Friday, June 17, 2011

Happiness does not come from objects

...Subodh Kumar Misra:
We are in search of happiness, and not in search of objects. If we are under the wrong notion that we want bungalows, lands, gardens, property, airplanes, friends and relationships, we are groping in the darkness of ignorance. These are not what we want. All these are tools that we use for the purpose of evoking that universal happiness within us. That happiness is the real substance. It cannot be found outside because it lies in the depth of our Being …….Aum!Wall Photos ..

Ra Divakar: ‎"The best and most beautiful things in life are not things." Ron Alexander
Subodh Kumar Misra: All happiness is miraculous, instantaneous, fractional. We cannot be happy for days together. It is not given to us in this mortal world. As long as the search in this phenomenal world continues, we are not ourselves; we have transferred ourselves to objects outside ………Aum!10 Unity Walker: Created as Spirit and remaining as Spirit, I have All That IS at my disposal. What else could I possibly want? I've had all the rest, and it has come and gone, which is proof of its finitude. What I already have is Eternal. YES! AUM~~ AMEN ~~ I AM
Angela PeaceMaker Diggs: The Peace that envelopes me Is without price. No one can barter for exchange. Happiness Is the streets that I walk on.....Love Is the sky that hangs above me...Beautiful post Subodh Kumar Misra. Thought provoking indeed...Love sent

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