Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Our Earth Guide - Loving the Ego

Ron Alexander: I understand Self vrs. self, however the "ego" is needed to drive us to the vacation - egotistical & egoism is the ego out of balance, but as Gary Zukav writes we need the ego as our "earth guide' as long as we are in the body. Freud saw the ego as the connector between our lower self (id) and our Higher Self - "the Super ego".
Ron Alexander: Thanks so much for "liking" Steve! You are a positive inspirational type of guy who appears to live what you preach! Egomaniacs, egotistical, egoists have a weak sense of self that they are trying to cover up with their bluster, and I know because I have been there, done that for many years!
John Halderman: I see we need our ego as well. What we may term as problematic about our ego is not the ego itself, it is just doing it's job in our mind, it's about what we allow and direct it to do that alters how it serves us. The ego is part of our automatic mind function designed to assist us with everyday functionality, it supports us in response to what we have stated that we want. This can be, to feel whole, avoid discomfort, seek comfort, but if allowed to run unmonitored, will respond to desires we are not consciously aware of, helping us to fulfill them in any manner possible, which is why it can behave as very selfishly oriented. It is up to us, through our thought command, to know what we are asking the automatic functions of our minds to do for us. Noticing what our ego is doing for us is a very direct way to see what direction it has been given, even if we are unaware that we gave it. :)
Yes, being aware of our ego is so vital to our well-Beiing. Thanks John - that is how Eckhart answered me when I asked him about the apparent demonization of the ego by most new-thought thinkers - the term was invented by Freud in the 1920...'s I think. St. Francis used the term "self" for same issue - "it is in letting go of the self, that we are born to eternal lffe." It helps if we are ready to let go of the body too!
There is no part of me that I don't love...including my ego.

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