Saturday, March 5, 2011

From Fear to Stillness ~ Mooji - AWARENESS

First find out the message of fear. Mooji
Garna Sorenson: every so often i will get a chill and a sick feeling then some how i am for that second anticipating something fearful..can't explain what it is but then i turn my mind off that and onto something else.and it happened the other... day as i was sitting at a red light i got that caused me a small delay..when all was said and done.if had i gone when i was supposed to i would of been hit by another car who was running the red light!it was as if i could see ahead and that it made me aware of danger!funny thing is this has happened a few time and at that exact time i gave it no want untill all was sad and done it popped into my head.."hey do u know what just happened" sort of thing..i just shake my head and give thanks
Ron Alexander; Good for you, Garna. You are paying attention! - Awareness saves your life sometimes!
Ron Alexander: ‎"The Presence who watches without boundaries."
Awareness that everyone is born with an Eternal Spirit, that Spirit is called Joy, Peace or Love, therefore we all One with Joy, Peace & Love!
Garna Sorensen: not all of us are born with the eternal spirit..some believe what they want to not what is truth!a lot are born with out the spirit of love and light..i feel bad for them!they really are missing such a big part of a good life!
Ron Alexander: Bless their hearts, they just don't know it yet!
Marie Corry: ‎@Garna, there is nothing but the eternal spirit I AM. :-)

Ida Rose: I feel something better Ron, I like to think of myself as one of those wise monkey. " I see no fear, I feel no fear, and know no Fear
Eric Schneider: Ever notice that we only feel fear in the presence of our thoughts? In the presence of a real threat, we are in action, not in fear.
Ida Rose: Eric, be aware, that our thoughts are for our own good, and know , that the" I " master and control our thoughts.All is well brother.
Ron Alexander: Yes, start first with the inquiry - what is the message of this fear? I may save our life. However, if like Eric says, we can respond quickly, without the thought, that might be what we need to save our life or someone else's too. It is sort of like the chicken/egg question - which comes first? and if quick action is needed that is a moot point!
Ron Alexander: Oops, typo - that is "it" not "i" may save our life - it meaning the 'message of the fear."
Eric Schneider: In A Course in Miracles, Jesus says, "I am never upset (e.g., afraid)for the reason I think," and "I am upset (e.g., afraid) because I see only the past."
Ron Alexander: Yes, and lets don't forget the quick reactions caused naturally by adrenalin and instincts as opposed to intuition and the intellect.
Ron Alexander: I had a friend the other day who had a "startle' reaction to someone blowing the horn at him in a store parking lot. My friend was carrying two cases of water, and he was struggling with the wieght. So when he got to the car, and could put ...the water down, he gave the hornblower the finger. He felt badly about that. We explored alternative responses rather than the negative reaction. The hornblower could be sick, or have a spouse who is dying or just having a bad day. Here is where we have a free will - respond or react? My preferred reaction would be to take out a bottle of water and smilingly (even if feeling sarcastic) offer it to the hornblower. How would you have responded?
Ida Rose: Ron, some of life's action is driven into the negative zone from a feeling of fear.Your imagination can never work on the matter , if all you see is silence on the matter. I perfer the wise monkey's saying. See, hear and know Fear!!!!
Ron Alexander: Oh, Eric. I really like and believe too that "Love is letting go of fear." and "Love is the essence of our being." in ACIM
Ron Alexander: Oops, Ida - your last one came in between my two last ones. "See, hear and know no fear" are we not saying the same thing?about Ron Alexander: ‎"Startle" is same thing as 'fight or flight". In martial arts, we are taught to get away first if possible - choose peace first.
Ida Rose: I would have responded , with your suggestion. You mention something about starting with inquiry, sometimes it is not worth the energy
Ron Alexander: Agree with that, Ida, however would you agree that sometimes it is naturally necessary to react quickly in a dangerous situation, like you see someone about to be hit be a car, and you either shout at them or push them out of harms way in a "fight or flight" situation? Or sometimes one needs to dial 911 quickly for help.
Ida Rose: In our world, I agree, flight or fight., however with more honderous actions , I perfer none activity, and walk on.

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