Thursday, May 2, 2013

Spirit Says - Love will Light your way through fear

never let the brittleness of fear grasp you too tightly,
lean into it,
ask it questions,
FEEL it somewhere.
know that it is perfectly okay to stumble,
to tremble a bit,
... and to be afraid.
YOU are bigger though,
your love will light the way through this.
If you have forgotten,
call on Spirit ~
you are never alone.

Ra Divakar Poor Ol' "ego" - Freud coined this word and he defined it as the Conscious bridge between our higher self Super Ego) and lower self(Id). It is not our inner "devil" - there is not one! Try using the words negative thoughts instead of "ego" and see what...See More
  • Patricia Arnold I understand. It has become a catch-all. But it does use fear to "guide" us through its realm, Earth. I don't believe we should try to destroy it or ignore it. But I do think we have to recognize how it distracts us from our Higher Selves--and in most cases, forces us to deny our Higher Selves.

    Every time I hear, "I'm only human." I am reminded how well the Ego Self has done its job.
  • Ron Alexander Thanks for sharing, however I have to agree with Ra - no part of me is junk! The ego has been unfairly demonized, and I do think the problem is with fear-based thinking. "As we thinketh in our heart, we art." and Buddha says "We are the result of our thoughts."
    Photo: never let the brittleness of fear grasp you too tightly,
lean into it, 
ask it questions,
FEEL it somewhere.
know that it is perfectly okay to stumble,
to tremble a bit,
and to be afraid.
YOU are bigger though,
your love will light the way through this.
If you have forgotten,
call on Spirit ~
you are never alone.

artist ~ Gaia Orion
    artist ~ Gaia Orion

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