Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Peace is understanding the Paradox of the Ego

"To awaken is to become fundamentally present. The ego will resist this. It will try to keep you in the past with blame, guilt, regret and resentment. And if that fails, it will seduce you into the future, with the promise of future fulfillment." -Leonard Jacobson


  • Effie Aghili This is a true and inspiring message, merci dear Ivan...

  • Khloena Nyorai the ego is our greatest teacher if one humbly listens attentively and in wisdom decides what is and what is not.There is no fear or wrestling, just focus on the Inner Spirit and the Awakening.
    Ron Alexander Agree with all of you and the ego keeps us safe as long as we are on the Earth, thanks Ivan and Khloena sharing!

Ken Timper One thing we should remember here is not condemn ourselves for seeing the negative. It takes a very long time to stop doing this. Ego is just as capable as giving us a self-punishing identity as a self-glorifying one. It is also why, spiritually speaking, persistent inner work and watching is essential: so much within goes on undetected, meaning one falls asleep--is drawn into egoic imagination--very easily.
    Ron Alexander The paradox is that as long as we are on Earth in this body, we need a well-balanced ego - not too weak and not too strong. However, the same ego can get in our way if we are not aware of it being unbalanced.

    "Feed the soul and starve the ego!"
     True: Muhammad Azeem- The soul will die in turn.Make a beautiful healthy combination of both.If you have no ego,you do not exist.
  • Ra Divakar I have heard the ego called our Earth Guide. As long as we are in our body, we need an ego. Being aware of it, and not allowing it to be too weak nor too strong is the key!

    Ron Alexander We have to love and appreciate our ego as much as any part of ourselves, yet at same time be aware - very aware of it!

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