Friday, November 5, 2010

Giving Thanks - A Good Month to Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

Veronica Walker:
Yes, I'm so this for the rest of November...each day take time to post what you are thankful for...great way to start any day! Here goes...I'm thankful for the peace in my life!Kelly Faith Payne I am thankful for choice, that we have the ability to choose.
I am thankful for growth, that comes from that choice.
I am thankful for freedom, that comes from growth.
I am thankful for life, that comes from that freedom.
I am thankful for my friends, that come from that life.
I am thankful for my children, that come from love.

Ron Alexander: I am very grateful, Veronica for starting this post and Kelly for a very thoughtful list. I am thankful for Truth that gives me freedom from fear, anxiety which gives me peace, joy and love in my life. My Oneness with Divine Love And friends like you two who help me realize this Truth! Here is Truth that really resonates with me: "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear...(for) God is love. --1 john 4:18, 16 Thanks Love!

Lesta Sue Hardee:
Thanksgiving. I am thankful for my Family. The Love in my life. The Joy in my life. The Friends in my life. I am thankful that i have a job to go to this morning.
Ron Alexander: Thank you, Lesta Sue! Veronica and I are collecting and collating gratitude quotes like yours. I am sharing your sweet thoughts! Thanks for being my Friend!
Ron Alexander Thanks Veronica, I am so glad that Heaven is right here and now.
Veronica Walker: Love ya "ONE" Ron, peace within oneself is where you find your heaven. Just being still and hearing the sounds of the world is so beautiful such peace at the magnificent ocean with the breeze blowing through your hair against your face held to the sun. Namaste28 minutes ago ·
Ron Alexander: Right on, VerONEica - Whereever I find bliss, love or peace I find Heaven on Earth, and usually they are combined! Last night, I had a Divine Hand Massage - "The Kingdom is at hand."!

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