Saturday, June 11, 2011

Have Enough?

The man who knows he has enough is a rich man. Lao-Tzu

Is prosperity or abundance meaning we need or things?

Most of the more generous people I have met are so-called "poor" people I have met traveling through the country or in "third world" countries. Who is really "poor"?
The greedy wealthy? (and there are generous ones) The collectors who collect and hold on to what the get with all their might? "The best things in life are not things."

The most successful "non-profit" I have studied with is an anomaly. The Indian Teacher was told it would never work in the West. There you cannot even donate until you become a "old student". And to become an "old student" you have to complete ten days of silent meditation ten hours per day and 2 hours of discourse by teacher per day. You have to get there a day early and leave a day late. If you decide to leave
early, they will not accept a donation. They sell nothing at their retreat sites. Yet, they give away alot of information material and cd's.
The staff are unpaid volunteers, yet some of the happiest people I have ever met. And these Meditation Retreats are flourishing. Why?
Because the results are the "end of suffering", and you feel so good, you want to donate, yet they ask for only what you can afford. And I have seen donations of only a few dollars by some youth, who are there overcoming their problems.
Am I going back again? Absolutely, for the third time in August. And this time I will donate more than before, because I can afford more!

Bent Kim Lundberg: This is absolutely true for me ♥ When you recognize that there has always been enough no matter how challenging it looked, and that you are proving exactly that by you being here NOW, you can let go of all worries.
And I also agree, that I not seek money or prosperity, but I am absolutely ONE of the richest persons I know, for the LOVE I experience from my friends are immense, and there is nothing better in universe than that ♥ I so like the Indians way of doing things also ♥ Thank you for sharin this beauty ♥ I LOVE you ♥♥♥
Jeeni Zucchini Bravo! Ron... what a wonderful statement! HubB and I are signed up for another course starting next wednesday. I'll be serving... he'll be sitting. It is always the best of experiences to be around such happy, disciplined people. It is inte...resting to me that many folks think that an organization cannot exist unless its capitalistic - proves otherwise. An organization that accepts no grants and no donations from anyone other than 'old students' - who are just folks like you and me who complete and benefit from the organization. It is rather utopian.

Marie Corry: My friend ususallly collects for the Poppy day appeal and she said what an eye opener it is. She says it's the poor people who give their pennies not the well off people you would expect and the little kiddies who beg their mummies "Please can I put some money in the tin?"
Marie Corry: and yet I read a book about how to get rich and the author claimed rich people are no different than anyone else ie us, who don't have it, that is the only difference and rich people are some of the nicest folk you could ever meet. Well, they might be nice but they are tightfisted sods ennit?
Ra Divakar: I agree! "Poorer" people are usually more generous!
Ra Divakar: Generally speaking Marie, I agree (like the way that rhymes), however I have known some really fine generous rich people who are really wealthy!
Ron Alexander: Thanks Ra, you speak for me, as I agree with you and Marie! (how do you like that rhyming?)
Rob Jackson: ‎"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle , than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."Jeanne Porter Ashley: Jeeni, thanks, that was well said. Marie, thanks for your input. Rob, you believe that?Rob Jackson: Jeanne, I believe you are (phsically) born into this world with everything you will ever need, and that is the way you will leave as well.Ron Alexander: Great answer, Rob - thanks!
Ron Alexander: I was speaking mostly about the way I was treated as a traveler. - usually treated better by people with not much to lose. And I traveled as one with a backpack, a beard and long hair - as a sailor with the same looks. As a hitchhiker, I wo...uld see famileis with nice cars - Mothers (typically) have their children lock their cars. I would make faces and the children would laugh, while the fearful looking Mother trying to shut them up. Just walking in a port after getting off my boat, dock workers would invite me home to hear my stories while feeding me in their humble homes - the same while hitchhikiing through "third world countries, connecting on a spiritual basis - wanting me to get to know their spiritual teacher, guru! I have found these countries to be spiritually- based rather than materially based. Much gentler sweeter more hospitable people!
Ron Alexander: The fearful families were in this country, by the way. As a traveling hippie-looking sailor, I learned what minorities face on the road!
Ron Alexander: Also, thank you Marie for your wonderful sarcasm about "Elton John giving away expensive watches to his friends". I am not good at foreign languages so I traveled with what I called "language of the heart", and I am so grateful how well I ...was treated all over the world especially in so-called "third world countries" Also, I traveled with what the Zen call a "Beginners Mind" - as an open-minded student wanting to learn their customs, their spiritual beliefs, their creative ways, their ways of healing, and mostly they did not even ask for renumeration!
Marie Corry: The thrill for instance of shopping with a friend and being able to say re- her/his purchase, "Put your purse away. Let me buy this for you." or "Im paying for lunch". Better to be a giver but also it is a lesson in being able to be a receiver, but as Yesha said "It is far better to give than receive."
Lydia Porter: ‎@ Marie Cory I've daydreamed about the lottery too and Then I though about the "next day" The difficulties having money can bring to those I love, even myself... Greenhouse plants colapse when suddenly taken out in the sun and wind, plants... that grew outside have no difficulty there... I'm glad I and my friends are garden grown and not "greenhouse plants". I have no money problems , I've got no money to have problems with:) Balance is the key. I've seen greedy givers who keep all the joy of giving for themselvies. You couldn't give them a gift ,they would not accept it.Over time thier gifts took on a sour note.Give Generously and recieve Generously. Many thing are better when they circulate ( Air, water, love, joy , caring...)

Mark's wife, Naomi, here. I've long believed that to not accept a blessing from another is stealing the giver's blessing.

Crone Circle:
yes... ppl need one another to recieve... and to give when needed too. Funny... when you said you thought about service and giving and recieving... I thought about how the yin and yang are both bowing forward into the next... keeping the circle going... giving and recieving... humble and noble.

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