Monday, June 13, 2011

Lucid Dreaming or Rich Nightmare?

I have been trained in "Lucid Dreaming." That is where you become aware of your dream or nightmare, and be able to transform a nightmare to a positive dream. I have to admit that "training" was an overnight workshop in Berkeley Ca. in the 80's, so I might not have gotten the whole gist of the philosophy? Of course, dream "analysts" think changing your dream is a bad idea. As your so-called "nightmares" contain alot of rich unconscious material that can be "mined" of their value for your "mental health"?
Last night, I had such a nightmare that I was not able to stop until I heard my partner moaning. Here is what I remember. I was in an outdoor place with a syringe that could bring the dead back to life. I had injected it into one small dead animal that scurried off. My dog was looking on, as I then injected a big dead fish. Some kind of green light moved through the fish, and it looked up at me with a very sad quizzical eyes, then I realized there was no water nearbye for it, and it was going to die anyway. My dog had an eye on it, as I wandered off down a path, perhaps looking for water, thinking I should not have left the dog with the fish.
On the path, there was a really large very scruffy, bizarre - looking baboon communicating with another big animal. It eyed me suspiciously, and then I became paranoid that it was following me. I took a turn on the horseshoe-shaped path to get back to my dog and fish. A big old DeSoto automobile crossed my path full of some paranoid-appearing men. Then I noticed all these wild dangerous looking dogs around running past me. Then, all of a sudden, I caught out of the side of my eye, what looked like a big wildcat was jumping at me from behind, and I started back kicking it, then I heard my partner moan. This woke me up, and I realizing I was kicking her near her legs.
I turned over and embraced her while apologizing and realized she was still asleep.
Later, when she woke up, she did admit feeling "beat up" last night, but, thank goodness could not locate any sore areas on her legs.
Any dream analysts or lucid dreamers have any thoughts?
If I had been "lucid" dreaming, I would have found deep water nearbye to throw that fish in, and it would have swam away happily, and then I would not have to have taken that path with all the dangerous animals on it - a preferred happy ending.
However, then I would have missed the rich unconscious material here - anything anybody want to interpret?
Interestingly, after awakening, I took Lil on our sunrise walk to the beach, and she picked up a nasty rotten fish out of the sand. I made her spit it out immediately.
Jeanne, when I apologized upon return, heard it and said it was "interesting" and that I "ought to write it down".
So here it is and "fish cartoon" is from google images.

Ron: I was reflecting on Lucid Dreaming, and the instructions were to be aware of them and "walk" into the action - becoming an active "change agent" in the dream - to me that was transforming them to make them positive like finding water to thr...ow the revived fish in, and then allow my dog to jump in and swim making the nightmare into a fun dream. Lucid dreaming was sort of like Carlos Castenada "Shamanic Magic" which was popular back then...
Jeanne Porter Ashley: IMHO, that 'action' effectively removes the innate mystical meaning and puts us back into 'cure it' mode that humans use so often... not so much a flow when we 'try' to help it all be better...justsayinJoyce: water=emotions (primordial waters of life)fish are aspects of that, dogs=loyalty, wildcats=silence and secrets.( from Jaimie Sams/Ted Andrews books....) All aspects of yourself. Or it could be the universe asking you to be mindful that your dog spit out nasty fish...A.:
My family and friends seem to think my interpretations of their dreams have merit since they often come to me with a request, so...I'm interested in giving yours a thought. I call mine "flash" interpretations because I look at the whole dream in one block, not individual parts of it, attempt to see the essence of it briefly - in yours I see a strong desire to remove pain/discomfort/all negativity from the lives of those you encounter, but that is warring with your knowledge that everyone needs to encounter and deal with their individual challenges in life. also, that any attempt to remove theirs for them might blind you to certain of your own challenges until they reach a point where they're more difficult to deal with. .....just my thoughts :-) .
Ron Alexander:Alot of accuracy there, I think Alberta, thanks - can I publish it on my site with or without your name? Also, part of it may just be feeling guilt on all t
he fish I killed for food, when sailing around the tropics? I am so grateful, ron
Hi Ron, Let the guilt go Ron....All was created to add to us. Even Christ feed the mass with fish and bread. Look at all the lives you touched. I also look at the fact that as beings come into this existence, they know and understand the contribution. They felt it was worth it to come and serve the greater good. No way of really telling how those you helped feed touched others lives as well. Much Love sent and I am glad it added to your life. Hugs
Thanks Angela, I will let the guilt go, very good, I needed that feedback.
Hi Ron,

