Monday, December 30, 2013

Facing Darkside and Make a Life Inventory - Step 4, Key 4 (An Examined Life)

Step Four: We Made a fearless moral inventory of ourselves. Bill Wilson

Face your dark side and make a life inventory: What would you like to improve by next year? By acknowledging your dark aspects, you can effectively communicate with both halves of ourselves. This offers liberating balance, and facilitates tremendous wisdom...Hard to do but vital to becoming whole! Thanks Will Melies and Cosmic Woods
Many people lately have been seeing ravens(crows) in their dreams. They came to me for advise and decoding of their dreams.
Dr. Carl Jung deemed raven symbolism to represent the shadow self, or the dark side of the psyche. Many of us feel avoiding some aspects of our self by hiding them. When the raven shows it means that you need to face your demons and make a life inventory. What would you like to improve by next year? By acknowledging your dark aspects, you can effectively communicate with both halves of ourselves. This offers liberating balance, and facilitates tremendous wisdom (something the raven would be very pleased with).
This also facilitates the unveiling of inner depths, and the active utilization of impulses and desires.

See 2nd Step and Key below: I have had many mistakes in my life, I have been too judgemental,  too critical, too anxious, too fearful, too much feelings of inadequacy, too much gossip, too many angry reactions. too much womanizing, too much using of women, too much manipulating, I have felt guilty too much, I have put myself and others down too much!  Ron Alexander

It is much like an onion. There is layer after layer of deep-seated beliefs, wounds and perspectives that are there to be acknowledged and healed. As soon as you think you are healed a certain issue and you are all done, there is another layer to be healed. Frustrating and discouraging I know, but it does get better and you continue to do the work.
I can promise you from my experience, when the hypnotic spell is broken by practicing the spiritual principles in this book,  you will awaken to the truth of life. You will return to your original and natural state of balance, clarity and order.
You will be restored to sanity!               
Ester Nicholson, p. 35 SOUL RECOVERY

Key Four: Ester Nicholson
Through absolute surrender and conscious connection to the One Power and Presence, I courageously, deeply and gently search within myself for all thought patterns and behaviors that are out of alignment with love, integrity, harmony and order.


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