Friday, May 3, 2013

How to get out of Self-doubt

Never doubt who you are. Never. No matter what happens, who hurts you or how you feel, know that at the center of your being is a cornucopia of Divine love patiently waiting to bless you, heal you and make you feel whole once again.

Know y...our inner divinity and commune with the Divine daily in prayer, meditation and service. Giving Divine love to everyone without expecting it in return is unconditional love.

Expecting Divine love to bless you, heal you and make you whole is allowing it to be what it is without your beliefs interfering with its essence. Share unconditional love and allow its blessings to abound in your life. Be ye therefore perfect! ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

You are very inspiring Dr. Dean Banks, and to be truthful I go in and out of doubt, however you and others here help. Most importantly, I do meditate/prayer/affirmative mantra/conscious breathing fusion in AM and evening, which helps me into mindfulness. Mindfulness or being present is almost like ''praying without ceasing''. This keeps me out of doubt, and when not, I have to remind myself that "this too shall pass." And occasionally, I have to place a hand over my heart, and say to myself "God's Love is here, right here, right now." thanks for the support, sharing!

Photo: Never doubt who you are. Never. No matter what happens, who hurts you or how you feel, know that at the center of your being is a cornucopia of Divine love patiently waiting to bless you, heal you and make you feel whole once again.

Know your inner divinity and commune with the Divine daily in prayer, meditation and service. Giving Divine love to everyone without expecting it in return is unconditional love.

Expecting Divine love to bless you, heal you and make you whole is allowing it to be what it is without your beliefs interfering with its essence. Share unconditional love and allow its blessings to abound in your life. Be ye therefore perfect! ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Ra Divakar I really believe that most of us have doubts (Most men (people) live lifes of quiet desperation - Thoreau), and many of us are in denial, yet Dean A. Banks inspires the ideal that we can aspire to - thanks!

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