J. wrote: "I am answering in a rather fragmented way, but, here it is: my $.02.....This begins with a bunch of question marks at the end of your sentences.... and, in reading appears to me to have a meaning about not being able / not your job / no matter the resources you have at save any thing / one (B.) who is already on a pth of 'death'..... Paranoid is how you / we have been over the past year / weeks and that has manifested in the men (B.) in the vehicle (DeSoto)...Lil is a good 'guard' over that fish / person / B. who is on that dead path... you cannot save anyone from themselves... no matter how much you / a Libra wants to do so / wants everyone to get along nicely. Your concern for me is very nice and I appreciate the inclusion."
rewritten by J. This begins with a bunch of question marks at the end of your sentences...not wanting them to be statements, and, allowing them to remain open-ended (a Libra trait, for sure). SO, in reading appears to me to have a meaning about not being able / not your job... / no matter the resources you have at save any thing / anyone who is already on a path of 'death'..... Paranoid is how you / we can choose to react / have been / over your health the past year / weeks and ....that has manifested in the men (you or others) in the vehicle (DeSoto)... Dog is a good 'guard' over that fish / person / who is on that dead path...and, she does not have any compuction about throwing away a useless carcass..... you cannot save anyone from themselves... no matter how much you / a Libra wants to do so / wants everyone to get along nicely."

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Dream interputation from Angela
Between You and Angela PeaceMaker Diggs

Hi Ron,
I hope this day has greeted you with Joy and Happiness. I have read over your dream and I will offer you what I received. I usually read over the dream and different aspects stand out or is highlighted. So what I will do is, I will list what stood out and what I felt it may mean. Do know that the exact meaning can only be found within you. Since the dream is only a extension of you. I hope this offers some insight into what it may be bringing to your table. Hugs

The fact that you was outside in nature points to the vast amount of space your spirit has to accomplish your hearts desire. The syringe shows your desire to inject Love of Life into those who you see as dead. The fact that it basically revolved around the fish shows people in your life that rely on money way too much, you have within you a desire to help them. You want to give them joy, freedom and fun...Good things of Life. The sadness you felt in the fish eyes shows your gift to feel and the green light also highlights the gift to heal others. So your a healer but also empathic. The dog represents your decisions. You may be questioning your choices a little more. Even though you trust your dog you also know the nature of the animal...Make sense I hope. LOL The path represents clarity of thought and peace of mind. The fact that as you wandered from the fish in search of water again shows your commitment to helping and being of service. Dreaming of a baboon in your dream, suggests that you need to be more expressive in your feelings. You need to be more direct in telling others how you feel. The bizarre factor may be the way you feel you appear as you express yourself. That is all good too. The paranoid feeling is simply your fears and ego making you dissect your decisions. It is manifested again in the DeSoto. The fact that there was others driving this vehicle in your dream means you may feel at times your not in control. Someone else is driving you, this does not have to be negative. Actually it is freeing once you concur the fears associated with handing the wheel over...Trust. Now to the point that the path was shaped as a horse shoe....U.... main focus is U for a minute. This is showing that no matter where you go along this path it will lead to right back to you and your happiness. Represent success...The dangerous dogs again are your situation and events unfold the choices may appear dangerous but push through this illusion and follow your heart. Now for the wildcats attacking you....this represents a female aspect of may be feeling devoured by a emotions at some point. Your strength shines through with your fighting it off. Just remind yourself that there is no reason to fight against it......Well this is what I have got. I do hope it serves to help you. I send my love always. Thank you for allowing me to explore this with you...Hugs ♥

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