Friday, November 5, 2010

ACIM false ideas & Better Ideas

‎"The dreams you think you like would hold you back as much as those in which the fear is seen. For every dream is but a dream of fear, no matter what the form it seems to take. The fear is seen within, without, or both. Or it can be disguised in pleasant form. But never is it absent from the dream, for fear is the material of dreams, from which they all are made." - ACIM

.Unity Walker Oh, yes! Even the pleasantest of dreams in this world distract us from Reality, for in chasing after them we betray our fear of that which would set us free if we would only turn and face it in love.

I am inspired by so many ideas from ACIM, however the above thoughts and any body/ego demonizing thoughts, I find hurtful to Life!

Unity Walker
Trying to make this finite world a "better place" is like trying to sweep a beach free of sand. But realize it is a mirage and that behind the mirage there is a reality and that you and your brethren, living inside the Creator ARE that REALITY, LOVE, in the Universe IT made, and the sand and the beach will disappear, leaving behind only the reality. AUM, AMEN, I AM.

Ron Alexander: God is in the sand and the beach, and living near one,leave the sand and beach alone - don't mess with Nature - Heaven can be here on Earth, thank God!

Better Ideas:
Craig Moriarty:
To say that all that appears is illusion, is a consciousness of negation. Oneness is a consciousness of inclusion. The two are not reconcilable.

Tree L. Bolling: It is what it is!
Benny Silverman: So then true inclusion would have to also include all that isn't. Do I understand you correctly? After all, an illusion really isn't, is it?
Craig Moriarty: There is nothing that isn't. All is.
Benny Silverman: Is it possible that all appearances do deceive? Quantum physics is now raising some serious questions about the reality of what seems to appear.
Ron Alexander ‎"What you see is what you get." Flip Wilson
Craig Moriarty: I agree that we do create our experience Benny. I just see the Divine purpose in doing so. As we evolve in consciousness so does the quality of our experience. Nothingness just bores the shit out of me. That why I Am creating still.
Gilbert Schultz: The appearance of things is a trace of energy patterns. Things are not what they appear to be. Consciousness is neither affirming or negating. It includes both. Awareness is non dual and is beyond duality.
Alex Ashot Ikilikian: I deeply know and feel that my way into Oneness is through all-inclusive Love ♥
Gilbert Schultz: Start with that and the way in is unnecessary.
Tree L. Bolling: Anything that could ever be is waiting on our focus. Our attention is what creates "what is" out of "what could be." Options to choose from are endless.
Gilbert Schultz: That is just another concept believed in. Silent, wordless reality is never altered by words or belief.
Alex Ashot Ikilikian: Consciousness is Everything... there is Nothing but Consciousness... there is also a Divine Paradox- the Gate to Infinity where mind fails to understand, that's where we drop the mind to enter the Ecstasy of Infinity ♥
Gilbert Schultz: No one enters. You are already there. it is only belief that suggests the 'terrain'.
Alex Ashot Ikilikian: Yes, agree Gilbert :)) that's what I mean words fail to describe what Spirit wants to say... The language is built on an different paradigm altogether-descriptive words like "enter"... I mean drop the mind and you are there ;)
Gilbert Schultz: Words are not built upon anything but emptiness. One must discover one's nothingness first. Then all concepts are known to be merely concepts. Concept can never truly bind the spirit.
Alex Ashot Ikilikian: Yes Gilbert, Wisdom teaches Emptiness and Love teaches Fullness... I believe Enlightenment is Oneness of these two ♥
Craig Moriarty: There is no wisdom without love. But there is empty intellectualism without love. Words are only empty when they are devoid of wisdom because there is no love in them. Love can fill anything where it finds reception, including words.
Gilbert Schultz: Everything is LOVE. Love is light. Everything is light. Reality does not need to be affirmed or negated. What is, is.
The mind is dualistic and can never rest upon naked love.
It will always divide the light into light and shadows.
The contrast of life is beautiful.
Ron Alexander: Brilliant Dialogue, guys! Thanks to All!
Read post below - Craig's "It is all real to me. It is my knowledge that we are multidimensional beings..." The problem is if one thinks that this world is illusion & the next life or dimension is better, then one will not value this life as much. This forward thinking leads to things like the "manifest destiny" and suicide bombing because "paradise" is awaiting.
Craig, when I read this on your post "to say all that appears is illusion is a consciousness of negation..." I recognized truth, and checked it out with Spirit Guides and they agree! # 32 comment: " It is all real to me. It is my knowledge that we are multidimensional beings. This allows for infinite variables in experience and consciousness. None of it more or less real than any other. There is no divine rule that says the experience ...or consciousness has to be consistent for us all, for it to be real or for it to be meaningful. Nothing is wasted. All lends to Divine intent. All get the experience they require. Even the darkest of the dark serves Divine purpose. This is a definition of Oneness in my consciousness. If we have to call it illusion, then fine. But if we are saying in calling it illusion that it has no purpose or value, that is not truth. There is nothing without purpose or it would not be perceptive to consciousness. The omnipotent, omnipresent Consciousness that we are one with does not bother to perceive anything without purpose."#33 comment: The point I was trying to make mostly is that if people see this world as illusion and the "next dimension (heaven) as "Reality", then this world is not valued as this life is not valued and this forward type of thinking leads to sacrificing oneself for the future - manifest destiny & "Paradise of the 1000 virgins

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