your own chaos and illusions....Ron as much as possible, especially during these times, I work on sitting in the audience being an observer of the drama. WE will come out the other side victorius, bless us all. Violette
The attention we pay to the nature of our thinking, therefore is the most powerful attention we can pay. Our spiritual victory lies in rising above our mental forces of fear and limitation, using our wands to purify our thought forms, thus attaining the power to heal and be healed. We will think anew and and see anew. Such is humanity's next step, our spiritual challenge, our power and our destiny. Marianne Williamson from Everyday Grace.
We can choose to be love finders rather than fault finders. Jerry Jampolsky
Thank you, as it can be a whole way of life.It is so easy to be in the ego, righteous and arrogantly criticizing and judging those who see, do or think differently from ourselves. I am profoundly grateful for when I become aware of doing this and change my attitude. It is what contributes to peace of mind.Please overlook when I get a little goofy here - we all need to laugh and not take ourselves too seriously. Sometimes it's just my way of expressing my love for all you magnificent beings.
Correction Taken with gratitude, Dear Violette, I agree and thank you for doing it.When I use "we can be love finders rather than fault finders" , I do have a complete change of attitude, especially starting right here in my neighborhood.I do appreciate you bringing the principles back to me. They are much more profound to me than 20 years ago, when I was working at the Center for Attitudinal Healing. You are Love Finder, Ron
Yesterday I added and changed a few things on my profile page. "Condemn and you are made a prisoner. Forgive and you are freed" #2 in Lesson 198. What follows is "Such is the law that rules perception." However I left it without that because I felt it was very powerful and succinct standing alone. For my not too agile memory as you say K.I.S.S. helps me keep it together.Sweet Jesus I am so grateful for the course and AH. I would have taken my own life back in the "80s without it. When after living a life of victimhood, I read "You are not a victim of the world you see," everything changed for me and it was the trail of breadcrumbs that lead me out of the forest.I am also grateful to Jerry for picking salient points from the course that one could live by. Another simple formula that works if you learn to apply it when you begin drowning in the creation of your own chaos and illusions....Ron as much as possible, especially during these times, I work on sitting in the audience being an observer of the drama. WE will come out the other side victorius, bless us all. Violette
The attention we pay to the nature of our thinking, therefore is the most powerful attention we can pay. Our spiritual victory lies in rising above our mental forces of fear and limitation, using our wands to purify our thought forms, thus attaining the power to heal and be healed. We will think anew and and see anew. Such is humanity's next step, our spiritual challenge, our power and our destiny. Marianne Williamson from Everyday Grace.
We can choose to be love finders rather than fault finders. Jerry Jampolsky
The Key is Inside of Our Own Hearts
Comment by Silja Saareoks
The life can give us ups and downs, but inside of us there is a place we can count on. It can be entered at any time we want just by feeling our own love and by showing and spreading it we can stay in this place and must never let go of it. We can do all we can to stay connected with it or to do anything just to stay out, but the place is always waiting for us. The key is inside of our own heart.Thank you all for this continuous showing the how beautiful is this place of yours. Thank you so much.
Thank you Silja,Eye love you and our family with all of myself. Eye have you all already as aspects of my own Spirit,mind, soul and body forever. Our entire universe is ourselves feeding us through one another and inviting us to celebrate ourselves consciously and fearlessly by accepting ourselves completely and one another unconditionally. It is so entirely freeing just to love and allow life to love us back.Lots of love and Joy.Desmond
The life can give us ups and downs, but inside of us there is a place we can count on. It can be entered at any time we want just by feeling our own love and by showing and spreading it we can stay in this place and must never let go of it. We can do all we can to stay connected with it or to do anything just to stay out, but the place is always waiting for us. The key is inside of our own heart.Thank you all for this continuous showing the how beautiful is this place of yours. Thank you so much.
Thank you Silja,Eye love you and our family with all of myself. Eye have you all already as aspects of my own Spirit,mind, soul and body forever. Our entire universe is ourselves feeding us through one another and inviting us to celebrate ourselves consciously and fearlessly by accepting ourselves completely and one another unconditionally. It is so entirely freeing just to love and allow life to love us back.Lots of love and Joy.Desmond
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Best Gratitude Teacher In Your Life? Very Different Answers!
Brother David Stiendle-Rast:
This wonderful teacher would be a great speaker and workshop leader (meditation teacher) locally. I was blessed to be a participant of one of his lectures at Green Gulch Zen Buddhist Center in California.Presently I am re-reading his book gratefulness - the heart of prayer for about the tenth time.Gratefulness, The Heart of Prayer: An Approach to Life in Fullness by David Steindl-Rast and Henri J. M. Nouwen (Paperback - Aug 1984)
"In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy"Brother David Steindle-Rast from his gift shop on gratefulness.org "
Reply by drmike 1 day ago
Ron,This is an easy one: by far my Aunt Helen. She already had 5 kids and an troublesome marriage at the time that my mother died--her fraternal twin sister. The choice for her was rather easy, when her sister died she took in the four nephew and neices so that the family would remain unified, and kids (including me) would not get shipped out to orphanages. That's the old South. God first and family. WE do this togther, and material things are not the priority. I have been blessed to have more than one mother on this earth. I have never been abandoned.
For this I remain eternally grateful, knowing that I am deeply loved. I make it an effort to love back without reservation, as was done for me.
Thanks much for allowing me to pay that tribute.Mike
Dear Dr. Mike,
What a difference in culture. My experience has been diametrically opposite to yours. I was brought up in the privileged white South. An incredibly different "Old South"! My mother recently virtually left me out of her will, and being liberal did not help. Now, my Aunt Jo, who controls most of the ancestral lands appears to be entrenched against me. They lived together the last few years of my Mom's life and Fox News was their bible and Bush and all the Republican Fatcats with their lacky newscasters were their prophets. They and most white Southerners I know are scared to death of "liberals and Obama." I have even written a poem "Loss of Privilege". I may share that on the poetry group? Anyway I am very grateful to be getting to know you and lets keep writing about the differences in our upbringing - it's worthwhile education!
By the way, none of my relatives called me (most are 6 hours away) during the recent nearby catastrophic fire, and I did get a 30 day notice to leave this beautiful old beachhouse that Dad had artfully designed, and that I have been slowly renovating for over three years.Everybody around here thought I would inherit it, as I am the last remaining son. I have successfully fought off the "notice", but I don't know how long I can do that! Anyway, from my relatives, "I don't feel that deep love" that you are so grateful for...It has made me turn more to my Creator, and that is what I am grateful for.
Much gratitude to you, Ron
Reply by drmike
Hey Ron,Don't worry it's not all bliss.
I have a Republican brother I'm estranged from for some 20 years. I'm keeping him out of my will as well.
However, he is always in my heart should he every want to make any effort at reconciliation.
Sorry about the weather and the elements down there, God is still the best judge and guide. He could and would if sought! Best, Mike
Permalink Reply by Heli Aarniranta on May 1, 2009 at 11:38am
Life it self.Most of the time the people I encounter in my life.Truth I am grateful to truth.I am grateful to my son and his love.Swami NithyanandaDDattatreya Siva BabaAnd now I am grateful for YOU my new friend to be connected.so there is always so much to be grateful for everyday we find new ways to be grateful and experience it fully!
