Thursday, March 26, 2009

Effective Praying, Oneness & Non-resistance

Effective Prayer results in feeling of Oneness, less resistance & a more accepting, loving attitude.

Whither can I go from your spirit? Whither can I flee from your presence? Psalms 139-7

"Isn’t it interesting how YOUR attitude change changed him?" Linda

Ernest Holmes again explains this very well - During prayer (he calls it 'treatment'):"You need never wonder how your thought gets to the other person, because it does not have to go anywhere. Every person is already established in the Universal One Mind (Be as one, as my Father and I are one.), whose creative Law must manifest the ideas presented to it. So the whole action takes place in your own consciousness. Your treatment (prayer), working through the Law of Mind, produces results according to your faith and conviction.

And I like the affirmation that goes with it:
"Today I affirm that every person I meet will be helped, every situation I contact will be harmonized, every activity I am engaged in will be made prosperous and complete. In addition to my specific treatment, the silent affirmation of my whole thought will create a healing energy field that automatically reflects itself wherever I am, whatever I am doing. Consequently, I know that a blessing rests upon everyone I meet in my experience and goes out to the whole world to benefit all humanity."

"I was glad to hear about your breakthrough.
He was probably scared to death as to how you would react." Linda

I like your feedback about B.'s "being scared to death." Hmm, I had not thought of that.

These are verses that seems to really work for non-resistance: "I say unto ye that ye resist not evil. & Be still and know.." and here is some writing from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom (3-22-09):

"All good things are possible to the person who can perfectly practice non-action. There is something (a healing energy field) flowing in, around, and through all things that nothing can resist. Too often our way is resistance, as we try to change the outer before changing the inner.
Disregarding (denying) everything that seems to contradict Reality in which I live, I affirm that Spirit is operating in my life.
Turning resolutely from everything that denies the good I wish to experience, I affirm the good. There is no situation or condition that resists this transcendent thought; for I proclaim the omnipotence of God, the guidance of Mind that proclaims all things, and the peace that is beyond any confusion."

From A Course in Miracles: "Need do nothing."

From Chinese philosophy: "The way to do is to be."

I am committing to be more of a human being than a human "doing."

I liked your commitment at the end. The most healing thing you can do is let this go. You are not in control of the outcome. It will play out as it will, no matter what you do. His mother's enabling of him is way beyond your intervention and, ultimately the consequences are hers to deal with. Years ago a business associate told Jim and me this and I have never forgotten it; "The three hardest things to do in life are:


Thanks, Linda.
I had a great prayer after church today, and realized the worst thing for me is when I force anyone out of my heart - so with the help of Spirit I put Barry, My Aunt, and all others involved back in my heart and I feel joyous again.

Olivia's prayed with me after church and her Wed. Night sound healing sessions have been so helpful! At two different sessions with her, two different people (who I did not know) said the saw angels with me. The first was Archangel Michael and then others were seen this past Wed. I am asking these angels to go to all involved for the highest good for all.

I agree with you, I let go and let God through the angels, while keeping them in my heart.

It hurts too much otherwise.

Thanks for being an angel friend, Ron

EXCELLENT!! The hurt and anger you have been feeling can only hurt you in the long run. At times the negative thoughts may try to come back, but remember what Gene Wall Cole said. Just say "Cancel/Clear". It works. It isn't that you devalue the thoughts, you just erase them for your own well being. Linda

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