Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mystical Experience

Question about experience during meditation and prayer?
Hi My Friends, I had a experience last night during my nightly meditations and prayers. Normally I feel as if I AM viewing through a clear window, however last night it was different. I began seeing a white mist(no moisture in it) and I walked through it...
Craig Moriarty: You are moving into your Self/ Divine nature/ the real you. Embrace it.
Angela PeaceMaker Diggs: It was a bit strange I must say. I have tried today to repeat it so I can continue on through this tunnel of clouds and sky. Have not been able to achieve it yet. I was able to turn and look behind me and all around. My view was very different and it felt different as well.. Hugs
Gurinder Singh Choudhary: Regular practice of meditation can bless vision and experiences which are very pleasant and sometimes alarming. Enjoy it and carry on your practice on walking on His path.
Dawn Newton: You are integrating this Aspect of Self with Higher Vibrating Aspects of your Self. Merging this body with that vibration Angela. Bi-locating feels this way as well. In fact, the first time I felt myself lifting off the bed in order to go o...n board my Star Family's ship that first time shocked me too; and I stopped myself. Got up and took a bathroom break (pee) and went back into meditation, and then proceeded to bi-locate onto the ship. So, when we get in alignment with our future Aspect of Self we are able to move about 'in that frequency' and it feels like this body is moving about, if you get my drift. Well Done Mate! Keep at it; keep raising your vibe gal pal; opening that Mediation with the Body integrated your past Aspects of self into this body and you get bet those Aspects of you were saying the same thing; during their movement into you here; just as you are saying this here as you move into your Future Aspects of Self now that you've integrate those past Aspects which as you know I teach opens the portals (chakras) on your body so your Future Aspect/s of Self can now contact you. Lovies Dawn
Ron Alexander: I pondered this overnight and thought of a Rumi poem (I think) - "If there no need for a wall, why even install a window much less a door". Once, I had a vision, of a long line of people waiting at a gate, then I looked around and there was no wall, on one side was a beautiful garden with a barely percetible path, which I happily left the line to enter...
Sd Penny: Hello Sista! ♥ I'm not an expert with mediation but I think I am pretty much in a comtemplative prayer state? for much of the day. My heart is on God all the time. I don't listen to worldly data anymore so my mind has become unplugged. ...W...hat I can tell you is that without the world data, I'm receiving more visions, memory 'bubbles', hearing into the other dimensions and 'traveling'; it use to be only when I went to sleep at night but now it also is happening during the day- I enter into another state/consciousness level/realm/world . The unseen realms are mystical, surreal, angelic, beautiful, and many! ~ I cannot even explain it. I've traveled as a light wave too, at incredible speeds into the Universe and witnessed planet earth from a distance several times. So, I think it's all a part of God showing you (us) the more, to help awaken out of the 3d body ID. My experiences keep awakening me greater everytime, there's much more than the limitations we are in with this world. Also when I paint, I witness my spirit body moving my hands, arms to do it. I 'see' the spirit energy moving what I thought was 'me' ~ the body. ♥ I don't try to achieve the state, just letting it flow without effort or resistance. You'll notice that more and more too.See More
Ra Divakar: What a profound experience, and I cannot add anymore Wisdom than I read above - and I agree I think you experienced an opening into Reality, and "walked through it" - Angela - keep on joining into Oneness with Spirit!
If you love truth, be a lover of silence.
Silence, like the sunlight will illuminate you in God.
St. Issac - 7th Century Hermit Monk

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