Permalink Reply by Mike Mallory on May 5, 2009 at 10:34am
I am grateful for "Want What You Have: Discovering Magic and Grandeur of Everyday Existence" by Timothy Miller, Harper Collins Publishers, Incorporated / October 1993In the book Miller suggests that we be guided by three principles:AttentionCompassion, andGratitude.Miller's approach reminds me of cognitive therapy, which I find limited, but he did have a life clarifying impact on me. Since listening to an audio edition of his book over 10 years ago, I have tried to hold his three principles up as a guiding structure in my life.Mike Mallory
This wonderful teacher would be a great speaker and workshop leader (meditation teacher) locally. I was blessed to be a participant of one of his lectures at Green Gulch Zen Buddhist Center in California.Presently I am re-reading his book gratefulness - the heart of prayer for about the tenth time.Gratefulness, The Heart of Prayer: An Approach to Life in Fullness by David Steindl-Rast and Henri J. M. Nouwen (Paperback - Aug 1984)
"In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy"Brother David Steindle-Rast from his gift shop on gratefulness.org "
Reply by drmike 1 day ago
Ron,This is an easy one: by far my Aunt Helen. She already had 5 kids and an troublesome marriage at the time that my mother died--her fraternal twin sister. The choice for her was rather easy, when her sister died she took in the four nephew and neices so that the family would remain unified, and kids (including me) would not get shipped out to orphanages. That's the old South. God first and family. WE do this togther, and material things are not the priority. I have been blessed to have more than one mother on this earth. I have never been abandoned.
For this I remain eternally grateful, knowing that I am deeply loved. I make it an effort to love back without reservation, as was done for me.
Thanks much for allowing me to pay that tribute.Mike
Dear Dr. Mike,
What a difference in culture. My experience has been diametrically opposite to yours. I was brought up in the privileged white South. An incredibly different "Old South"! My mother recently virtually left me out of her will, and being liberal did not help. Now, my Aunt Jo, who controls most of the ancestral lands appears to be entrenched against me. They lived together the last few years of my Mom's life and Fox News was their bible and Bush and all the Republican Fatcats with their lacky newscasters were their prophets. They and most white Southerners I know are scared to death of "liberals and Obama." I have even written a poem "Loss of Privilege". I may share that on the poetry group? Anyway I am very grateful to be getting to know you and lets keep writing about the differences in our upbringing - it's worthwhile education!
By the way, none of my relatives called me (most are 6 hours away) during the recent nearby catastrophic fire, and I did get a 30 day notice to leave this beautiful old beachhouse that Dad had artfully designed, and that I have been slowly renovating for over three years.Everybody around here thought I would inherit it, as I am the last remaining son. I have successfully fought off the "notice", but I don't know how long I can do that! Anyway, from my relatives, "I don't feel that deep love" that you are so grateful for...It has made me turn more to my Creator, and that is what I am grateful for.
Much gratitude to you, Ron
Reply by drmike
Hey Ron,Don't worry it's not all bliss.
I have a Republican brother I'm estranged from for some 20 years. I'm keeping him out of my will as well.
However, he is always in my heart should he every want to make any effort at reconciliation.
Sorry about the weather and the elements down there, God is still the best judge and guide. He could and would if sought! Best, Mike
Permalink Reply by Heli Aarniranta on May 1, 2009 at 11:38am
Life it self.Most of the time the people I encounter in my life.Truth I am grateful to truth.I am grateful to my son and his love.Swami NithyanandaDDattatreya Siva BabaAnd now I am grateful for YOU my new friend to be connected.so there is always so much to be grateful for everyday we find new ways to be grateful and experience it fully!
Permalink Reply by Mike Mallory on May 5, 2009 at 10:34am
I am grateful for "Want What You Have: Discovering Magic and Grandeur of Everyday Existence" by Timothy Miller, Harper Collins Publishers, Incorporated / October 1993In the book Miller suggests that we be guided by three principles:AttentionCompassion, andGratitude.Miller's approach reminds me of cognitive therapy, which I find limited, but he did have a life clarifying impact on me. Since listening to an audio edition of his book over 10 years ago, I have tried to hold his three principles up as a guiding structure in my life.Mike Mallory
Friday, April 24, 2009
Honey my Soul Dog

Yesterday I met a woman in the part nearby (with her old dog) and I wound up telling her all about Honey, including how she assisted you in group. (She sat in the middle of the group of life-threatened young adults at the Center for Attitudinal Healing, and at about half-way through, she would sit not at the feet but on the feet of the youth who was in most emotional pain) I also told her about the funeral ceremony where those two big sled dogs took turns standing up in the middle of us and licking us all as we stood on Honey's grave. (I buried her on top of a sacred Ring Mountain overlooking the San Francisco Bay, where we had full moon drumming/chanting/dancing for years). Special dog. Special memories.
Thanks so much about that memory - I forgot about that grave ceremony:Blessings are abounding:
From Unity Christ Church:We join together in prayer and send our blessings for all of the families affected by the wildfires and all of the people involved - firefighters, food service, shelters. We vision peace and well being for all, including the animals, birds, trees and land. Peace, Peace, Peace.If you know of someone from our Unity congregation who has been affected by the fires and needs shelter or support, please contact Rev. Margaret
Thank you, Rev. Margaret, you are such a loving one! Ron
architectsofanewdawn.com has also been a great blessing to me.
I was just sent this: " I love myself the way I am there is nothing I need change. and I love you the way you are .this keeps running through my light filled day.... the more I love the more I am love , . Blessings Ginny
Previously, I had been reminded of the "Be a love finder not a love finder" from the Center for Attitudinal Healing by Violetta, and I have added both of these to my "praying without ceasing/mindfulness/meditation." a cosmos of Bliss, Ron
more from new architects, yard sharing, etc.
drmike has sent you a message on Architects of a New DawnHey folks,This lady is REALLY on to something here. I suggest you spreading this around.Peace,Mike> Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 06:17:44 +0000> From: Liz McLellan hy...> To: drmike>> I really think yard sharing is one of those things that can bring the generations together. It's empowering for kids and acknowledging for our elders to bring them into the community - I 'm sure Mom would love to pass on her plant whispering secrets to you!> > My most pleasant surprise has been how the idea cuts across political boundaries, frugality, good food, and self sufficiency is appealing across a lot of boundaries. With no small help from the Obama's everyone's thinking about good eating! And perhaps that means there will be more space for soul and spirit. I know that is why I go into the garden.> > Thanks for friending me. Good luck in all you do!> > LizM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
"A Course In Miracles (THIS POST IS ON VIOLETTE RUFFALO'S PAGE ON architects of a new dawn.com - Thanks, Violette for the reminder)
My spiritual journey has been greatly based on A Course In Miracles, it is my comfort zone and it keeps calling me back. Since I am eternal effort to evolve need not be hurried, I have eternity to get it right. There are those who would prefer not to come back here, however, planet Earth is a magnificent location to continue our journey. As an interfaith minister I volunteer as chaplain for Hospice in a local hospital. At my age I think a lot about death - not with trepidation but with joyful anticipation. It is important to learn how to die before we can learn how to live. Soon I hope to return to following my bliss, facilitating study groups in weekly sessions on the principles of Attitudinal Healing. That pretty well sums it up.
12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing - by Gerald Jampolsky, MD - based on A Course In Miracles
1. The essence of our being is love.
2. Health is inner peace.
3. Healing is letting go of fear.
4. Giving and receiving are the same.
5. We can let go of the past and of the future.
6. Now is the only time there is and each instant is forgiving.
7. We can learn to love ourselves and others by forgiving rather than judging.
8. We can become love finders rather than fault finders.
9. We can choose and direct ourselves to be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening outside.
10.We are students and teachers of each other.
11. We can focus on the whole of life rather than the fragments.
12. Since love is eternal death need not be viewed as fearful.
12a.We can always perceive ourselves and others as either extending love or giving a call for help.
