Friday, November 5, 2010

Love on Earth

Ron Alexander: So nice to be back on regular schedule, getting up and meditating, getting into mindfulness and doing one chore peacefully at a time. Communicating with sweet friends locally and all over the world. Nice steady rain outside - sounds so good on tin roof, and fresh smells wafting in from trees and plants outside. Life can be Heaven On Earth! May all Beings be happy, peaceful and free! in Oneness, ron

Derek Stone, Patricia Gianniou, Angela Martin Diggs and 10 others like this..

Ron Alexander: Thanks Barb, you are so inspirational and supportive - Love it, and You!
Eva Tzouma: Hello my very dear friend! Yes, it's so wonderful of finding the pace of your daily life knowing that you are surrounded by favorite friends. I hope you stay well, full of virtuous love for all and everyone around you!
Ron Alexander: Thanks Eva, you reminded me of this quote from Greg Braden:
"I am worth loving. I do not have to earn love. I am lovable because I exist. Others reflect the love I have for myself." Louise L. Hay
Jeanne Porter Ashley likes this..
Ron Alexander: And here is a chance for another great thought: David Mac Randle:
PERFECT LOVE IS: When You Truly Love Your Enemy ♥
2 peopleJeanne Porter Ashley and Eva Tzouma like this..
Angela Martin Diggs: beautiful♥
Ron Alexander: Pablo Casals: "The love of one's country is a natural thing. But why should love stop at the border?"

Derek: Open your Heart to Love, Open your Mind to Love, Open your Soul to Love and be grateful for who you are, what you are and why you are here. We have all re-incarnated here to have an opportunity (freewill) to learn the meaning of Love for our Creator, our Selves and Others and with each learning we experience more of the Heaven that is within us all. We are all Divine Beings (Gods in the re-making), Love Everybody.

Noy Traba-g:
Be stirred, my love.
The ocean is immense;
The drop feels insecure suspended alone.
Love merges lovers,
The drop becomes the ocean.
...Be scared, my love.
The contours will blur;
The boundaries of supremacy will fade.
Love melts lovers,
Runs them together into one ocean.
Be sacred, my love.
Stop dancing alone;
Hold hands in the dance of unity.
Love mesmerises lovers,
Bewitches them into waves of one ocean.
... SWISH!!!

There is only one problem and one solution. The problem is that you think you're separate from God, and the solution is that you are wrong."... :-) ~A Course In Miracles

GOD IS LIFE"(Love)! The egoist, the blind and the selfish do not see this, that GOD can only be "Right Now" in this Moment, even so in every breath you take you take! Wake Up and Fear Not." ~~♥♥ Anthony Lorenzo Gordon..

Bent Kim Lundberg: Beautiful. If you are here NOW god is here NOW, for god is as much inside you as you are inside god. There is only ONE being, and you are it. ♥♥♥
Eva Tzouma
Nothing is secret anymore. The truth unfolds before our eyes, waiting to embrace it. Be the eternal seeker of that with passion, love and a sincere desire of the heart. The eternal lover of truth always gets so wonderful, unexpected gifts from the ever-swirling universe. Good morning to everyone!!!
Ron Alexander: Thanks Eva, Here is Truth that really resonates with me: "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear...(for) God is love. --1 john 4:18, 16 Thanks Love!

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