Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Second Step (Bill Wilson) and The Second Key (Ester Nicholson) - Restored to Wholeness

The 2nd Step and the 2nd Key (Restored to Wholeness)
Step two: "We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity." Bill Wilson
Key two: Through my conscious connection with the One Power, I reclaim my spiritual dominion and emotional balance. I am restored to my original nature of clarity, peace and wholeness. I am restored. Ester Nicholson

Are we insane?

Joel Goldsmith, founder of the Infinite Way, tells us that we have been hypnotized  by our cultural history into believing that we are less than the experience of God. He suggests that this false belief causes us to lose perception of reality and therefore experience insanity.

Face your dark side and make a life inventory: What would you like to improve by next year? By acknowledging your dark aspects, you can effectively communicate with both halves of ourselves. This offers liberating balance, and facilitates tremendous wisdom...Hard to do but vital to becoming whole!

I have had many mistakes in my life, I have been too judgemental,  too critical, too anxious, too fearful, too much feelings of inadequacy, too much gossip, too many angry reactions. too much womanizing, too much using of women, too much manipulating, I have felt guilty too much, I have put myself and others down too much!  Ron Alexander
It is much like an onion. There is layer after layer of deep-seated beliefs, wounds and perspectives that are there to be acknowledged and healed. As soon as you think you are healed a certain issue and you are all done, there is another layer to be healed. Frustrating and discouraging I know, but it does get better and you continue to do the work.
I can promise you from my experience, when the hypnotic spell is broken by practicing the spiritual principles in this book,  you will awaken to the truth of life. You will return to your original and natural state of balance, clarity and order.
You will be restored to sanity!                Ester Nicholson, p. 35 SOUL RECOVERY

Affirmations: I allow the love of God to wash over me. I believe, know and accept that as I am restored to my true identity. I will be filled with peace, balance, order, love and harmony.

My mind is an expression of God's mind: focused, peaceful, free and clear!
When that spell of chronic fear, doubt, worry and low self-worth is broken. I am restored and I awaken to life's truth - which is love, peace, balance and well-being!

Through my conscious connection with the One Power, I reclaim my spiritual dominion and emotional balance. I am restored to my original nature of clarity, peace and wholeness. I am restored.

My soul is restored, refreshed, and renewed. My mind is established in divine and loving order, free of mental chatter and mindless distractions. I am restored to sanity.

All the broken pieces in my life are restored to wholeness. The appearance of disorder is returned to divine and perfect order.
The crooked places in my mind are made straight, because my mind is the mind of God expressing through me. This is the truth of me. This has always been the truth of me. This is the truth of me.  This has always been the truth of me. I now remember--I am now awake to who I really am as an expression of God.

Today, I woke up with such a sense of well-being. I feel healthy, vibrant and alive. I'm so excited about my day. My thoughts are positive, centered and peaceful, and as a result I've  created a wonderful life. I am becoming part of a wonderful Unity and Veteran Community. This is the year I write the best-selling inspirational book about TRUE PRIVILEGE. I will be traveling around the country doing interviews on Television and radio promoting my book which will be helpful to so many!
Linda's Light's photo.


Step 3: We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understand Him. (Bill Wilson)
Key 3: I turn my life over to the care of God. I understand, know and embody as love, harmony, health, prosperity and joy. I know that which I am surrendering to, and I do so absolutely knowing that this Power is the very essence of my being. I say with my heart and mind: THY WILL BE DONE!
My self wants to control and it is hard to let go and let God (Self). Surrender is something unfamiliar to self - fear of being out of control.
I have found that the resistance is when you think you are dealing with a withholding judgmental moody God.
However, how about surrendering to an Infinite source of Good that is encoded in every person and object in the Universe and Source of all Love and Well-being?
Letting that Power take over takes time and practice.
Source is not a Limiting Critical God, nor is Spirit a santa claus where great gifts are available immediately.
Letting Go falls somewhere in between - a santa claus type Power would be keeping a list of whether you are good or bad.
Unless we are prepared for the pain and process of growth, the prospect of surrender can be discouraging and knock us off course.
Change, by its very nature, uncomfortable. - as it is outside your comfort zone. There will be pain stretching beyond your usual patterns.  This is completely normal.
When I  turned my life over to God, it meant I was willing to die to the old and be rebirthed into something NEW AND GREATER.
Yet even with the "ouch" factor, we are supported in this process of surrender. We become acutely aware that we are not alone and that our personal lives are unfolding within a larger pattern.
Each of us, no matter of our past are individualized expressions of the One Power as explained in Key One.
The Power is love Itself. From a place of faith and absolute readiness, you surrender your life to this infinite vibration of unconditional Love, and behold as you are made new.  page 43.


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