Thursday, May 2, 2013

Transcending Judgement for a Beautiful Peace of Mind

Love remains entangled in the "I" until awareness through the spirit of that which IS. At this point Love enters a new state of understanding, and the powerful and glorious reality of grace transcends all judgment against anyone for anything, and introduces for the very first time, a beautiful peace of mind.

  • Dean A. Banks The process of unfolding Divine love into peaceful co-existence...

Divyaa Kummar No me/ personal identity/ego self = Universal consciousness = Love!

Love is not an emotion but a state of being devoid of the separation that i (and it’s me, mine, you & yours) brings about. As our sense of separate/individuated/ego self starts to d
ecrease, we increasingly move into the state of being - called Love! When i (the separate self) am not - Love spontaneously is!Indeed no self = no fears, no demands, no attachments, no me, no you, no giving or taking = Love!

Masters (for example Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Mahavir etc) being beyond the personal self -established as universal consciousness- are Love Itself! This is why we feel their love so acutely – they emanate what they are...
 Many who ask for Grace would be shocked to hear that the troubles which may have followed their request were actually the very form in which the higher power granted the Grace to them.
Paul Brunton(
Notebooks Category 18: The Reverential Life

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