Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Abundant Living
Thou openest thou hand, and satisfieth the desire of every living thing. Psalm 145:16
Realizing our union with a Divine Source results in a feeling of abundance with everything we do, an abundance of friendship, of self expression, of everything. This abundant life contains all things whether we call them big or little.
I sense the flow into my consciousness of the Divine Intelligence, a feeling that the creative imagination of the whole universe is centered in me and flowing through me.
Today I expect a more abundant life. I am keeping my whole mind and expectations open to new experiences, to happier events, in a more complete self-expression. Giving out more love, I expect greater love in return. Sharing with others whatever good things I have, I expect all life to share with me the good it expresses. Seeing beauty everywhere, I expect a revelation of still more beauty. Seeing joy in everything, I expect more laughter. More deeply sensing the Divine tranquility in which all things exist, I expect deeper consciousness of peace and security. Through it all, I feel that I am in the embrace of a warm, loving Presence forever seeking an outlet through me. (paraphrased fom Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom)

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