Monday, November 5, 2012

“No storm can shake my inmost calm.”

          Happy 12th Anniversary of! Our joy this month is your joy: You who take to heart the message of grateful living, you who support us with your tremendous kindness, you who know yourself to be an integral part of A Network for Grateful Living (ANG*L). This joy dwells alongside profound challenges and pain. But gratefulness is a fundamental root that allows us to say, along with the hymn writer, “No storm can shake my inmost calm.”


So take time off from "trying" to achieve your goals. Do the parts of it that make it enjoyable for you in the first place. Enjoy the parts of your life that are unrelated. The Universe had your goal in hand when you have envisioned it complete. The Universe is the Master Planner. You are just the passenger you see. When you purchase a ticket to Belize on one of those big cabin boats you don't worry about how its going to get there. You have a captain and a navigator to do all that, and they have all the maps and GPS and radios, and the boat has engines and sails and ropes. So your job is just to enjoy the ride.

Twelve Insight Journal

Money is a shell, a container for Energy. It is not the energy itself. The energy is everywhere in all living things and structures inhabited by Spirit. Money simply represents an accumulation of energy. But in order to accumulate money, you must first accumulate energy, and you do that by imagining, extending, allowing it's flow to come into your presence. You don't do it by wishing for the containers. Saying "Oh if I just had more money then I could do this...!", is like wishing for grocery bags when what you want is groceries. Envision the groceries. Envision the experiences you want to have. Envision the relationships you want to enjoy and see yourself in there enjoying them.

You get too tangled up in the process. Here's what we see you doing. You want something. Then you conceive of the process you think it should take to achieve that goal. Then you envision yourself in the process, taking the steps to achieve the goal. The result: You end up stuck somewhere in the process because that's the part you envisioned. Instead, envision the end result. That's how you leverage the force of the Universe to help you out. That's how you enlist the magic that causes all the elements to fall together in ways you personally could not conceive of, much less personally arrange.

Nonphysical forces respond to you blindly. The Universe doesn't hear you saying, "But what I wanted was ....", it simply recognizes you envisioning the process and so it delivers you process. It delivers you the work to do, but not the result. Keep your eyes on the prize is a great bit of advice. We suggest you keep your eyes on it as if you were already holding it in your hot little hands, and shaking hands with all your friends who are congratulating you for achieving it. In other words envision it like you already have it!, and keep your envisioning off of the process.

Process is just something that you go out and do. Like a game of tennis or golf, just go out and do it. The less you think about it the better off you will be. Just enjoy the sunshine or whatever is enjoyable about your life, even if it makes no sense in terms of what you are trying to achieve. That keeps you in the allowing, non-resisting mode. Whereas thinking "I'm not getting anything done", passing judgment on yourself for not being a good enough little worker, puts you in the mode of disallowing the good work that the Universe is trying to do for you. You cannot think about all the work you have to do and have the Universe do it for you. After all, you're the boss. You are declaring the outcomes, setting the destination. The Universe is just here to help you.

So take time off from "trying" to achieve your goals. Do the parts of it that make it enjoyable for you in the first place. Enjoy the parts of your life that are unrelated. The Universe had your goal in hand when you have envisioned it complete. The Universe is the Master Planner. You are just the passenger you see. When you purchase a ticket to Belize on one of those big cabin boats you don't worry about how its going to get there. You have a captain and a navigator to do all that, and they have all the maps and GPS and radios, and the boat has engines and sails and ropes. So your job is just to enjoy the ride.

It's that enjoyment part that trips some of you up. "Oooh", you say, "I can't enjoy this because I'm not doing X, Y or Z", when X, Y or Z are the things that you think will get you where you are trying to go. Relax. Sit back. Enjoy the ride. It really is that simple. It really is that easy. It is an easy world when you allow it to do it's magic. When you insist on being the one who paddles, well, we hope you had a close destination in mind because those big ocean liners don't paddle very easily.

But you can have a canoe adventure to get to Belize if you want. You have so much freedom that you can choose all the struggle and hardship you want. And if you believe that struggle and hardship are a requirement to achieve your goal then you shall have them. It is yours for the choosing.


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