Added from another of Violette's post on the group gratitude of the same website,
Gratitude has become a way of life, although it has taken a lifetime to reach this level. Partly I can be grateful for the 12 princlples of Attitudinal Healing to have contributed to this. The principle, "We can become love finders rather than fault finders" has been profoundly influential in how I regard that which is around me.Ceaseless praying has become so habitual that it is a form of self talk as I am perpetually aware of the blessings that surround us. Sometimes it is outloud, someone might cart me off to a padded cell. LOL
Hi Violette, I was born in Paradise Point, N. C. coast and am proud of the name & natural beauty of the place anyway. Also, I was fortunate to work at the Center for Attitudinal Healing in the mid-eighties, as I was going to grad school in San Francisco. So thanks for adding the 12 steps - they are a good reminder. Jerry and Diane invited me on here - and Carlos was a neighbor in San Rafael as was several other famous performers. However, Carlos was the only one completely humble and always friendly.The work I did with life-threatened young adults was the best work I ever did - they were all "angels on earth". They lived in the moment better than any people I have ever known, and they loved the groups and any field trips I got them on - like going to Yosemite, sailing on the Bay, etc. I am thinking about going back and research their family and friends and see if they became Spirit guides to them and if positive write a book about them. a cosmos of blessings, Ron
So pleased we are now joined in friendship. Clyde is 20 some miles west of Asheville and just east of Waynesville. It is being said that Asheville and surrounding area is the new mecca of spiritual energy. That people are being drawn from all over to Ashville and nearby areas without knowing why.I know I had been drawn to this area since the 80's and finally was able to escape the darker energy of Miami to move in ''91. Have made multiple moves away yet am always drawn back here. As you know these mountains are the most ancient on the planet and my personal experience is that they embrace with a wisdom and nurturing that I have not experienced anywhere else.Attitudinal Healing is a way of life that pulls me back whenever I begin to feel righteous or judgmental. I am so grateful that I became associated with it since back in the late 80's. It would be difficult for me to negotiate life without ACIM and AH.I do hope you continue with your pursuit of the people you worked with and that it will result in a book. Fondest, warm wishes sweet spirit, Violette
"A Course In Miracles (THIS POST IS ON VIOLETTE RUFFALO'S PAGE ON architects of a new dawn.com - Thanks, Violette for the reminder)
My spiritual journey has been greatly based on A Course In Miracles, it is my comfort zone and it keeps calling me back. Since I am eternal effort to evolve need not be hurried, I have eternity to get it right. There are those who would prefer not to come back here, however, planet Earth is a magnificent location to continue our journey. As an interfaith minister I volunteer as chaplain for Hospice in a local hospital. At my age I think a lot about death - not with trepidation but with joyful anticipation. It is important to learn how to die before we can learn how to live. Soon I hope to return to following my bliss, facilitating study groups in weekly sessions on the principles of Attitudinal Healing. That pretty well sums it up.
12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing - by Gerald Jampolsky, MD - based on A Course In Miracles
1. The essence of our being is love.
2. Health is inner peace.
3. Healing is letting go of fear.
4. Giving and receiving are the same.
5. We can let go of the past and of the future.
6. Now is the only time there is and each instant is forgiving.
7. We can learn to love ourselves and others by forgiving rather than judging.
8. We can become love finders rather than fault finders.
9. We can choose and direct ourselves to be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening outside.
10.We are students and teachers of each other.
11. We can focus on the whole of life rather than the fragments.
12. Since love is eternal death need not be viewed as fearful.
12a.We can always perceive ourselves and others as either extending love or giving a call for help.
Added from another of Violette's post on the group gratitude of the same website,
Gratitude has become a way of life, although it has taken a lifetime to reach this level. Partly I can be grateful for the 12 princlples of Attitudinal Healing to have contributed to this. The principle, "We can become love finders rather than fault finders" has been profoundly influential in how I regard that which is around me.Ceaseless praying has become so habitual that it is a form of self talk as I am perpetually aware of the blessings that surround us. Sometimes it is outloud, someone might cart me off to a padded cell. LOL
Hi Violette, I was born in Paradise Point, N. C. coast and am proud of the name & natural beauty of the place anyway. Also, I was fortunate to work at the Center for Attitudinal Healing in the mid-eighties, as I was going to grad school in San Francisco. So thanks for adding the 12 steps - they are a good reminder. Jerry and Diane invited me on here - and Carlos was a neighbor in San Rafael as was several other famous performers. However, Carlos was the only one completely humble and always friendly.The work I did with life-threatened young adults was the best work I ever did - they were all "angels on earth". They lived in the moment better than any people I have ever known, and they loved the groups and any field trips I got them on - like going to Yosemite, sailing on the Bay, etc. I am thinking about going back and research their family and friends and see if they became Spirit guides to them and if positive write a book about them. a cosmos of blessings, Ron
So pleased we are now joined in friendship. Clyde is 20 some miles west of Asheville and just east of Waynesville. It is being said that Asheville and surrounding area is the new mecca of spiritual energy. That people are being drawn from all over to Ashville and nearby areas without knowing why.I know I had been drawn to this area since the 80's and finally was able to escape the darker energy of Miami to move in ''91. Have made multiple moves away yet am always drawn back here. As you know these mountains are the most ancient on the planet and my personal experience is that they embrace with a wisdom and nurturing that I have not experienced anywhere else.Attitudinal Healing is a way of life that pulls me back whenever I begin to feel righteous or judgmental. I am so grateful that I became associated with it since back in the late 80's. It would be difficult for me to negotiate life without ACIM and AH.I do hope you continue with your pursuit of the people you worked with and that it will result in a book. Fondest, warm wishes sweet spirit, Violette
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I Am Grateful to You
"In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy"
Brother David Steindle-Rast from his gift shop on gratefulness.org (click)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Return to Love Response
Comment by Linda Lawson
"Don't be content with looking at a rose as beautiful flower. Look at her with Love, so that she enters into your heart and awakens other forces in your heart and soul."I would say that looking at at all of life with love awakens other forces in our hearts and souls....beginning with ourselves. it sounds easy. I find it a walk of being alert every moment to fulfill the intention I set . And even in being conscioius , the inertia of past habits loves to keep us stuck.So, all the mantras, inspiring words, meditations, and processes that ones know to move past that inertia are very very useful.Thanks, Ron , for your continuous inspirations.
Comment by Ron Alexander
Don't be content with looking at a rose as beautiful flower. Look at her with Love, so that she enters into your heart and awakens other forces in your heart and soul
"Don't be content with looking at a rose as beautiful flower. Look at her with Love, so that she enters into your heart and awakens other forces in your heart and soul."I would say that looking at at all of life with love awakens other forces in our hearts and souls....beginning with ourselves. it sounds easy. I find it a walk of being alert every moment to fulfill the intention I set . And even in being conscioius , the inertia of past habits loves to keep us stuck.So, all the mantras, inspiring words, meditations, and processes that ones know to move past that inertia are very very useful.Thanks, Ron , for your continuous inspirations.
Comment by Ron Alexander
Don't be content with looking at a rose as beautiful flower. Look at her with Love, so that she enters into your heart and awakens other forces in your heart and soul
The Realization of Oneness
The Realization of Oneness Lifts Us to Heaven on Earth
The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hid in a field...one who realizes this goes forth with joy, sells all of their things, and buyeth the field. Matthew 13:44
Because I am One with God, I am One with all people.
Because I am One with Life, I am One with everything that lives.
I feel my union with people and with nature.
I feel that I belong to Life.
I love life and I enter into the joy of living. I enter into the companionship with others, into cooperation with them. And I know that something within me reaches out and embraces the whole world. Something with me blesses everything it touches, brings life and happiness and joy to everyone. Something within me acts as a healing balm, restoring everything to its natural and fruitive Perfection.
As I silently listen to Spirit within me and think of Its Perfection, I know that I am being born into joy and hope and gladness, born into love and faith and assurance.
