Sunday, June 12, 2011

What Can I do to Help Now?

Woke up this morning, smiling, although still not feeling physically up to par. I had epiphany dreams about joy through service. Usually doing the night at some time, I have to use a mantra or escapist fantasy-type dream to go back to sleep. I let the Lil the dog out at about sunrise, and then after reading Ernest Holmes' usually divinely pertinent DAILY WISDOM about "right action is operating in my life now". I heard the dog joyously barking for a walk to the beach. So that was my next step to joy. When getting there, I noticed that the doggie bag dispenser was empty (I bring my own usually), I decided to bring some bags for other doggie owners. Arriving back at house,after feeding Lil, I noticed that flowers needed watering, and gladly watered them. Then I attempted to gently awake J. and asked her out to breakfast. The rest of the day, I hope to be like that, what can I do next to be of service - being kind to people along the way. Then when I give out of energy, and need some rest or nutrition, to gratefully accept what is given to me, asking for what I need if necessary. For giving is receiving and vice-versa.
"Right action means that every legitimate and constructive purpose I have in mind will be successively executed. It means that I will know what to do, how to think, how to act, how to proceed. I definitely declare that since my word is in accord with the Divine Nature, it is actually is the Law of God in my experience enforcing Itself. Hence, there is nothing in me or around me that can limit this word. The power of this Law is with me, and the action that results from this power produces harmony, peace, joy and success." Ernest Holmes (he maintains that the Law of God is synonymous with the Law of Love)

"Knock, And He'll open the door
Vanish, And He'll make you shine like the sun
Fall, And He'll raise you to the heavens
Become nothing, And He'll turn you into everything.

Mark's wife, Naomi, here.: I've long believed that to not accept a blessing from another is stealing the giver's blessing.

Crone Circle:
yes... ppl need one another to recieve... and to give when needed too. Funny... when you said you thought about service and giving and recieving... I thought about how the yin and yang are both bowing forward into the next... keeping the circle going... giving and recieving... humble and noble.

I find ecstasy in living -- the mere sense of living is joy enough.Emily Dickinson

What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not
able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves?
This is the most important of all voyages of discovery.

Thomas Merton

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