Sunday, March 6, 2011

Recycle, Refresh & Renew

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not arrived, and I live in an eternal present filled with an everlasting good. There is nothing unhappy or morbid in my consciousness. I have no fear of yesterday nor do I anticipate tomorrow with anything other than enthusiastic expectation. Everything good in my experience will create my future. I have no fear in looking backward or forward, but realize the eternal day in which I now live. Today is big with hope fulfilled, with love and life well lived. Tomorrow will provide its own blessings. Ernest Holmes
Reframe (suffering is optional), recharge (batteries), relate (with love and gratitude), reunite, & rejoice! (meditating on this helped me let go of "suffering" with the "flu, cold"? for last 3 or 4 days)
Be renewed in the spirit of your mind.
--Ephesians 4:23

Through love and sincerity continuously beautify your inner life in every way, by daily looking into the mirror of introspection.Paramahansa Yogananda (

‎"Always apply LOVE and Gratitude to any problem. LOVE is the only force in universe that can heal a world. LOVE and gratitude are the feelings with the highest vibrations, and heal everything around you. Opposing the problem will only attract more, as what you resist persist. Gratitude harmonizes your vibrations, and composes the problem into an opportunity by changing your perspective"~Bent Kim Lundberg

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