Silently I release every negative thought from my mind, I release it and let it go. And I, too. pray "that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they may be one in us."
Paraphrased from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom (all above)
Joy is the realization of our soul's oneness with supreme love. Tagore
The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hid in a field...one who realizes this goes forth with joy, sells all of their things, and buyeth the field. Matthew 13:44
Because I am One with God, I am One with all people.
Because I am One with Life, I am One with everything that lives.
I feel my union with people and with nature.
I feel that I belong to Life.
I love life and I enter into the joy of living. I enter into the companionship with others, into cooperation with them. And I know that something within me reaches out and embraces the whole world. Something with me blesses everything it touches, brings life and happiness and joy to everyone. Something within me acts as a healing balm, restoring everything to its natural and fruitive Perfection.
As I silently listen to Spirit within me and think of Its Perfection, I know that I am being born into joy and hope and gladness, born into love and faith and assurance.
Silently I release every negative thought from my mind, I release it and let it go. And I, too. pray "that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they may be one in us."
Paraphrased from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom (all above)
Joy is the realization of our soul's oneness with supreme love. Tagore
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Alwaylove4U's page on http://architectsofanewdawn.ning.com
When the human race embraces love unconditional, then the lost will be found, the naked will be clothed, the hungry will be fed, the bombs will be destroyed and there will be peace and unity which will make us all to speak one language, “LOVE”
Let love abide Philip D Brown
Love is considered the most basic emotion that human awareness can feel; therefore, it is the closest to the source of life The burst of well-being you feel when you fall in love is due to the fact that you unconsciously open the channels of awareness that allow more Prana [Life Force] to flow Deepak Chopra
Again the images would not publish here, but they are fabulous on "AlwaysLove4U's" page on
This architects of a new dawn is the best website I have seen on spiritual growth inspired by Carlos Santana, Jerry Jampolsky, Diane Cirincione and others. Love says check it out!
Let love abide Philip D Brown
Love is considered the most basic emotion that human awareness can feel; therefore, it is the closest to the source of life The burst of well-being you feel when you fall in love is due to the fact that you unconsciously open the channels of awareness that allow more Prana [Life Force] to flow Deepak Chopra
Again the images would not publish here, but they are fabulous on "AlwaysLove4U's" page on
This architects of a new dawn is the best website I have seen on spiritual growth inspired by Carlos Santana, Jerry Jampolsky, Diane Cirincione and others. Love says check it out!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Loving All of You
My favorite Rumi Poem:
The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you outfor some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,meet
them at the door laughing,and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,because each has
been sent as a guide from beyond
(translated by Coleman Barks)
How do you express unconditional love for yourself?
Hmmm. They say every question that arises within us , has an answer within us as well and surfaces when we are ready to learn its message. Let 's see what I am ready to integrate.(At the suggestion of another, I have adjusted the discussion question to include the word "unconditional". Unconditional is defined as "' love that presupposes no conditions upon willingness to love regardless of how self or other responds because there is no expectation of return of that love.)Uncondtionally loving self shows up when I can hold a space of non judgement that I can draw upon when I've stepped out of my roles , taken off the masks that I or other expect me to wear, stepped back from all the responsiblities.,the shoulds, the coulds. Its just me standing alonein the truth of the moment. This is what I am . Just me. Just me. checking out what I truly feel in this moment about some aspect of my walk on planet earth.. How am I doing? Do I accept who I am? Are there any ..".but u are like this" and "if u do this , I can accept u ", or "when u are this way I can accept u, u will be okay."I have witnessed how much discipline it takes, how much will it takes to to be in acceptance of self and other no matter what. It is not such a generous quality in this 3rd dimension of being and doing.It is acknowledging and giving audience to what matters in one's life. .. the heart is the door , the gateway to full self acceptance.there is no measuring or comparing.One's first response from this seat of compassion is to love all that is. How would it be to be like that in all moments. ?Our choices determine how our lives will go. Yes there are consequences. Would we learn which direction to go any other way?So how I express unconditional love for self is to discipline myself to notice what I send out and receive energetically.In this way, I am responsble for the thougths and feelings that I entertain .Otherwise, to be drifting thru ife as I once did, basically at the mercy of every projection others sent my way , at the mercy of my own projections toward self and others., I was ismply spinning the same stories to live thru over an d over. Experience,.... judgement of it cause more experience ... then more judgement .The most loving thing for me to do for self is to stop the fast descent into negativity .Learning to co-create my reality ,to raise a feeling from its lowest form to higher resonances is to experience a purposeful joyous life. It is a conscious generous act that expands exponentially ..
Reply by Ron Alexander on April 7, 2009 at 3:17pm
To accept and love the "unlovable' parts of me! To transform the inner tormentor to an inner comforter. To accept the help and healing of others! To have absolute belief (or to act "as if) in a higher Power and Its helpers - angels on earth and angels in Spirit! And to ask ALL for the help I need at the time. To live in the Now - to meditate with the breath and with mantras and do what it takes to get to the place of supreme Awareness where this is no thought! - only unconditional radiant bliss! No mistake, Ron
Reply by Linda Lawson on April 9, 2009 at 11:23pm
Dear Ron.Your words are spot on from where I sit.It is the unlovable parts of self that we continually focus on in others ,isn't it? I am very thankful these "others" exist . That's how I know what I must embrace wholeheartedly in self." To live in the Now -....to do what it takes to get to the place of supreme Awareness where there is no thought !-only radiant bliss."You have said a mouthful that evokes pages of response on the different "how tos" that have crossed my path.There have been and continues to be many ways that the environment in which I live reflects back to me this message of truth to me.Each one carrying me a bit further along to living in the Now..I find witnessing for where I am holding judgement on any part of my experience is a full time practice. Why do I care about judgement? That is the mechanism for freezing up our feelings that we seem to have chosen on the planet ,its very popular,as a group ,to stay asleep.,to be free of responsiblity.Upon waking fully, we understand we are totally at cause for what we experience and how we experience what life brings our way. I have heard this message many times in the last five years. I could accept it intellectually.Now I actually know it and I see my reality change with each unlovable bit of self that I reclaim.Each time we choose to love unconditionally, we expand the energetic resonance of our heart and we get more clarity , more radiance.It is more resourceful to view judgement in a self reflective state. Bashing for choices made, holding on to choices made , dirties the vision again.We judge what is in our minds unlovable. Well, that runs the gamut of who is looking at what,doesn't it? It's all a matter of perspective. The cessation of judgement begins when i/we are able to feel unconditionl love for whatever it is we have judged.l no longer want time off to drift out of my body, day dream ...,find someone else's dream better or worse than me,. escape the present reality.Now I desire Awareness. I desire to live, breathe, feel what I feel and let it go. This moment is my opportuntity to be fully present. to be burning the emotional residue that I have hidden away or refuse to feel , that clouds my vision.So breathing thru it , breathing thru it , breathing thru it, letting it be as it is , loving it ,loving our choices.always rechoosing to hold the highest potential for the "new "...each time we do this we expand the possibilties to be in Awareness.thanks , Ron,for the message
Love begins with loving yourself. Sri Bhagavan
I lift my thought above the confusion (Byron Katy maintains that confusion is the source of all misery) of the material world through prayer and meditation. There I realize, accept and free the imprisoned Splendor of the Inner Christ. Then, with gratitude, I share with others this realization of this indwelling Presence with everyone.
