Monday, December 30, 2013

Brother David's Happy New Year

Br. David Steindl-Rast  Stop! Look! Go!
The Recipe for Grateful Living.
by Br. David Steindl-Rast O.S.B.
Green holly with red berries
A blessed New Year to you and to all those close to your heart!

Let’s open our eyes and recognize 2014 for what it really is:
A wonderful tree heavy with harvest -- every day of all four seasons.
And let’s practice the trick for harvesting this abundance of gifts.
The trick is: STOP / LOOK / GO -- the recipe for grateful living.

Stop! -- so that you will not hurry past the gift this moment offers you.
Look! -- so you will recognize this gift: the opportunity available now.
Go! -- that means: Do something with this precious opportunity!

Practicing stop, look, go! -- over and over -- that is the recipe for true joy.
May you experience this joy that springs from living gratefully, in 2014.

For all of us at A Network for Grateful Living (ANG*L),
Your brother David (

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