Thursday, March 26, 2009

More on "There Is No Doubt in This Love"

No Doubt!

Is the New Testament Right? Is God Love?
I have had two traumatic situations in my life recently causing a lot of grief. My friends are divided between "Spirit is kicking your butt" and "You need to change your negative thoughts about the problems." I have definitely been confused between the two, and have recently decided to take Jesus for his words: "God is Love." And I think it would be duality to say "both are true."

I have been inspired by the presence of angels on this earth and from the Spirit World. The following quote is from ANGEL MIRACLES (Inspirational Stories of Heavenly Help) by Brad and Sherry Steiger. (p.63 - p. 64)
"The light within, around, or generated by the benevolent being became even brighter as he spoke. 'You are loved unconditionally," he said. "The Creator Spirit is not filled with wrath and vengeance as so many Earth religions have taught, but that which you call 'God' is pure love beyond comprehension. What you humans have mistaken as punishment from your fierce concept of God is nothing more than the effects of your own action.'
Marissa said that the light being placed great importance on the needs for humans to begin to understand the relationship between cause and effect, because it was through this understanding that human spirit evolution will occur.'At this point,' Marissa said, ' the light coming from the celestial being went through me, and I experienced unconditional love for the first time in my life.It was searing and exquisite. It was as though I was being bathed in a light that entered every cell of my body and filled everything it passed through with love.'"

We cannot doubt that God is Love, because Love renews and re-invigorates while hate kills.

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now, remain in my love. John 15:7

Today my love goes out to all people and all things. There is no fear in this love for "Perfect love casts out all fear." There is no doubt in this love, for faith penetrates all doubt and reveals a unity at the center of all things that embraces everything. This love flowing through me harmonizes everything in my experience, brings a sense of security, brings forth gladness to all and well being to everyone. I realize that the love flowing through and around me and all things is one vast all-enveloping essence and force forever animating from the living God.

Love is the lodestone of Life, the great and supreme Reality. Love is the highest gift of heaven. People who love animals and understand them are not afraid of them, for love transmits some subtle essence of life to everything it touches awakening within all things an equal awareness and response. This is also true of human relationships. Love is the greatest healing power there is and no one feels whole without it.

Love need not be confined to a few persons, It can be extended to more without losing the love of a few. What a wonderful experience to learn to love everyone as we do the few.Then we would have a larger territory, and we will experience a greater degree of livingness. (paraphrased from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom)

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