I express love for myself by treating my body the best I know how exercise, eat right, stay in the now emotionally . seek group spiritual connections and sing often.. Know that love is the One in us .. love ya Ginny
Life does bring us countless opportunities to find the best in ourselves; God bless your sweet heart for hanging in and accepting the challenge. Keep on nurturing that surely developing pearl in the core of your being ; write, speak, love, give and give and give and give and as you explore the depths of your unique beingness and discover the true beauty such pain can bring, this apparent loss will be as a mere grain of sand without which the magnificent pearl in all its beauty could never manifest. You are the love, honey. I'm blessed and honored to be your friend. Lovingly, Hanna
The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you outfor some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,meet
them at the door laughing,and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,because each has
been sent as a guide from beyond
(translated by Coleman Barks)
How do you express unconditional love for yourself?
Hmmm. They say every question that arises within us , has an answer within us as well and surfaces when we are ready to learn its message. Let 's see what I am ready to integrate.(At the suggestion of another, I have adjusted the discussion question to include the word "unconditional". Unconditional is defined as "' love that presupposes no conditions upon willingness to love regardless of how self or other responds because there is no expectation of return of that love.)Uncondtionally loving self shows up when I can hold a space of non judgement that I can draw upon when I've stepped out of my roles , taken off the masks that I or other expect me to wear, stepped back from all the responsiblities.,the shoulds, the coulds. Its just me standing alonein the truth of the moment. This is what I am . Just me. Just me. checking out what I truly feel in this moment about some aspect of my walk on planet earth.. How am I doing? Do I accept who I am? Are there any ..".but u are like this" and "if u do this , I can accept u ", or "when u are this way I can accept u, u will be okay."I have witnessed how much discipline it takes, how much will it takes to to be in acceptance of self and other no matter what. It is not such a generous quality in this 3rd dimension of being and doing.It is acknowledging and giving audience to what matters in one's life. .. the heart is the door , the gateway to full self acceptance.there is no measuring or comparing.One's first response from this seat of compassion is to love all that is. How would it be to be like that in all moments. ?Our choices determine how our lives will go. Yes there are consequences. Would we learn which direction to go any other way?So how I express unconditional love for self is to discipline myself to notice what I send out and receive energetically.In this way, I am responsble for the thougths and feelings that I entertain .Otherwise, to be drifting thru ife as I once did, basically at the mercy of every projection others sent my way , at the mercy of my own projections toward self and others., I was ismply spinning the same stories to live thru over an d over. Experience,.... judgement of it cause more experience ... then more judgement .The most loving thing for me to do for self is to stop the fast descent into negativity .Learning to co-create my reality ,to raise a feeling from its lowest form to higher resonances is to experience a purposeful joyous life. It is a conscious generous act that expands exponentially ..
Reply by Ron Alexander on April 7, 2009 at 3:17pm
To accept and love the "unlovable' parts of me! To transform the inner tormentor to an inner comforter. To accept the help and healing of others! To have absolute belief (or to act "as if) in a higher Power and Its helpers - angels on earth and angels in Spirit! And to ask ALL for the help I need at the time. To live in the Now - to meditate with the breath and with mantras and do what it takes to get to the place of supreme Awareness where this is no thought! - only unconditional radiant bliss! No mistake, Ron
Reply by Linda Lawson on April 9, 2009 at 11:23pm
Dear Ron.Your words are spot on from where I sit.It is the unlovable parts of self that we continually focus on in others ,isn't it? I am very thankful these "others" exist . That's how I know what I must embrace wholeheartedly in self." To live in the Now -....to do what it takes to get to the place of supreme Awareness where there is no thought !-only radiant bliss."You have said a mouthful that evokes pages of response on the different "how tos" that have crossed my path.There have been and continues to be many ways that the environment in which I live reflects back to me this message of truth to me.Each one carrying me a bit further along to living in the Now..I find witnessing for where I am holding judgement on any part of my experience is a full time practice. Why do I care about judgement? That is the mechanism for freezing up our feelings that we seem to have chosen on the planet ,its very popular,as a group ,to stay asleep.,to be free of responsiblity.Upon waking fully, we understand we are totally at cause for what we experience and how we experience what life brings our way. I have heard this message many times in the last five years. I could accept it intellectually.Now I actually know it and I see my reality change with each unlovable bit of self that I reclaim.Each time we choose to love unconditionally, we expand the energetic resonance of our heart and we get more clarity , more radiance.It is more resourceful to view judgement in a self reflective state. Bashing for choices made, holding on to choices made , dirties the vision again.We judge what is in our minds unlovable. Well, that runs the gamut of who is looking at what,doesn't it? It's all a matter of perspective. The cessation of judgement begins when i/we are able to feel unconditionl love for whatever it is we have judged.l no longer want time off to drift out of my body, day dream ...,find someone else's dream better or worse than me,. escape the present reality.Now I desire Awareness. I desire to live, breathe, feel what I feel and let it go. This moment is my opportuntity to be fully present. to be burning the emotional residue that I have hidden away or refuse to feel , that clouds my vision.So breathing thru it , breathing thru it , breathing thru it, letting it be as it is , loving it ,loving our choices.always rechoosing to hold the highest potential for the "new "...each time we do this we expand the possibilties to be in Awareness.thanks , Ron,for the message
Love begins with loving yourself. Sri Bhagavan
I lift my thought above the confusion (Byron Katy maintains that confusion is the source of all misery) of the material world through prayer and meditation. There I realize, accept and free the imprisoned Splendor of the Inner Christ. Then, with gratitude, I share with others this realization of this indwelling Presence with everyone.
I express love for myself by treating my body the best I know how exercise, eat right, stay in the now emotionally . seek group spiritual connections and sing often.. Know that love is the One in us .. love ya Ginny
Life does bring us countless opportunities to find the best in ourselves; God bless your sweet heart for hanging in and accepting the challenge. Keep on nurturing that surely developing pearl in the core of your being ; write, speak, love, give and give and give and give and as you explore the depths of your unique beingness and discover the true beauty such pain can bring, this apparent loss will be as a mere grain of sand without which the magnificent pearl in all its beauty could never manifest. You are the love, honey. I'm blessed and honored to be your friend. Lovingly, Hanna
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Non-resistance Equals Acceptance
Recently I have experienced a personal version of being non-resistant. This is quite an achievement for a retired captain, as I am used to and proud of being in control. However, controlling had become impossible lately, as my addicted nephew inherited the bulk of my Mom's estate. And I was his caregiver before she was hospitalized. I enjoyed control over him with "tough love" and with economic power. However, this ended with the inheritance. In fact, through the powers of the trust lawyer, he had the ability to make me homeless. And I did get a 30 day notice to leave this wonderful old beach house, but I called a bluff, as the probate was not finished. I emailed my nephew and offered him my half of the rental income of a small condo we had inherited together plus some encouraging words about his recovery. Much to my relief, he decided to stay in the area where the condo and the trust lawyer (who he gets a monthly income from) are located.However, this meant he would have to come back to this house to move his belongings, and I was concerned about him taking what was not his and damaging the house with his moving out his big leather couch. The thermostat had been broken off when moving it into his bedroom. Added to this was the fact he was coming during an eight hour break between my weekend night work, and it is a vital sleeping time.When he came, I had just fallen asleep, but the loud noises from moving kept me awake. Now, I wanted to put on my captain's hat, and direct the move, but I decided not to interfere. The move turned out perfect, and he even left a few things that I could use, and did no damage. It may sound like a small victory, but it was a relief to find that he could do things right without my direction. His messages have been less constricted (with anger) both on voice mail and email since then.
These are verses that seems to really work for non-resistance:
"I say unto ye that ye resist not evil. & Be still and know.."
and here is some writing from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom (3-22-09):
"All good things are possible to the person who can perfectly practice non-action. There is something (a healing energy field) flowing in, around, and through all things that nothing can resist. Too often our way is resistance, as we try to change the outer before changing the inner.Disregarding (denying) everything that seems to contradict Reality in which I live, I affirm that Spirit is operating in my life.Turning resolutely from everything that denies the good I wish to experience, I affirm the good. There is no situation or condition that resists this transcendent thought; for I proclaim the omnipotence of God, the guidance of Mind that proclaims all things, and the peace that is beyond any confusion.
