Monday, February 28, 2011

When the power of love overcomes the love of love among all...for Peace!

Dalai Lama:
When confronted with human problems, force will not bring a lasting solution. That is why I attach great importance to the feeling of mutual love among all human beings, as well as to the sense of responsibility of community life. These concepts are the source of peace everywhere in the world. They are the origin of all ind...ividual and collective fulfillment in a human community and therefore of concern to us all.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
Jimi Hendrix quotes
Could this be what is going on in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Wisconsin, et. al.?
Surely hope so...!

Peaceful Julie: power to "the" people ♥ I think they have "finally" had enough :)) I just pray no more violence :((( PEACE (((((♥))))
Anne Williams: I hope so. We will all stand fast for freedom and peace. ♥
Michael Strauch: Like it a lot,... will re-post it.

Jeanne Porter Ashley:
We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves -- Dalai La

Jeanne Porter Ashley ♥ Love is Peace. Peace is Love. ♥
Ron Alexander: No peace or joy without Love!

This awesome quote is from Sunshine's video below: "Break of Dawn"
"...everything in your future is a figment of your imagination, so why not imagine the most wonderful..."

A harvest of justice is sown in peace by those who make peace.James 3:18

Lindsley Field: Peace with every step, every step in gratitude....namaste brother!

Jeannie Webster: thank YOU I am old..and time for idiots(she was talking about liberals) too will grow up one day..maybe and God Bless you both....always
Danny Dummitt: I just realized Ms Jeannie, my friend...What really irritates the hell out of me about you is what irritates me about ME… Thank you for being as my Friend Ron always says my Divine mirror
…..danny dummitt
Ron Alexander: We are learning in Rev. Margaret's SPEAK PEACE by Marshall Rosenberg to not only love our "enemies" but to not even see them as "enemies". We are all Children of God! Thanks Danny Divine!
Danny Dummitt likes this.Ron Alexander: Danny, my Divine Bro. Here is grateful word of day - We are never more than one grateful thought away from peace of heart.
Brother David Steindl-Rast(

Dean A. Banks
To seek peace we must not protest war. To seek love we must not fight hatred. To seek health we must not fight disease. To seek abundance we must not fight poverty. Whatever you fight against will be created moreover. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Jeri K Beckham ‎"I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."~ Mother Teresa ♥ I'm with her ;)
Bent Kim Lundberg: So true. What you resist persist. Only use your mind for Charles Kelly Towler Anger is a substance that I can't afford nor want.
"A man who can master his own temper can master anything."-Rudyard Kipling-
Bent Kim Lundberg: Mother Theresa is speaking of the fact that what you resist persist. She is not talking against anger. Anger is ONE of the five natural feelings, and necessary for us to be able to say NO, so nothing wrong with anger. ♥
Anger unexpressed bec...omes hatred, a highly unnatural feeling, that has killed people and started wars, and so is very deadly ♥
When anger tells you to says 'no', and you express your 'no' in a LOVING way, anger works as god designed it ♥ As ONE I have no reason to feel anger any longer, as all is my own creation, but anger is not a bad feeling in itself ♥ Mother Theresa is talking about that you create what you focus on, so no reason to focus on war. I LOVE You all ♥♥♥

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