Monday, December 30, 2013

Rapture - Fiction!

”I experienced a moment of anger today. ONE of my friends shared a piece about the rapture, and for once I expressed my anger over seeing these people trying to persuade others to live in fear expecting a reward in afterlive. It is refreshing to know that I can still be angry, even though I was judgmental to those that spread fear, but after a minute I found myself again. If you believe that Jesus LOVE was such that he divided people in good and bad people, then you might reconsider what he spent his LIFE being. And if you believe what he told you, that he was ONE with goddess, there is not much to debate in this. Rapture was invented approx 1850 and written on the cover of St. James bible, and has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. Goddess is LOVE, and you know the beautiful feeling of LOVE from inside, so what is so difficult to understand. If it is not LOVE without condition, it is not a divine message. Period.”~Bent Kim Lundberg

Thank you for listening to my rant here.
I LOVE you
May your every day be as beautiful as the LOVE in your heart.
Interestingly, the same experience happened to me at Unity, which definitely does not believe in "rapture"(here it was popularized by a book by Hal Lindsay in the 50's I think). Many fundamentalists have leaped upon this UnGodly "theory" to spread fear and hopeful "loyalty' of their congregations. This nice gentleman spoke up after service and stated his belief in Jesus coming back in physical form. I raised my hand and thanked him, however I believe in Spirit manifestation not a physical one. "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." --John 4:24  - All this foolbuggery about bodies come out of their graves is just plain crazy! And be as one, as my Father are one - ONENESS IN SPIRIT!

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