"From Byron Katy:
"Confusion is the basis of all suffering."
From A Course in Miracles: "Need do nothing.
"From Chinese philosophy: "The way to do is to be.
"I am committing to be more of a human being than a human "doing."
Victor Strange replies:
"Acceptance is the path of least resistance; acceptance does not mean you agree or endorse, simply that you need not argue, be right, or correct another since you are able to respect their Truth.Thanks for you post Ron."
Thanks for your wise answer, Victor and I researched for a 12 step article called "Acceptance is the Answer to All my Problems Today". I have not located it yet, however, I did find this about "Truth (love) Force":
Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Coretta, his beloved wife, wrote: "Martin Luther King Jr.'s theological belief in the interdependence , of all life inevitably led to the methods for social change advocate as well as his adversary. Christ gave us the goals, he would often say, and Mahatma Gandhi provided the tactics."
On page 150-151 in hi book Strength to Love, Dr. King writes of his fascination with the Gandhian concept of “Love (Truth) Force” and the great success of non-violent resistence in India. In Montgomery, Alabama in 1954, "as a pastor, at the beginning of the protest, the people called me in to be their spokesman. In accepting this responsibility, my mind consciously or unconsciously, was driven back to the Sermon on the Mount and the Gandhian method of nonviolent resistence. This principle became the guiding light of our movement. Christ furnished the Spirit and motivation and Gandhi furnished the method."Dr. King wrote of his trip to India to: "My privilege of traveling to India had a great impact on me personally, for it was invigorating to see firsthand the amazing results of a nonviolent struggle to achieve independence. The aftermath of hatred and bitterness that usually follows a violent campaign was found nowhere in India, and a mutual friendship, based on complete equality, existed between the Indian and British people within the Commonwealth."
In the next paragraph, "…the nonviolent approach does something to the hearts and souls of those committed to it. It gives them new self-respect. It calls up resources of strength and courage that they did not know they had. Finally, it so stirs up the conscience of the opponent that reconciliation becomes a reality."
These are verses that seems to really work for non-resistance:
"I say unto ye that ye resist not evil. & Be still and know.."
and here is some writing from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom (3-22-09):
"All good things are possible to the person who can perfectly practice non-action. There is something (a healing energy field) flowing in, around, and through all things that nothing can resist. Too often our way is resistance, as we try to change the outer before changing the inner.Disregarding (denying) everything that seems to contradict Reality in which I live, I affirm that Spirit is operating in my life.Turning resolutely from everything that denies the good I wish to experience, I affirm the good. There is no situation or condition that resists this transcendent thought; for I proclaim the omnipotence of God, the guidance of Mind that proclaims all things, and the peace that is beyond any confusion.
"From Byron Katy:
"Confusion is the basis of all suffering."
From A Course in Miracles: "Need do nothing.
"From Chinese philosophy: "The way to do is to be.
"I am committing to be more of a human being than a human "doing."
Victor Strange replies:
"Acceptance is the path of least resistance; acceptance does not mean you agree or endorse, simply that you need not argue, be right, or correct another since you are able to respect their Truth.Thanks for you post Ron."
Thanks for your wise answer, Victor and I researched for a 12 step article called "Acceptance is the Answer to All my Problems Today". I have not located it yet, however, I did find this about "Truth (love) Force":
Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Coretta, his beloved wife, wrote: "Martin Luther King Jr.'s theological belief in the interdependence , of all life inevitably led to the methods for social change advocate as well as his adversary. Christ gave us the goals, he would often say, and Mahatma Gandhi provided the tactics."
On page 150-151 in hi book Strength to Love, Dr. King writes of his fascination with the Gandhian concept of “Love (Truth) Force” and the great success of non-violent resistence in India. In Montgomery, Alabama in 1954, "as a pastor, at the beginning of the protest, the people called me in to be their spokesman. In accepting this responsibility, my mind consciously or unconsciously, was driven back to the Sermon on the Mount and the Gandhian method of nonviolent resistence. This principle became the guiding light of our movement. Christ furnished the Spirit and motivation and Gandhi furnished the method."Dr. King wrote of his trip to India to: "My privilege of traveling to India had a great impact on me personally, for it was invigorating to see firsthand the amazing results of a nonviolent struggle to achieve independence. The aftermath of hatred and bitterness that usually follows a violent campaign was found nowhere in India, and a mutual friendship, based on complete equality, existed between the Indian and British people within the Commonwealth."
In the next paragraph, "…the nonviolent approach does something to the hearts and souls of those committed to it. It gives them new self-respect. It calls up resources of strength and courage that they did not know they had. Finally, it so stirs up the conscience of the opponent that reconciliation becomes a reality."
Forgiveness Brings Blessings
Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Luke 23:24
I can't forgive certain people so I ask God to do it for me. It's God's job anyway isn't it?
Seriously, I know it is a matter of choice - "free will". And I know how much it hurts me not to forgive. Unforgiveness, grudges, keeping people out of my heart hurts me - it blocks the flow of love in and out of my heart.
Forgiveness opens my heart to the truth of oneness with God and all - even my "enemies." Knowing that they "know not what they do" really helps me to understand their's and my unforgiveness.
I forgive myself and others, which opens my heart to peace, joy and gratitude.
Dear Love, thank you for this cycle of giving and receiving that continues to bless me and all my relationships.
I can't forgive certain people so I ask God to do it for me. It's God's job anyway isn't it?
Seriously, I know it is a matter of choice - "free will". And I know how much it hurts me not to forgive. Unforgiveness, grudges, keeping people out of my heart hurts me - it blocks the flow of love in and out of my heart.
Forgiveness opens my heart to the truth of oneness with God and all - even my "enemies." Knowing that they "know not what they do" really helps me to understand their's and my unforgiveness.
I forgive myself and others, which opens my heart to peace, joy and gratitude.
Dear Love, thank you for this cycle of giving and receiving that continues to bless me and all my relationships.
Even in the midst of our busy, agenda-driven lives, we pause now and then to drink in the day's rhythms: the startling radiance of a sunrise, the power and heat of high noon, the peace of the evening's ending. “Angels of the Hours” allows us to deepen this grateful response to the real rhythms of the day. European cathedral bells, Gregorian chant, and Fra Angelico's magnificent angels accompany us as we embrace an ancient understanding of the word “hour”: not as clock time, but as a measure of soul. You will find Latin texts and translations of the chants
Images did not appear here but you can see them at gratefulness.org (Brother David Stiendl-Rast's great site) - see bottom of page.
The Night Watch
Before the day's noises begin,when it is still perfectly quiet.
Commitment & Fervor
A meditation duringlunch-hour.
The Coming of the Light
Around breakfast time; nourishyour soul for this coming day.
The Shadows Lengthen
The needed boost for the lasthours of the work day.
A Deliberate Beginning
When you get to your workplaceand just before you begin.
Lighting the Lamps
An evening celebration.
The Joy of Living
A mid-morning prayer break.
Completing the Circle
At night, just before going to bed.
Images did not appear here but you can see them at gratefulness.org (Brother David Stiendl-Rast's great site) - see bottom of page.
The Night Watch
Before the day's noises begin,when it is still perfectly quiet.
Commitment & Fervor
A meditation duringlunch-hour.
The Coming of the Light
Around breakfast time; nourishyour soul for this coming day.
The Shadows Lengthen
The needed boost for the lasthours of the work day.
A Deliberate Beginning
When you get to your workplaceand just before you begin.
Lighting the Lamps
An evening celebration.
The Joy of Living
A mid-morning prayer break.
