Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mirror by the Road

Ron Alexander: "The moon wanes toward total emptiness before it begins to wax toward a new fullness. In respiration, an expiration must precede each inspiration." Peter Oppenheimer MIRROR BY THE ROAD

Marin Lodge - years ago - good memories of our brief meeting but sad memories of the "Lodge" - is it still in existence? Enjoying your book much more this time, as I am more involved with Eastern Religions! Thanks, Aum Shanti, ron. .

Peter Oppenheimer:
Hey Ron, good to hear from you. Yeah those were intense times in and around the lodge. No, believe it or not a private family is living in that house nowadays. My Gosh, I don't envy them their dreams which must be infected with the angst of its former inhabitants. Thanks for the kind thoughts about my book. Give me your address. I'll send you the sequel, 15 years in the making. Its verbose title is "Keys to Eden: A Search for Meaning and Celebration at Home, at Work and On the Road." What's your "involvement with Eastern Religions"? Zen perhaps?Take Care........ Peter .
Ron Alexander: Great to hear back from you, Peter. Yes, I am really enjoying and getting so much from MIRROR by the Road. I am getting alot of quotes from there, and looking forward to sequel - 302 tenth ave. N., North Myrtle Beach, S. C. 29582
I have become a Oneness Blessing
Giver via Oneness U. led by Sri AmmaBhagavan (husband and wife team), however my meditation practice is Vipassana (Goenka). I will be going back for my third time in Aug. This time I will be taking my partner Jeanne.
Your book and Ram Dass's book BE LOVE NOW and AmmaBhagavan, plus I live near Meher Baba's International Retreat, make it tempting to become a Bhakti Yogi with a Guru. Yet, so far, it seems contradictory to mix Yoga (I have been a Hatha Yoga teacher in the past) with Buddha's meditation, though Goenka emphasizes that Vipassana is secular! I would appreciate your feedback on this matter. The Dalai Lama sends his Monks to study Vipassana, and they have been my favorite co-students. His Holiness writes that Vipassana is an "Insight Meditation" to study after one learns to concentrate with the breath (Anapana), or a mantra, or however one learns to become single-minded.
I really enjoyed your teacher's description of Oneness Bliss via a definition of Yoga on page 155. Also on page 159 I really like your comments on "Benevolent Grace." I have been blogging about "Karma/Grace" on fb under Ra Divikar (Sanskrit - given me by Swami Vishnu Devananda) and would like to know if there is a word for Grace in Sanskrit or Pali. And I did write that possibly the believe in Oneness is so cellular in India that what we consider "a free Gift from God) is just a given in Eastern Religions?
Metta, ron


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