Sunday, February 27, 2011

Think Love

Your worst enemy cannot harm you
As much as your own thoughts, unguarded.
But once... mastered,
No one can help you as much,
Not even your father or your mother. ~

Since we are destined to live out our lives in the prison of our minds, our one duty is to furnish it well ~Peter Ustinov.
thanks to Prudence-Prajna Oneness: new paradigm, to Awaken from the mind's prison ♥
Ron Alexander: The awareness of our... freedom to change our thoughts to loving ones, and actively doing it constantly is a key to living without suffering.
Maybe Ustinov hadn't heard of Enlightenment when he wrote this quote.... God gave us free will to move from the mind to the heart, from fear/hate to love.

Jeanne; love is love. But in my opinion it needs to be supported with good communication skills, patience, understanding, empathy...& the like; that's where I was going with my earlier comment." Beata

My thought reflects the love that I desire. I am conscious of the focus of my thinking, and more love is manifesting now.

‎"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2

Is love really all we need? Dr. Raymond Charles Barker, a highly esteemed minister and author, very simply wrote, "No." Love may be the greatest of all emotions, but we also have the power of Mind to balance the high voltage of love with the wondrous intelligence of the Infinite.
Science of Mind magazine It was Barker's belief that "love has to be balanced with wisdom." ...

Salianne Gelic:
A Course In Miracles: Lesson 1- Nothing I See In This Room , on this street , from this window , in this place, means anything. ·

Meredith Pavlidi; i bought one and sent it to a family member too ;)
Sallyan Gelic: great Meredith we can share lessons soon xx

Ron Alexander: Love is all there is and means everything.

Meredith Pavlidi: Love is a Presence
Love is an Intelligence
Love is a Principle
Love is Light
Love is a Substance
...Love is an Activity
Love is Power

And I AM the Full Divine Expression of these Magnificent Activities of Divine Love, now made manifest in my being and world, in all their Glory, Grace and Victory!

I am so grateful Meredith! "Love is letting go of fear." is one of the many great sayings in ACIM, however be careful of some of the "lessons" which I did 2x one per day for two years. Some of them like above just don't make sense. It is a ...psychological/spiritual text that demonizes the body, the ego & our world. The Bible does a better job with the body - "the temple of our spirit". and of course, the ego was not around back then. St. Francis of Assisi said "it is in letting go of the self, that we are born to eternal life". There the "self" can be interpreted as the ego, however one had better be ready to let go of the body to let go of the self or the ego. Also, Jesus said we could have "the Kingdom of God on earth" which ACIM says it is all illusion! Read the essence in ACIM such as "Love is the Essence of my being" and take the rest lightly.
By the way, I hope my comments critical of ACIM does not upset you or Meredith. I studied with the scribe(Dr. Bill Thetford) back in the 80's and he would just tell us to "tear out those pages" that demonized the ego and the body and the earth. He was a living role-model of living the Essence (Love) and let go of his body beautifully saying he had never felt so free in 1987. as One Essence, ron
Sallyan Gelic
Hi Ron ,
No I don't get upset by anything , we all have free will and expression and I actually appreciate your in put as a valuable teacher . Thanks for that .Love and Blessings xx

Ron Alexander:
Yea, the scribe was Dr. Bill Thetford! A beautiful Being! Realizing our essence is Love is the most important thing, and Meredith sent us a very inclusive definition of the Allness of Love, thanks in Oneness, ron

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