Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Here to learn how to be your Higher Self no matter what

"As you put your work out to the world and grow through service, you will encounter many kinds of energies and people. You will become more aware of the subtle energies around you and of other people's thoughts and feelings. You will want to learn how to handle these energies in a way that allows you to be a source of light no matter what type of energy you are around.

Learning how to stay calm ...

and centred in your own energy while experiencing the energies, thoughts, and fee
lings of the people around you might be called "being transparent." When you are transparent, you can comfortably be with many different kinds of people. You can learn to enjoy what is positive about them and find ways to go even higher when you are around energies that are not as harmonious as your own.

To grow spiritually, you do not need to create a perfect environment, have no negativity around you, or retreat from the world. You are here to learn how to be your Higher Self in the midst of the kinds of energies that are present on earth. You can grow and find love in your heart even around people who aren't of a similar vibration to you.

Some of you think that if you truly were an evolved being, you would have been born to parents who raised you in environments of total love and support. You think that you would already be fully evolved and perfect by now, never experiencing any pain or negativity. Instead, many of you wanted to be born into environments that would teach you about the energies in the world and help you become accustomed to them at an early age. You do not become strong by seeking those situations that keep you sheltered and protected; you become strong by learning to navigate all the different kinds of weather, finding your strength and direction from within. If you have felt resentment because you had a difficult childhood, let go of it, and appreciate all the strength you gained from the situation you grew with.

At various times in your life you may have been around people whom you had trouble loving. Look at the circumstances you have in your life right now. If you are around people or energies you aren't comfortable with, see them as offering you opportunities for spiritual growth by teaching you more about becoming transparent. The thoughts and feelings of people you have the most trouble harmonizing with are the very ones that will give you the most growth when you do learn to be transparent to them. That is why you have attracted these people into your life.
What kind of emotional energy do you find hardest to be peaceful around- anger, frustration, anxiety, impatience, hurt feelings, complaining, righteousness, stubbornness, indifference, incompetence, manipulativeness, or controlling? Those are the very emotions you need to become increasingly transparent to in order to grow spiritually and gain more power. You could try to avoid these energies by changing jobs or moving away from neighbors who brother you. However, you will continually attract people with similar energies until you learn how to stay balanced and in your center around them.

To become transparent, make no judgments about others' behavior.

To become transparent, start by not reacting to what people do. When you get emotional about their behavior you are not transparent to their energy. Once you are unemotional and acting from your calm, clear center, the actions you take will be the ones that create the most results.

One of the best ways to become transparent is to find some aspect of others' behaviors you can harmonize with. This will allow you to stay calm enough to know what action to take from a clear, balanced frame of mind. For instance, if a group is throwing a loud party next door and you find yourself getting angry, find something in their energy you like. You might tune into the aspect of celebration, joy, and release that is present, even if it is expressed in a different form than you would use.

If someone is yelling at another person and you find yourself becoming upset, focus on the lessons the two are teaching each other, their caring, their concern for the outcome. Within every situation there are higher and lower frequencies you can tune into. You can become transparent to lower ones by not focusing on them and instead finding and tuning into the higher aspects of the situation.
If people are intimidating, threatening, or trying to control you, imagine them as one inch tall. Would you still respond in the same way? If people are angry or aggressive, see them as small childern throwing tantrums, for they are expressing their little selves, not their Higher Selves.

If someone isn't behaving the way you want them to, send them love and acceptance for who they are rather than getting angry at them. You can practice this by visualising yourself in a situation that bothered you in the past and imagine yourself responding with love. For instance, Imagine yourself speaking to someone who is closed to you or drawing you into a power struggle. Fighting with them brings you down to their level. Instead, put light around yourself to make your own energy beautiful, open your heart, and refuse to allow their upset energy into your life. You can choose to let other people's emotions flow right through you as if they were made of a different frequency."

~ Orin (Spiritual growth)

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