Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dharma & The Buddha's Meditation

.Orandon Marie:
Dharma means both foundation, and empowerment. The Dharma Teachings of Buddha are a philosophy, based on Four Nobel Truths: that all sentient beings are born into suffering; that our waves of negative emotion cause suffering; that all sentient beings suffer, and that there is relief from suffering, death and rebirth with the practice of meditation.

Ron Alexander: Thanks, Orandon, the developing of a Pure Mind is the ending of suffering according to my studies & experience in Vipassana Meditation. It is hard work but a very healing process, and I see the "Pure Mind" as equivalent to the I AM in Christianity.

To him in whom love dwells, the whole world is but one family. ~ Buddha
Orandon Marie: There is a trinity in Buddhism, as well - the reincarnating soul, the mind, and the silent witness (Higher Power). It's the mind that starts ego-tripping, breaking things down in such a way, we don't often see the trees in the forest, the pure drop for the ocean...

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