Saturday, February 26, 2011

Oneness Love is Creating Beautiful Changes

Love is the greatest healing agent on Earth for our body as well as for our affairs.
Love is more than a sentiment. It is a need, a hunger, a thirst that is perfectly natural. Anyone who thinks they can live and be happy without it does not know what they are talking about -- psychologically, emotionally, or spiritually. Love is the beginning and end, the impulse in nature that will not be denied.
There is one Spirit incarnated in everyone, an immortal presence causing everyone to live. What a difference it would make in our human relationships if we tried to sense the full meaning of the divine incarnate in all people and adjust our viewpoint to the truth that we are all bond together in the unity of God.
I respond lovingly to all persons. Recognizing that the spiritual life is the real life, I surround myself with love, the key to joyous living. Ernest Holmes
Derek Stone:
Control and manipulation of the Human Being that has been going on for a very long time is coming to an end. Vibrations are changing and we are all being given new opportunities to realize our divinity and to love each other. During the next 18 months we will all be affected by these changes depending upon our past and present life use of our free will and willingness to love. Change your mindset and give out love.
Vibrations are changing in our world in our lives and peoples true self are being revealed. It is now even more important than ever to realize who we really are and love one another. Present and coming Earth changes are a result of negative mass consciousness and we all have an opportunity to change this. Love yourself, others, Mother Earth our Universe and do it now from your Heart. Ye are Gods.

"AS ONE we will secure that every child born can experience growing up in PEACE, FREEDOM and LOVE, and that she is given all the tools and possibilities needed to have a dignified LIFE and grow to be an equal part of humanity so we can experience her totally unique and wondrous version of the ONE being/you. We will make all children of humanity feel LOVED and cherished"~Bent Kim Lundberg

Andy Skadberg:
What would love do? To me, you, everyone, and all life - all of existence, from experience to experience, breath to breath, sunrise to sunset, in the glimmer of the stars at night and every moment of all that I experience. Thank you Love for this opportunity to discover Love, Peace and Abundance within me that I promise, to myself and you to Share!

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