Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thankful for "Kingdom being at hand" - A Divine Hand Massage

I read a couple of verses last night that included "The Kingdom being at hand" & " your right hand are pleasures forevermore." This could have set up Spirit giving me a gentle ecstatic hand massage after I went to bed. I woke up in much bliss around 3am and noticed my hand sticking up beside my pillow was being sweetly rubbed. I just lied there in twilight sleep just taking it in, smiling & luxuriating in Spirit's Healing.
I am so grateful that the Kingdom of God - Heaven is right here right now!
"Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."
Matthew 6:10
I think there is reality and there is Reality, illusions and Reality. The problem is if one thinks that this world is illusion & the next life or dimension is better, then one will not value this life as much. This forward thinking leads to things like the "manifest destiny" and suicide bombing because "paradise" is awaiting.
Craig wrote:
"It is all real to me. It is my knowledge that we are multidimensional beings.
This allows for infinite variables in experience and consciousness. None of it
more or less real than any other. There is no divine rule that says the
experience or consciousness has to be consistent for us all, for it to be real
or for it to be meaningful. Nothing is wasted. All lends to Divine intent. All
get the experience they require. Even the darkest of the dark serves Divine
purpose. This is a definition of Oneness in my consciousness. If we have to
call it illusion, then fine. But if we are saying in calling it illusion that it
has no purpose or value, that is not truth. There is nothing without purpose or
it would not be perceptive to consciousness. The omnipotent, omnipresent
Consciousness that we are one with does not bother to perceive anything without

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