Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Great Mystery Name of God

Great Spirit

Tom Nadeau:
Having formerly been a Jehovah's Witness, I too was caught up in the name of God argument. No more. I am free of such quibblings! .
Ron Alexander: Southern Baptist - Me! Now I tend more to B uddhism, but even there is another =ism. so I will not label mysefl there either. Thanks for sharing Tom! no mistake, ron By the way, I think it is all a Great Mystery anyway! .
Tom Nadeau:
Indeed it is Ron!
Beata Bohac: Ron, was it difficult for you to leave the Jehovah witness group? They are pretty strict with their members - my mom was a Jehovah witness in the Czech republic - it was all underground.
You don't have to answer, if you feel it's too personal.
Ron Alexander: No, Beata, I was raised as a Southern Baptist - that is Tom Nadeau, who was raised as a Jehovah's
Witness, and gave me permission to post this dialogue on our priivate messages. Thanks for inquiry, hopefully Tom will answer
Beata Bohac: Sorry Ron, I misunderstood. Perhaps Tom will reply.
Tom Nadeau: I was not raised as a JW. I became one right after college. Spent 15 years as one of their ministers...they are a closed group and they are very strict, it is true, very nice people and I enjoyed my sojourn through this experience...but I outgrew it and i am free today.
Ron Alexander: Thanks for the compassionate non-judgemental answer, Tom. I had some great ministers growing up - I find a church reflects its' minister more than it's type - in my experience anyway!
Ron Alexander: The key word here, to me, is Great! This AM I read the verse about "I can't come with you, but I will send you a Comforter..." Divine Comforter, Guide, Guard, Lover...Thou are Great and within - I AM grateful!
Ra Divakar: Looking behind I am filled with gratitude. Looking forward I am filled with vision. Looking upwards I am filled with strength. Looking within I discover peace. Quero Apache Prayer
Jeanne Porter Ashley: I find a church reflects its' minister more than it's type - in my experience anyway! DITTO! The minister draws a certain type of folk. My Methodist minister was a Thespian and my church -- Main Street Methodist in Columbia -- was the most wonderful place for diverse interactions and learning. Plus, it was in Columbia, SC with all the inherent art, music, culture of those days!
Thanks Dear Jeanne, I was in a Baptist church in a University town (Clemson) in high school and in college, and Rev. Arrington was a wise Harvard Seminary Grad. However, a lot of Southern Baptist Churches lost their freedom when the conservative right wingers took over the convention unfortunately.

Ron Alexander: I bet Tom was an Awesome Minister!
Jeanne Porter Ashley: likes this..Ron Alexander Ra, thanks so much for this quote, I think I have learned more from Native spirituality than any church - compassion, non-judgementalness, and faith in a Great Spirit (Mystery) through their awesome rituals of chanting, drumming, dancing, sweat lodges, Medicine Circles, Pow Wows, saging, and even being blessed with their tobacco smoke used in a healing way!
Beata Bohac: I agree Jeanne. Some ppl stay with the faith of their elders, but pick their own church. Later in life we start asking questions & revaluate that what we believe in.
I used to go to one church, but as soon as it changed ministers, I left. Same faith, but different personality & delivery

Tom Nadeau: Actually, I was a poor minister. I was selfish and I struggled with alcoholism for most of the time I served. As a result, I went through a 'dark night of the soul' which brought me to a release and a surrender that has been truly blissful.... It was when I let go of dogma, let go of the need to know God and its purpose...that was when I truly came to believe...and that was when I began to love my fellows a little more and become a little less selfish. I am free today and I am eternally grateful!!!
Ron Alexander: Wow! Great example of "the Truth shall set you free!" Thanks, Tom!
What are you to me, oh Lord? Are you the answer to my eternal questions? Are you the source of my abundance or the disseminator of my problems? My friend, Debi Hebel, sums it up in ‘The Love Within’ passage from her book, ‘The Dawning of Erato’; “You are the grace in the sunrise, You are the glory in the sunset, You are the miracle in the light of the full moon, You are the love within me.” Thank you, Debi, for stating so eloquently what I have searched for in putting into words. God IS the love within me. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Humankind guided by the Spirit of God can accomplish The Kingdom of God here on Earth. If it weren't possible, then why does the spirit move us to accomplish this? ~Dean A. Banks, D.D. Very important to realize for peace, joy and happiness, right here and right now! Thanks! Dr. Dean!
Ron Alexander: Thanks Ra for posting this vital post from Dr. Dean (& I am so grateful to you Dr. Dean!
Garna SorensenLTom Nadeau: I agree Garna, it was my experience and my belief, that if one were to take the Bible only as the sole source of God, then it is clear the JW's make the most sense of all the religions I have studied...but I have come to believe the Bible is NOT the only source of divine wisdom...and so I chose not to choose. Or rather I chose man ...all men, regardless of their faith because I am a fan of man not religion..Ron Alexander: Great Comforter, Guide, Guard and Lover all within & outside! I am so Grateful!
Ron Alexander: or just I AM!
Ron Alexander: More than "all within" - All Everywhere - Omnipotent, Omniescient, Omnipotent!
Dr. Dean - & OmniparientRon: SOURCE! Still have not found definition of "Omniparient"?
Thanks Donna Cannon ‎~~ Producing or bringing forth all things...all producing~~Brother Ron....I spend a lot of time in this room learning NEW words. ... Internet search bar...type in the word and *WHOOP, there it IS!!! (^_*)♥
Dean A. Banks: That from which all is born.

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