Completing the Circle
At night, just before going to bed.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Reading of the Will
The Reading of the Will
Ron Alexander
feeling blessed to
be with Mom's
when she passed
a few weeks ago
from cloudy cool winter day
to squinting into fluorescent
conference room by myself
the other beneficiary
my nephew left in waiting room
big table a lot of chairs
extra lawyer to witness
page after page after page read
without my name
finally shows on last pages
containing minor parts of estate
only listed there since
remaining brother died last year
last page a request that
leftover cash divided
between three of us (now two)
not much after Mom’s bills
left over change
attempted mollification by lawyer
saying that Mom would have left
me off completely because of ex-wife
but he stepped in and advised her
that she could not take it with her
-you know what your Mom was like
he asked me
it was more than that
mentally compiling
list that would
lead to such rejection
why did she do that
why did I do that
why did she say that
why did I say that
why why why why
please quit brain
storm outside
hard time seeing while driving
turned down invitation
from aunt to stay overnight
with her and newly enriched
drug/alcohol addicted nephew
screaming curses at Mom
stopped at cheap motel
isolating deep near suicidal
despair storm continues outside
dark clouds sparking lightening
strikes in my mind
(4th draft 5-6-09)
from cloudy cool winter day
squinting into fluorescense
by myself.
my nephew
the only other beneficiary
left in the waiting room
big table with a lot of chairs
page after page were read without
my name
finally shows on the last couple
of pages containing minor parts of the estate
only listed there since
remaining brother had
died last year
the last page a request that the left
over cash would be divided between
the three of us (now two)
that would not be much
after all Mom’s bills
left over change
attempted mollification by lawyer
saying that Mom would have left me
off completely because of ex-wife
but he stepped in and advised
her that she could not take it with her -
you know what your Mom is like
he asked me
it was more than that
compiling a list of things that would
lead to such a rejection
a storm outside
a hard time seeing while driving
having turned down invitation from
aunt to stay overnight with her and
newly enriched drug/alcohol addicted nephew
screaming curses at Mom
stopped at cheap motel
in deep near suicidal despair
the storm continued to rage
dark clouds sparking lightening
strokes in my mind.
ties to find the best in ourselves; God bless your sweet heart for hanging in and accepting the challenge. Keep on nurturing that surely developing pearl in the core of your being ; write, speak, love, give and give and give and give and as you explore the depths of your unique beingness and discover the true beauty such pain can bring, this apparent loss will be as a mere grain of sand without which the magnificent pearl in all its beauty could never manifest. You are the love, honey. I'm blessed and honored to be your friend. Lovingly, Hanna
Ron Alexander
feeling blessed to
be with Mom's
when she passed
a few weeks ago
from cloudy cool winter day
to squinting into fluorescent
conference room by myself
the other beneficiary
my nephew left in waiting room
big table a lot of chairs
extra lawyer to witness
page after page after page read
without my name
finally shows on last pages
containing minor parts of estate
only listed there since
remaining brother died last year
last page a request that
leftover cash divided
between three of us (now two)
not much after Mom’s bills
left over change
attempted mollification by lawyer
saying that Mom would have left
me off completely because of ex-wife
but he stepped in and advised her
that she could not take it with her
-you know what your Mom was like
he asked me
it was more than that
mentally compiling
list that would
lead to such rejection
why did she do that
why did I do that
why did she say that
why did I say that
why why why why
please quit brain
storm outside
hard time seeing while driving
turned down invitation
from aunt to stay overnight
with her and newly enriched
drug/alcohol addicted nephew
screaming curses at Mom
stopped at cheap motel
isolating deep near suicidal
despair storm continues outside
dark clouds sparking lightening
strikes in my mind
(4th draft 5-6-09)
from cloudy cool winter day
squinting into fluorescense
by myself.
my nephew
the only other beneficiary
left in the waiting room
big table with a lot of chairs
page after page were read without
my name
finally shows on the last couple
of pages containing minor parts of the estate
only listed there since
remaining brother had
died last year
the last page a request that the left
over cash would be divided between
the three of us (now two)
that would not be much
after all Mom’s bills
left over change
attempted mollification by lawyer
saying that Mom would have left me
off completely because of ex-wife
but he stepped in and advised
her that she could not take it with her -
you know what your Mom is like
he asked me
it was more than that
compiling a list of things that would
lead to such a rejection
a storm outside
a hard time seeing while driving
having turned down invitation from
aunt to stay overnight with her and
newly enriched drug/alcohol addicted nephew
screaming curses at Mom
stopped at cheap motel
in deep near suicidal despair
the storm continued to rage
dark clouds sparking lightening
strokes in my mind.
ties to find the best in ourselves; God bless your sweet heart for hanging in and accepting the challenge. Keep on nurturing that surely developing pearl in the core of your being ; write, speak, love, give and give and give and give and as you explore the depths of your unique beingness and discover the true beauty such pain can bring, this apparent loss will be as a mere grain of sand without which the magnificent pearl in all its beauty could never manifest. You are the love, honey. I'm blessed and honored to be your friend. Lovingly, Hanna
Things Are Thoughts
"Things are thoughts" is a quote from a friend who was told that by a shaman in the jumgles or Equador recently.
So if our life is cluttered with things, our mind is cluttered with thoughts more than likely. An uncluttered mind is a more peaceful mind. Spirit is not thought, yet Spirit can be expressed by words from the Creative Intelligence of a peaceful, listening mind.
This is another reason my Mother "spared me" (a favorite phrase of one of my favorite teachers - Byron Katy) when she virtually left me out of her will.
So if our life is cluttered with things, our mind is cluttered with thoughts more than likely. An uncluttered mind is a more peaceful mind. Spirit is not thought, yet Spirit can be expressed by words from the Creative Intelligence of a peaceful, listening mind.
This is another reason my Mother "spared me" (a favorite phrase of one of my favorite teachers - Byron Katy) when she virtually left me out of her will.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
True Inheritance
Going through some intense wonderful growth after Mom almost left me completely out of her will, including this wonderful old beachhouse that I have been renovating for a couple of years now. She left it and the bulk of her estate to my addicted nephew, her only grandson. Unfortunately, his inheritance is in a trust lawyer's hands, and he only gets an allowance for 33 years, which gives him no motivation to get better. And he has already self-destructed - you might want to read the post I wrote about him.Anyway, after initial despair, I have rebounded with intense successful work on myself, which means one day of the week at the Baba Center, a sound healing service at the local Unity church (great minister - I get alot out of her Sunday sermon there), working with Ernest Holmes's Daily Wisdom, meditating weekly with a Oneness Movement Deeksha giver (the best meditation), and a weekly prayer/meditation group at a local friend's house who is one of the original Jim Gore Light Workers, and who also spend a lot of time with Baba now.
It is almost as if I have been forced into "Praying without Ceasing/Mindfulness Meditation" by the original deep feeling of despair/rejection after the shocking reading of the will. A great book about this ongoing prayer life is called gratefulness, the heart of prayer (An Approach to Life in Fullness) by Brother David Steindl-Rast. Here is one of his quotes: "But if we call it mindfulness or wholehearted living, it is easier to recognize prayer as an attitude that should characterize all of our activities. The more we come alive and awake, the more everything we do becomes prayer." p. 48
So I now feel I have moved from a broken heart to an open light heart assisted by some angels that I asked Mom to send me while she was passing on. I am so very grateful for this True Inheritance.
