Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wise Friends of the World in Oneness

“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” ~Albert Einstein (Einstein & Rabindranith Tagore - photo - 1930)

Ra Divakar: Never lose a holy curiosity.
Albert Einstein
Ra Divakar: ‎"Joy is the realization of the truth of oneness, the oneness of our soul with supreme love." Tagore (the bearded one in photo)

Marie Corry: yes, I know. It was just an analogy.... But it is only as real as it is when one is dreaming at night. None of it has any real substance. For example when I feel a pain, it seems all too real (and I know all about pain) but now I immeditale...y know the truth that "This pain is not hurting me, because the real I that I AM/YOU ARE cannot feel pain." Same as when I look in the mirror and see wrinkling, that is simply not the truth of who I AM. It is the bastrad father of all lies. As one of my tutors said this morning, once we really begin to see and believe that we are God we will find that we will be acting just like the God that we BE. God does not age, get ill, etc and so on. The inner will eventually conform to the outer. In the meantime we do not ignore such pains and ills, whatever we have to, ie see a docter and get some form of help.
Marie Corry: Oh, and illusion is in no way an easy way out, for fs who wants to suffer years and years of pain and illness and disease. Nope, not me. I've had it and am now claiming my/our real divine inheritance. That's the real easy way out--- albeit eventually.
Unity Walker: ‎@Rajiv.... It's not an easy way out in any sense of the word. It's simply an understanding of the true nature of the material universe. It is an understanding with which many quantum phsycists concur, based upon the innate emptiness of the... atom. We are not sitting around in loin cloths, painted faces, with begging bowls in hand. We are, at least most of us, loving, caring, and highly intelligent people who live life fully, who offer a helping hand to others in need and engaged fully in life head on. This path is NOT an easy way out. But we are provided rest on this path, relief from fear and stress, so that we may keep on keeping on and continue to love one another.Ron Alexander: ‎"Claiming Divine Inheritance!" Awesome comment Marie!Ra Divakar: Yes, "claiming Divine Inheritance" is my path, thanks so much, Marie!Ra Divakar: Thanks for your comments - what I have learned is that there are two completely different ways to the Absolute. One is negation - it is not this, it is not that, I am not this, I am not that... and the other is affirmation, Yes, I am that, I am this, I AM - both paths are legitimate. Yet, I choose the more affirmative YES! I AM! The key is picking ONE and sticking with it.
.Marie Corry: Ra, same as which tree will you choose the tree of the knowledge of good or eveil or the Tree of Life. Sounds to me you've joined us in choosing to partake from the Tree of Life. Yay!
Subodh Kumar Misra: Revelation comes the moment knowledge ceases. There are two possibilities; either we can think about something, or we can enter into it existentially. ………Aum!

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