Friday, May 3, 2013

Sacred Healing Path for Radiant Health and Vitality -Then your light shall break forth like the dawn...

Radiant Health and Vitality - Sacred Healing Path
                                                                                                     Ron Alexander
You need to take responsibility for being the healthiest person you can be. No one else is going to do... it for you. Mehmet Oz, M. D. (with help from Spirit, ron)

Radiant life energy flows through me NOW

My body is physical, however my spirit is Divine. Sacred healing energy enlivens and restores me. I draw healing power from Spirit-Energy, which flows through me as radiant health and vitality! Every cell of my being responds to this Flow. I do what it takes to keep this Spirit Stream flowing through me.

 I choose foods that are healthy, and I replenish my system with fresh, pure water and juices.
Do some gentle stretching, aerobics and meditate/pray regularly!

My mind is at ease as I trust the healing process. I am confident as I affirm my return to health.
In mind, body and spirit, I am grateful for the powerful healing energy of the Divine flowing through me now.

Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly... -Isaiah 58:8

 Evelyn Leonard Wright I love this, Ron! The latest research is showing that the "junk" DNA in our cells is truly what creates the reality around us, including Healing!

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