It is almost as if I have been forced into "Praying without Ceasing/Mindfulness Meditation" by the original deep feeling of despair/rejection after the shocking reading of the will. A great book about this ongoing prayer life is called gratefulness, the heart of prayer (An Approach to Life in Fullness) by Brother David Steindl-Rast. Here is one of his quotes: "But if we call it mindfulness or wholehearted living, it is easier to recognize prayer as an attitude that should characterize all of our activities. The more we come alive and awake, the more everything we do becomes prayer." p. 48
So I now feel I have moved from a broken heart to an open light heart assisted by some angels that I asked Mom to send me while she was passing on. I am so very grateful for this True Inheritance.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Angels In Charge Over Me - They Help Me Maintain One Heart
For he shall give his angels charge over you to keep thee in all thine ways. Psalm 91:11
I liked your commitment at the end (to being more of a human being rather than a human "doing") The most healing thing you can do is let this go. You are not in control of the outcome. It will play out as it will, no matter what you do. His mother's enabling of him is way beyond your intervention and, ultimately the consequences are hers to deal with. Years ago a business associate told Jim and me this and I have never forgotten it; "The three hardest things to do in life are:
Best, Linda
Thanks, Linda.
I had a great prayer after church today, and realized the worst thing for me is when I force anyone out of my heart - so with the help of Spirit I put Barry, My Aunt, and all others involved back in my heart and I feel joyous again.
Olivia's prayed with me after church and her Wed. Night sound healing sessions have been so helpful! At two different sessions with her, two different people (who I did not know) said they saw angels with me. The first was Archangel Michael and then others were seen this past Wed. I am asking these angels to go to all involved for the highest good for all.
I agree with you, I let go and let God through the angels, while keeping them in my heart.
It hurts too much otherwise. Thanks for being an angel friend, Ron
All my words I shall speak to you receive in your heart. Ezekiel 3:10
Ron, EXCELLENT!! The hurt and anger you have been feeling can only hurt you in the long run. At times the negative thoughts may try to come back, but remember what Gene Wall Cole said. Just say "Cancel/Clear". It works. It isn't that you devalue the thoughts, you just erase them for your own well being. Linda
I sent Barry this email: (the photo of the worm would not paste but that is o.k. as it was uglee!) Jumbo Worm: This 4-foot-long sea worm was devastating coral reef and terrorizing fish at an aquarium in Cornwall, southwestern England, the Daily Mail reported Tuesday. The creature, known as "Barry," devoured bait traps -- hooks and all -- and bit through a 20-pound fishing line before staffers finally managed to capture it. The worm was moved to its own tank.
Barry, the Real you is the photo of you and Honey when you were about 2 or three.
You still have that "Light of the World" in you. When you were young, you did not know a stranger, and everybody loved you. Well, you still have that Real part of you, and you can get back to being the Light of the World again! You may feel as low as a worm just now, but, that is not who you are.
There is grace, in Christianity, where you don't have to earn that part of you, all you have to do is to give your life to the Lord! I still see your light and have faith in you, Uncle Ron
"For he shall give his angels charge over you to keep thee in all thine ways." Psalm 91:11
Barry, I asked Mom several times while she was in the hospital to send me a guardian angel, well according to feedback from a couple of people I know l am now surrounded by angels. I was told that I could ask them to go help you too, so have faith that you are surrounded by protective angels who can help you renew the Lord's Light in you! Pray for this renewal.
"Create within me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 61:15
I liked your commitment at the end (to being more of a human being rather than a human "doing") The most healing thing you can do is let this go. You are not in control of the outcome. It will play out as it will, no matter what you do. His mother's enabling of him is way beyond your intervention and, ultimately the consequences are hers to deal with. Years ago a business associate told Jim and me this and I have never forgotten it; "The three hardest things to do in life are:
Best, Linda
Thanks, Linda.
I had a great prayer after church today, and realized the worst thing for me is when I force anyone out of my heart - so with the help of Spirit I put Barry, My Aunt, and all others involved back in my heart and I feel joyous again.
Olivia's prayed with me after church and her Wed. Night sound healing sessions have been so helpful! At two different sessions with her, two different people (who I did not know) said they saw angels with me. The first was Archangel Michael and then others were seen this past Wed. I am asking these angels to go to all involved for the highest good for all.
I agree with you, I let go and let God through the angels, while keeping them in my heart.
It hurts too much otherwise. Thanks for being an angel friend, Ron
All my words I shall speak to you receive in your heart. Ezekiel 3:10
Ron, EXCELLENT!! The hurt and anger you have been feeling can only hurt you in the long run. At times the negative thoughts may try to come back, but remember what Gene Wall Cole said. Just say "Cancel/Clear". It works. It isn't that you devalue the thoughts, you just erase them for your own well being. Linda
I sent Barry this email: (the photo of the worm would not paste but that is o.k. as it was uglee!) Jumbo Worm: This 4-foot-long sea worm was devastating coral reef and terrorizing fish at an aquarium in Cornwall, southwestern England, the Daily Mail reported Tuesday. The creature, known as "Barry," devoured bait traps -- hooks and all -- and bit through a 20-pound fishing line before staffers finally managed to capture it. The worm was moved to its own tank.
Barry, the Real you is the photo of you and Honey when you were about 2 or three.
You still have that "Light of the World" in you. When you were young, you did not know a stranger, and everybody loved you. Well, you still have that Real part of you, and you can get back to being the Light of the World again! You may feel as low as a worm just now, but, that is not who you are.

There is grace, in Christianity, where you don't have to earn that part of you, all you have to do is to give your life to the Lord! I still see your light and have faith in you, Uncle Ron
"For he shall give his angels charge over you to keep thee in all thine ways." Psalm 91:11
Barry, I asked Mom several times while she was in the hospital to send me a guardian angel, well according to feedback from a couple of people I know l am now surrounded by angels. I was told that I could ask them to go help you too, so have faith that you are surrounded by protective angels who can help you renew the Lord's Light in you! Pray for this renewal.
"Create within me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 61:15
Thursday, April 2, 2009
God Must Love Us Unconditionally
Since He gave us free will. Otherwise he would have sent us in with a set of instructions and rules for our life.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Sanctuary of Certainty
I come that they may have life. John 10:10
Let us turn toward the sun of eternal life, the spiritual sun that cannot set and forever rises on the horizon of our own experience. Definitely and deliberately, we let go of every lost hope, every fear of want, every sense of lack, every hurt, because today we leave the the tomb of doubt and enter the sanctuary of certainty. We will roll away the stone of uncertainty from our consciousness; we find the resurrected, the Divine, and God-intended perfection and wholeness. The doorway of the tomb leads away from all morbid thought. We are standing forevermore in the glory of an everlasting protection of the One Presence.
I let go of all disease and dishonor. They slip back into the tomb of oblivion, for the spiritual body now rises triumphant in every cell; we are instantly renewed by the creative principle of eternal Life that is within us. We are alive and aware, and we know that the Kingdom of God is here and is within us this moment.
Thou are the center and circumference of my life, the beginningness and endless of me, the eternal Reality of me, the everlasting Power within me. Thou art my whole being. Ernest Holmes
Let us turn toward the sun of eternal life, the spiritual sun that cannot set and forever rises on the horizon of our own experience. Definitely and deliberately, we let go of every lost hope, every fear of want, every sense of lack, every hurt, because today we leave the the tomb of doubt and enter the sanctuary of certainty. We will roll away the stone of uncertainty from our consciousness; we find the resurrected, the Divine, and God-intended perfection and wholeness. The doorway of the tomb leads away from all morbid thought. We are standing forevermore in the glory of an everlasting protection of the One Presence.
I let go of all disease and dishonor. They slip back into the tomb of oblivion, for the spiritual body now rises triumphant in every cell; we are instantly renewed by the creative principle of eternal Life that is within us. We are alive and aware, and we know that the Kingdom of God is here and is within us this moment.
Thou are the center and circumference of my life, the beginningness and endless of me, the eternal Reality of me, the everlasting Power within me. Thou art my whole being. Ernest Holmes
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