Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sailing Oneness

Life is like sailing, basically very simple, however when the big storm blows, everything can get very complex. Stress and anxiety can damage the rigging and even sink the vessel. One needs a Vessel that can withstand the high winds, and can feel safe in, regardless of the weather, the disturbance. Spirit within is always at peace, is always safe, is always love and joy. And this is the indestructilble Vessel of Oneness. The winds of Love will blow on eternally.
Simply, the truth of Oneness is our Safety, ron

What this means to me is simply realizing that we are all one, and that Oneness is our true natural state of being. We came to this world to remember this most fundamental of facts and to help each other remember it. True Spirituality is awakening to our true Oneness, rejecting all concepts of separation / division / duality. That's the whole secret right there.
- Daniel Endy
Steve Winn: What words like Oneness, Awakening and True Spirituality mean to me is the development we each go through to experience our connection and the unlimited potential with The Infinite Transcendent that flows within each of us and within which ...we each flow.The blocks to such experience are our lessons we each, in our own way and individually that challenge us to become the mindful observers and CEOs in each aspect of our lives. The blocks are the genetic, environmental and spiritual programming of physical and cortical neuronal systems the control our hormonal, emotional and perceptual experiences of what we have learned (naively and without awareness) is our world, our life, our experience.

Our work is that of practicing difference to that neuronal programming and with awareness and responsibility to develop new neuronal programming that opens the experiences of Oneness within us and for the world around us - by degree and by levels.

In simpler terms also Kahu, they say that our mission here in this human existence is to integrate and bring into alignment our three selves. It is through this integration that we may "experience" true oneness of Self ... although they don...'t really call it oneness as we perceive it to be.
Through the principles of Ho'oponopono, we must make things right with self first before it is possible to make things right with others. The oneness we may seek outside of our Self can only be experienced and shared once we are at one within. " not fighting to be right and mentaly projecting judgemnents of resistance, rightness and wrongness, but to malama ke aloha, take great care of the love vibrating in your inner world, pay great attention to any triggers, and charges of conditioned thoughts and witness, observe without judgement and learn the lessons that are great fortune as we become more love and aloha " would be the walk of "right with self".

I feel Daniel has missed an important point though when he states, " rejecting all concepts of separation / division / duality." To reject anything is still separation from that thing you are rejecting and contradicts the statement of " not fighting to be right and mentaly projecting judgemnents of resistance, rightness and wrongness,".

Our concepts of separation etc are all the constructs of the Ego mind mid-self that are intrinsic with the creation of being human. To reject them is to reject the mid-self which then makes it impossible to integrate all 3 self's into the oneness of our consciousness with the Divine.

Reject nothing ... EXPERIENCE everything that you create with gratitude for the opportunity given to learn and evolve ... embrace and love ALL aspects of your existence as a Spirit having a human experience ... don't be concerned with whether or not you judge, for the human-ness aspect of you will ALWAYS judge, but be consciously aware of what you "decide" to do with those judgments, and then take FULL responsibility for the consequences of your decisions.

Do all of these things with true Aloha for your Self and you will naturally and effortlessly experience a true connection with ALL of your 3 Self's along with ALL of The Divine's creations.

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